


Of course, most of us have a much easier time knowing our strengths than identifying our weaknesses.

Strengths are great and help you achieve.

But those very human weaknesses have a part to play in your life, too.


We rounded up the best for ourlist of strengths和弱点,以及一些有用的例子。

See which qualities jump out as you read.

Benefits of Knowing Your Character Strengths and Weaknesses

而人才和“礼物”是每个人与生俱来的n, strengths are qualities you can cultivate in yourself and encourage in others.

Strengths are teachable. So are weaknesses.


But to live consciously and grow into your potential, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses you have.

Before we dive into the lists, let’s consider the benefits of that knowledge:

  • Knowing your weaknesses makes it possible to work on them— If you know the tools you have on hand and the challenges you face, it’s much easier to make the most of the former and mitigate the risks from the latter. Knowledge is a tactical advantage as well as a strength in itself. You can’t fix what you can’t see.
  • 知道自己的长处会改善健康和福祉— Knowing your strengths helps withpositive self-talk,促进信心和自爱,同时减少负面情绪,自我批评和孤独。您如何看待自己会对您的整体健康和幸福能力产生重大影响。
  • Knowing your weaknesses helps you empathize with those who share them— Knowing your specific character weaknesses enables you to recognize them in others, too. And instead of judging them for what you see, you’re more likely to empathize with them. You may even learn from them how to deal with those weaknesses.
  • Knowing your strengths and weaknesses helps you appreciate diversity- 没有人像您一样,但是其他许多种族,性别和信仰的人都可以分享您的一些优点和短处。看到这可以帮助您欣赏自己的差异以及与他人的共同点。
  • Knowing your strengths gives you a social and professional advantage— The sooner you know your strengths, the more easily you see them in others and can use that to build and nurture personal and professional relationships. Knowing yourself is essential to knowing and using your best advantages.
  • Knowing your strengths makes it possible to develop and use them— If you know your strengths, you can consciously apply them, which reinforces them and helps them grow, to your benefit and that of other people. Also, the more you use your strengths, the more you see their potential — and your own.
  • Developing and applying your strengths makes life richer and more fulfilling— Knowing and applying your strengths opens doors to more opportunities to use them. Taking advantage of those opportunities leads to learning and growth, which are essential to your fulfillment and life satisfaction.
  • Knowledge and cultivation of strengths lead to greater success— The more you play to your strengths, the better your life becomes, and the more clearly you see the kind of success that really matters to you. Putting your strengths to work and addressing your weaknesses helps you become the person you want to be.
  • 了解您的弱点可以帮助您将它们变成优势— Sometimes, a weakness is a strength in disguise; the real problem isn’t the quality itself but its overgrowth. Other times, something at the heart of that weakness can be a strength. Your tendency to reserve doesn’t表现为害羞。



Strength Traits:

Personality strengths (or character strengths) are qualities thatshape how you live,谈话并从小就采取行动。顾名思义,他们一路帮助您。


1. Seeing / Looking for the Good in Others

2. Honest / Forthright / Frank / Sincere

3. Authentic / Genuine

4.自信 /自信 /大胆


6. Patient / Enduring

7. Kind / Compassionate / Merciful

8.决定性 /快速思维

9. Determined / Indefatigable / Unsinkable

10. Creative / Imaginative

11. Intelligent / Brilliant / Sensible

12. Perceptive / Alert

13. Intuitive

14. Wise / Insightful


16.好奇 /好奇

17. Sociable / Friendly / Gregarious

18. Well-rounded

19. Resourceful

20.彻底 /小心

21. Conscientious / Hard-working / Diligent

22. Efficient / Focused

23. Organized / Orderly

24.交流 /开放

25. Generous / Giving

26. Humble / Teachable

27. Persuasive / Emotionally Intelligent

28.合理 /公平

29. Charismatic / Natural Leader

30. Practical / No-Nonsense


32. Innovative / Inventive

33. Adaptable

34. Responsible


36. Loyal / Faithful

37. Flexible / Open-minded / Broad-minded

38.勇敢 /勇敢 /愿意冒险

39. Helpful / Cooperative / Team Player

40. Energetic

41. Reliable / Punctual / Dependable


43. Trustworthy

44.整洁 /整洁 /细致

Weakness Traits:

Like strengths, weaknesses impact how you think, act, and speak. But unlike strengths, weaknesses hinder rather than help you along the way.

Still, we prefer to think of them as personal challenges rather than defects. When you’re aware of your weaknesses, and you take action to address them, growth becomes easier.

45. Unkind / Merciless / Lacking in compassion

46.不公正 /对司法无动于衷

47.懒惰 /懒惰 /懒惰

48. gluttonous /缺乏自我控制

49. Greedy / Grasping

50.傲慢 /自负 /精英主义者

51.好色 /由欲望统治

52. Envious / Covetous

53.不考虑 /无意识

54.独立于极端 /无法或不愿意寻求帮助

55. Cynical / Pessimistic / Expecting the Worst

56. Distrusting of Authority / Rebellious

57. Guarded / Unable to Trust

58.超然 /不社交或无社会 /反社会

59. Resentful / Bitter / Unforgiving

60. Argumentative / Querulous

61.不诚实 /不诚实

62.片状 /不可靠

63. Narcissistic / Self-Centered

64. Short-tempered / Combative

65. Needing to be Right (all the time)

66. Perfectionist / Compulsive / Nit-picking

67. Inflexible / Stubborn / Obstinate

68.幽默 /无法嘲笑自己

69.扮演受害者 /责怪他人

70. Refusing to Take Responsibility (for your own words and actions)

71.避免冲突 /被动攻击

72.不屑一顾 /无情 /缺乏同理心

73. Insecure / Lacking in Self-Confidence / Shy

74.专横 /独裁 /急流

75.操纵 /控制

76. Workaholic / Addicted to work or to productivity

77.胸怀狭窄 /狭narrow

78. Unfaithful / Disloyal / Untrustworthy

79. Aggressive / Seeking to Intimidate or Bully Others

80. Impulsive / Careless / Acting without Thinking

81. Unorganized / Messy / Chaotic

82. Sloppy / Unkempt / Unhygienic

83.屈服 / ped

84.判断 /迅速判断

85. Risk-Avoidant / Risk-Averse

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1.“他是杰出的有创造力的and funny as hell. And to top it off, he’s got the kind ofconfidenceI wish I had.”

2. “She’s hopeful but guarded. Shewants to see the goodin everyone, but experience has taught her to be careful—sometimes too careful. She needs a friend.”

3.“您永远不会遇到更慷慨的人,authentic, and genuinely kind than Mitch. He was there for us when everyone else forgot we existed.”

4.“自从她开始speaking upfor herself and承担更多风险, her life has gone from bleak and boring to rich and fascinating. I’m taking a page out of her book.”

5. “I know it sounds like a small thing. But not everyone would have made sure that lost child was safely reunited with his family. Not everyone iskind.”

6. “She’sbraverthan I was at her age. She didn’t hesitate when the teacher asked her to perform in front of everyone. And if she was nervous, she didn’t show it.”

7.“他是我最喜欢的学习伙伴,不是因为他的智慧,而是因为他的思想工作方式。他很不高兴curious. And he sees the most bizarre connections. I can’t help but laugh at some of them. He’s changed the way I think.”


Now, to be fair, let’s see some examples of personality weaknesses to see how they play out in real life (or in fiction):

1.“当他给她的刑期中一半dismissivewave, muttered something she couldn’t quite hear, and walked off to greet someone else.”



4. “He’s not a bad doctor, really. But thatcondescending当我要经过劳动时,他采取的语气……他很幸运,我无法接触他。”

5. “She can’t seem to help trying toboss people aroundeven though she’s not the boss anymore. That’s about to catch up.”

6. “He has a很难信任任何人,甚至那些尽最大努力赢得他的信任的人。好像他不能在别人身上看到他对人们所期望的一切。没有什么可以凹陷。”




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