Is It Time To Turn And Walk Away? 75 Walking Away Quotes To Give You The Push You Need

Letting go of someone or something is rarely easy.



And even if that did happen, turning around and taking that first step is pretty daunting.

Are you in a situation where you suspect it’s time (or past time) to walk away, but perhaps you’re having trouble?

If so, then the walk-away quotes below are calling your name.




You’re in there somewhere – reflecting the situation you happen to be in right now.


These words were written to stiffen your backbone and give you the resolve to do what must be done.

1.“相信自己,离开的情况nd people that don’t have your best interest at heart.” – Ben Ruston

2. “The chains that break you, are the chains that make you. And the chains that make you, are the chains you break.” ― Anthony Liccione

3.“观察蝴蝶的行为,没有人追逐,因为他们只会躲避你。”- 迈克尔·巴西·约翰逊(Michael Bassey Johnson)

4.“生活太短了,无法实现,您不会欠任何人,尤其是您的时间,精力和关注。”- 奥利·安德森(Oli Anderson)

5.“最后,只有三件事很重要:你有多爱,你的生活多么温和,你多么优雅放开东西not meant for you.”―Gautama Buddha

6.“有些人相信坚持下去并挂在那里是强大的迹象。但是,有时候需要更多的力量来知道何时放手然后去做。” - Ann Lander


8. “Sometimes you have to walk away from people, not because you don’t care, but because they don’t.”―Melchor Lim

9. “Courage is the power to let go of the familiar.”―Raymond Lindquist

10.“当他们不友善地对待您并试图破坏您的一天,停下来,祈祷和走开(SPW)” - Charmaine J. Forde

11. “Selfhood begins with a walking away, And love is proved in letting go.”―Cecil Day-Lewis

12.“知道什么时候走开是智慧。能够勇气。带着恩典走开,你的头高是尊严。” - ritu ghatourey

13.“您不需要任何人就可以走开。”- 巴里·达文波特(Barrie Davenport)

14.“不知道要等待,走开还是更努力地是一种美丽的感觉。您生活,死亡,同时重生。”- 萨尔维什·贾恩(Sarvesh Jain)

15.”一旦您意识到自己应该得到光明的未来,放开黑暗的过去就是您将做出的最佳选择。” - Roy T. Bennett

Strong Woman Walking Away Quotes

Any of the sad walking away quotes above can apply to women, but there are some words that just women need to hear. Here are some sayings forstrong women为了提醒他们,他们有勇气在需要时继续前进。

16.“一个坚强的女人会自动停止尝试,如果她感到不需要。她不会修复它或乞求。她会走开。”- 未知

17.“女人会忍受很多,因为她们很坚强,但是将她们推得太远,一个坚强的女人会离开而不会回头。”- 巴里·达文波特(Barrie Davenport)

18.“坚强的女人很累。坚强的女人感到破碎。坚强的女人最终受够了。坚强的女人最终将永远走开。”- 未知

19.“我不想想要我应得的东西,也不害怕走开去找到它。”- R.H. Sin

20.“她宁愿在黑暗中独自行走,也不愿跟随别人的阴影。”- R.G.月亮

21.“问题不是谁来让我。问题是谁来阻止我。”- 艾恩·兰德(Ayn Rand)

22.“最简单的事情是留下来,但是我从来没有一个人接受简单的道路。我有能力走开。”- 未知

23. “Strong women don’t have to think twice about letting go of someone toxic. Walking away is always their first instinct.” – Barrie Davenport

24. “I will never stay in a relationship with a man who resents my strength and power. A man who doesn’t respect who I am isn’t a man worth sticking around for.” – Unknown




这很难,但是有时您只需要摆脱一个人或情况就可以保持理智。这首先是 - 永远。
