Feeling Rejected By Your Family? 17 Not-So-Subtle Signs They Don’t Care About You

Life can be excruciatingwhen your family doesn’t support you.


The recurring thought ofmy family doesn’t careabout memay be racing through your head, which is terrible for your mental health.


For example, teenagers throughout the ages have clashed with their parents.

Other times, it crosses a line and enters the arena ofemotional abuse.

So today, we’re looking at signs that yourfamily isn’t a good fitand what to do about it.

What are the迹象表明您的家人讨厌您吗?

It may depend on your people.

However, we’ve curated this list of 17 possibilities culled from leading research.

17 Signs Your Family Doesn’t Care About You


人们经常忽略他们不在乎的人。哎呀,你也可能也这样做。这是人性。但是当你的时候父母刷你, it’s deeply hurtful.

girl neglected by other girls signs your family doesn’t care about you


If you’re having doubts about your family’s affection for you, tell them how you’re feeling. Their reaction will serve as a good barometer.


If it’s the former, your concerns are likely valid.

If it’s the latter, you probably have nothing to worry about. Everyone goes through rough patches — especially parents.

2. Belittling You Is Commonplace

Are your family members constantly cutting you down? Do they slam your joys on the floor and stomp on them? When people don’t like you, they go out of their way to make you miserable. They get off on belittling you.

That said, some people joke around by poking fun. So try not to be oversensitive. Teasing every once in a while is fine. Some may even say it builds character. Malicious and pervasive shaming, however, is toxic.

3. Promises Are Frequently Broken

Do family members persistently welch on their promises and commitments to you? It could be a sign that they center themselves. After all, people tend not to sweat it when they forget to do favors for folks they’re not fond of.

man feeling rejected by family signs your family doesn’t care about you

But again, try not to jump to conclusions over a few incidents. Sometimes, life legitimately gets in the way. Cutting people slack is the kind thing to do. If it becomes a pattern, you have every right to take offense.

4. They’re Overly Critical


Most frustratingly, they get on your case about faults they also have.


But if they’re dismissive, it may be time to stop caring what they think.

5. Making Fun of You Is a Ritual

Are they constantly calling you the “black sheep” of the family despite knowing it bothers you? Do they always saddle you with tasks and responsibilities nobody else wants to do? What about mutual respect?


You deserve decency and respect, just like everybody else.

6. They Never Acknowledge Your Accomplishments

忽视成就是unca的另一个策略ring family members. Though people who indulge in this behavior can never admit it, their contemptuous disinterest is usually rooted in jealousy.

所以把小反应赞美!他们don’t celebrate your achievements because they’re envious of them.

7. They Consistently Breach Your Privacy

What’s theirs is theirs and what’s yours is theirs. Sound familiar? People who treat you like this don’t respect you. Yes, sharing is caring and all that.


However, this is another point with a few caveats. If you’re a teenager and your parents are worried about you, they may go through your things to find clues about your behavior or why you’re acting super sullen.

Yes, it’s unfair and annoying, but it’s also the opposite of uncaring. It’s ultimately an act of love.

8. They Rarely Talk To You

Do you get a mumble here and there? Do they know anything about your life — or you theirs?


husband and wife whispering about something signs your family doesn’t care about you

Moreover, some people who are neurodivergent or bipolar may have different communication styles.

9. They’re Uninterested in Learning About You

It hurts when people couldn’t care less about who you are — it can be excruciating when those people are your family members.


Families that make zero effort to communicate with you or learn your emotional ins and outs aren’t worth your effort.

Don’t focus energy on their unenthusiastic and disinterested attitudes. Instead, channel it into something you enjoy.

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10. They Dismiss Your Feelings


Since they were taught never to show their emotions, they become uncomfortable when others show theirs. So before jumping to conclusions, reflect on the cause of their dismissiveness. After all, stoic individuals aren’t bad; they just have a different approach to life.

11. Call You “Dramatic” or “Attention-Seeking”


If your family members lob this in your direction regularly, start building a circle of friends who understand you.


12. They Gaslight You

Gaslighting is a manipulative technique that makes people question reality. For example, an abusive partner may hit you and then deny it happened.


13. Apologies Are Delivered With a Spoonful of Snark

A sign of maturation is being able to apologize sincerely. Sure, younger people struggle with this skill. After all, the human brain doesn’t fully develop until our late 20s.

但是,到达30多岁并且仍然很难说“对不起”的人通常是在病理上是自我吸收或有narcissistic personality disorder.

If you have family members like this, do your best to brush off their pettiness. You’ll be better off for it. This type of behavior is eye-roll worthy, and you shouldn’t waste a single second on adults who can’t muster a simple apology.

14. You’re Not Included in Family Events

Do you hate itwhen your family excludes you?如果是这样的话,恭喜你,你适应了!拜因g the odd person out feels awful. But if your family always does this to you, don’t take it personally. It’s tough to soldier through but try.

Sometimes, people simply don’t get along, and just because you’re not like them doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. There’s a “heart home” for everyone; it may take a little time to find, but you’ll eventually get there.

15. They’re Hyper-Competitive


If your family behaves this way with you, they may signal that they’re more concerned with beating you than being there for you.

16. They Lie

Lies can cause practical problems and a whole lot of heartache. And while everyone drops little white fibs to spare feelings or get by, whopper-sized untruths are a different story. If your parents or relatives lie to you regularly to make themselves look or feel better, there’s a chance they don’t care about you in the way family members should.

17. They Try To Control You


It’s not good parenting to threaten kids with disownment or punish them withsilent treatment. Things worsen when other family members berate you for not marching in lockstep with your parent’s wishes. If this is happening to you, consider seeking out a guidance counselor at school. They may be able to help.

signs your family doesn't care about you


狮子座托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)的“安娜·卡雷尼娜(Anna Karenina)”的第一句话写道:“幸福的家庭都是一样的;每个不快乐的家庭都以自己的方式不高兴。”这是一条著名的台词,因为它拥有几代真理。


But when it comes to reasons why families ostracize certain members, psychologists and sociologists have identified a few commonalities.

  • You’re Different:我们被幸福家庭的媒体图像所淹没。我们被告知这是理想的。但是现实经常不同。您可以说幸福的家庭是例外,而不是常态。有时,人们根本不适合亲戚,甚至是父母和兄弟姐妹。要理解的重要事情是您没有有缺陷;您与他们不同。
  • 它们是自恋或以病理自我为中心的:People with narcissistic personality disorder and those who are otherwise consumed with themselves may not know how to treat others properly. They expect folks to handle them impeccably but don’t return the favor.
  • 他们Have Terrible Role Models:It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but people with terrible role models often turn out terribly.
  • 有药物滥用问题:Addiction is a beast, and people who suffer under its grip and influence can behave atrociously.
  • 他们很浅,痴迷于状态:Shallow, status-obsessed people value things above people. As a result, they can dismiss folks who aren’t materially useful to them. They may see family members as drains and treat them poorly.


You’ve established that you and your family don’t fit like a hand in a glove. Now what?

Seek Therapy

For many people, therapy is a wondrous, helpful journey. Thousands of people have weathered challenging circumstances thanks to the help of a counselor. If your family situation is untenable, consider seeing someone.



Before you can healthily move on to a life filled with people you love and who love you back, it’s essential to accept the reality of your family dynamics.

Skipping this step can result in a slew of complications down the road, from addiction issues to severe depression.

Make Your Own Family


Be friendly, compassionate, and honest. Join groups that revolve around your interests or use platforms likeMeetup.com. It may take some time, but eventually, you’ll find your niche.

Do a Separation Ritual

It may sound a little too woo-woo for some, but performing a separation ritual works for many people. You can pull from cultural or religious observances or make up your own!

So long as it cements a sense of closure in your psyche, it works. Besides, rituals are fun — and you deserve a bit of magic in your life.


When you love yourself, life is much easier to handle.自爱给您自信和同情 - 为您自己和他人。


How do you know if a family member doesn’t care about you?

It’s fairly obvious when family members don’t treat you with respect. They’re mean, aloof, and don’t extend an ounce of tenderness or concern. If you’re lucky, they may shoot you a one-line email on your birthday — a day late.


Just because people are related to you genetically doesn’t mean you’ll get along. If your family is constantly criticizing andbelittlingyou, your beliefs, and your decisions, there’s a chance they dislike you.

How do you tell if your parents don’t care about you?

Generally speaking, if your parents are unkind to you often, there’s a chance that they’re not good parents and don’t understand how to nurture children appropriately.

What are the signs of a toxic family?

Toxic families are much more common than many people realize. Notably, statistics suggest that between 70% and 80% of Americans label their kinfolk as dysfunctional.

An inability to support and love one another is typically the hallmark of toxic clans.

Accepting that your family isn’t a good fit is a difficult hurdle to clear — but millions of folks have done it.

With a dose of self-confidence, strength, and perspective, you can too.

Remember: There’s a family out there for everyone.

You may not be related to them by blood or through adoption, but they’ll love you — warts and all.


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