
According to the stats, 50% of marriages结束.


So how do the people who stay together do it?


但实际上,一个good marriage实际上是要采用正确的心态并实施一些生活方式的改变。

所以今天,我们正在处理硬币的一侧并看着how to be a good wife.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Wife?

Being a good wifeisn’t about submissiveness or pleasing your husband’s every whim.


Every relationship is different, but the qualities of a good wife often include being:

  • Financially responsible
  • Respectful of yourself and your spouse
  • Invested in the relationship
  • 在好时光和坏时的支持
  • 交流

How to Be A Better Wife: 31 Actions to Improve Your Marriage


Remember, however, that every marriage is different. What works for one couple may not work for another.

So we invite you to read through our 31 tips, pick what feels good for you, and leave the rest.




Of course. But if your goal is a harmonious marriage, learn how to argue productively.

2. Practice Self-Care

You can’t show up for someone else if you don’t show up for yourself. So indulge, sister friend! Take those baths.

Get those mani-pedis. Go to that yoga class! And yes, eat healthily. Because when you feel good, life is much easier — and when life’s more manageable, your relationship wins.


You’re married now, so leave the games behind. It’s tiring and only causes problems. Be upfront about your needs and wants — and allow your spouse to do the same.

You’ll have enough things to worry about over the years — especially if you have kids. So toss the mind games aside.

4. Learn To Tune Them Out

When you’re with someone, day in and out, little things they do will start to eat away at your sanity like a moth on cashmere.

Maybe it’s the noises they make in the morning, their utter disregard for the kitchen rules, or how they repeatedly tell that same dumb story like a skipping record!

If you learn to tune them out in these instances, you’ll save yourself hours of annoyance. And if you do it right, they won’t be able to tell you’re somewhere else.


Yes, you’ve tied the knot. But you don’t need to be together every minute you’re not working. Everyone needs time to decompress — so give it.


6. Give Yourself Space

Don’t forgetabout yourself! You also need space. Avoid becoming a stress bomb on the verge of exploding. Claim some alone time to clear your head when needed.

7. Develop Goals and Support Theirs

A good marriage involves two thriving people. Having goals — individually and together — bonds you. When things are lopsided, and only one person’s dreams are prioritized, resentment festers.

Fulfillment is a two-way street. Support your spouse’s endeavors as well as your own. Remember to ask questions and offer encouragement. Be mindful of their milestones and acknowledge them.



2014年,加里·查普曼(Gary Chapman)博士出版了“ 5种爱情语言:持续的爱的秘密”。这是一个热门歌曲,多年来,他的建议帮助数百万夫妇加强了他们的关系。

couple sweet and laughing how to be a better wife

You can read more about it here, but for this discussion, know there are five love languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch.

Figure out your spouse’s love language and cater to it. Identifying the right combination takes a lot of frustration out of any relationship.


Do not take it to the streets no matter how angry, annoyed, or frustrated you get with your spouse! Deal with your issues behind closed doors. In public, always strive to be respectful and supportive of each other.

Go to events alone if you’re going through a rough patch and can’t handle being civil to your spouse. It’s better than making a scene.

10. Address Issues

Letting issues metastasize is unwise. It curdles like three-week-old milk. When problems arise, nip them in the bud as soon as possible. In short,being a wife涉及很多解决问题。

11. Send Loving Messages


Your spouse doesn’t need a message every hour. Heck, they probably don’t need one every day. But every so often, it’s a welcome and warm surprise.

12. Don’t Nag

It may sound old-fashioned, but don’t nag. Do you like when people pester you? Extend your spouse the same courtesy. If they keep forgetting to do something, put a reminder on their phone calendar instead. Use devices to your advantage!


More often than not, it’s the little things we remember. If you know they have a big meeting or presentation, make sure you don’t drop a bomb the night before.

Send a message of encouragement when you know they’ll be nervously sitting in the doctor’s waiting room.

Remembering the little things makes a big, loving impression.

14. Apologize If You Misread Him

偶尔戏弄每个人都很好 - 甚至很有趣。学习嘲笑自己是健康的。但是,不要以“笑话”为幌子不断贬低您的配偶。它变老了。

There will be times when you incorrectly read the room, and they’re not as amenable as you assumed to some jocularity. Apologize quickly and sincerely, then give them space. It will blow over soon enough.

15. Be a Good Listener

Don’t ever underestimate the power of listening. One of the best things about being married is having someone by your side with whom you can open up unreservedly. You needn’t have all the answers, just a sympathetic ear.

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Being a good wife means being a good cheerleader! Let your spouse know you think they’re smart, capable, and good enough just the way they are. Sing their praises no matter the circumstances.


Couples that share hobbies or interests report being happier. It doesn’t have to be something significant. Enjoying movies and a good meal together is just as valid as flying planes together.

18. Spice Up the Intimacy

If sex is something that you and your partner both enjoy, make an effort to spice things up in the bedroom. You don’t need to go overboard, but keeping things fresh is fun. Experiment with lingerie, toys, and role-playing.

19.对他的家人友善 - 即使很难


Sure, they may treat you like a second-class citizen. But part of being married is putting up with your better half’s loved ones.


20. Make Time for Fun


21. Encourage Friendships



You may not adore all your spouse’s buddies. Heck, some may even be a bad influence. Regardless, it’s essential to trust your partner and allow them to make decisions on that front.

22. Admit Mistakes

Whether you’re 9 or 92, admitting mistakes can be challenging. However, it’s an essential component of being a good wife.

Please don’t read us wrong; you’re not the only one who must fess up when they mess up. Your spouse should be doing the same.





当您的配偶做一些事情时,谢谢他们。不要以为他们欠您的东西 - 大小。每隔一段时间,都要感谢他们为您和家人所做的平凡贡献。每个人都喜欢受到赞赏!



For example, if you want your spouse to help clean up after dinner, don’t get in a tizzy if they don’t load the dishwasher the way you like. If it’s that important to you, handle it yourself.


Of course, you’ll occasionally vent to your friends about little things that annoy you. However, try not to talk trash behind your partner’s back constantly. For starters, it’s uncomfortable for other people.

Secondly, if you’re having problems, it’s probably best to talk it out with a therapist.



How do you feel when someone is tapping away when you’re trying to talk with them? It’s rude! Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you don’t need to be considerate.

28. Have a Routine

Maintaining a routine isgood for your physical and mental health- 这对婚姻也很棒。它降低了压力水平,并使您的实际生活保持正轨。


29. Keep His Secrets

Your spouse should be your confidant and you theirs. If they tell you a secret, keep it! Don’t tell your family or best friend. It could cause considerable marital stress and resentment if it’s ever revealed that you blabbed.

30. Learn Stress Relief Techniques

学习如何帮助缓解你的配偶的压力is a useful skill. It could involve making their favorite meal or giving a foot massage.


31. Make the Appointments and Remember Birthdays

Yes, we should all be responsible for remembering certain things. But something happens when you say, “I do.”

像魔术一样,一个人成为家庭计划者 - 十分之九,通常是妻子。接受它并接受角色。是的,这是传统的,但也节省了很多加重。


Taking the time to work on improving yourself and your relationship goes a long way in making your husband happy and your marriage strong.


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