
If you’re struggling to come up with the best compliment words to use with the people in your life, we’re glad you’re here.

赞美should mean something—to both of you.

If you’ve been过度赞美因为您想不出任何说明自己的新事物,所以我们有一整个单行的称赞列表供您尝试。

We bet you’ll find some new favorites that describe your special person to a T.


The best one-word compliments are those that say what you want to say in a way that reaches the heart of the one you’recomplimenting.

It’s not always easy to find the right words for a particular person. See if you can find some worth trying in the list below.

Attentive— Generous with their attention; considerate when listening; fully present; mindful; intent; diligent; earnest; committed; all ears.

真实 /真实— Not putting up a false front or pretending to be something they’re not; honest; true to themselves; unalloyed; original.

Beautiful / Stunning / Lovely— Pleasing to the senses or the mind; exceptionally attractive or pretty; impressive; mind-blowing; radiant.

Bold / Brave / Courageous— Unapologetically themselves; acting despite fear;confident;不怕冒险;大胆。

Breathtaking / Awe-Inspiring— So awesome and amazing, they take your breath away; astonishing; thrillingly beautiful.

Brilliant / Intelligent / Genius— Well above average in the smarts department; gifted; whip-smart; witty; masterly; profound; adept; first-rate.

Calm / Peaceful / Unshakeable— Not easily ruffled or upset; grounded; serene; relaxed or easygoing; untroubled; even-tempered; coolheaded.

Captivating— Arresting your attention; stimulating to the imagination; more than capable of attracting and holding your interest.

Creative— Driven to create things or imagine innovative solutions; inventive; resourceful; ingenious; original; clever.

充满活力 /恢复— Filling you with renewed energy and motivation; inspiring; invigorating; refreshing; renewing.

Funny or Hilarious- 使您(通常)努力使您发笑;具有幽默的自然才能;具有喜剧时机的敏锐感。

慷慨 /自给自足— Quick to give without expecting repayment; giving in a spirit of kindness and fellow-feeling; ready to share their resources with those who need them.

Graceful / Poised— Refined or elegant in movement or bearing; sophisticated; dignified.

Handsome / Gorgeous / Striking- 非常好看;令人jaw目结舌。

Honorable— worthy of honor, admiration, and respect; setting the standard for proper behavior.

Hot / Sexy / SensuousSexually attractive;令人兴奋;理想;诱人闷热诱人每当您看到它们时,对您有所帮助的吸引力。

谦虚 /非统治— Having healthyself-esteem,既不是不安全也不傲慢的;对自我及其需求有健康的不信任。

Incredible / Phenomenal— Amazing beyond belief; unprecedented or without equal; defying beliefs and expectations.

Interesting / Intriguing / Fascinating— Effortlessly capturing your attention and interest; claiming your undivided attention.

不可抗拒- 不可能抵抗或没有;一个是您的弱点的人 - 您永远不想失去或放弃的生活的一部分。

Kind / CompassionateShowing thoughtfulness, concern, and solicitude toward others; being there and going above and beyond for you or someone else.

Knowledgeable / Erudite— Educated and driven to continue learning; studious; hungry for knowledge.

可爱 /可爱— Charming and easy to love or fall in love with; endearing; the kind of attractiveness that makes you smile and feel warm when you think of them.

Mischievous / Playful——有一个淘气的条纹;fun-loving and adventurous; uninhibited (or less inhibited than most).

Nonjudgmental— Slow to judge others or to make assumptions; broad-minded and forgiving; wise.

感知 /直观— Having a strong sense about people and situations; insightful; tending to follow their gut/instincts.

有说服力 /引人注目- 用言语有一种方式;令人信服;能够赢得人们的胜利;有影响;合理的;从逻辑上声音。

出色 /非凡- 特别是或明显的不寻常或稀有;以积极的方式脱颖而出。

Resilient / Strong / Unsinkable— Impossible to keep down (for long); enduring; persevering; undeterrable.

难忘 /令人难忘— Impossible to forget or to push far from your mind; ever-present in your memory or imagination (or both).

Unique / Special / Irreplaceable— Impossible to replace or replicate; one of a kind; set apart from everyone else.


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Now that you’ve looked through our list of one-word compliments, which ones stood out for you? And who comes to mind?