Feeling Like It’s Time To Retire? 13 Emotional Signs You Need To Say Goodbye To The 9 To 5

emotional signs you need to retire

If you feel like it might betime for you to retire, but you’re not sure, don’t worry—it’s normal to have a lot of competing emotions when considering such a huge life change.

After all, your career has been with you for decades.

Choosing the right time to retire is a big decision — one that requires careful planning, especially if you’re planning on retiring early.

But how do you know when it’s time to retire?

As with any major life event,emotional signscan indicate when it’s time for an exit strategy from the office.

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People Love These 67 Fun And Productive Rainy Day Things To Do

playing in the rain things to do when it rains

Rain is a lot of things: romantic, moody, cozy.

But it also has the power to ruin a day outside — if you let it.

Because, in truth, rainy days are pregnant with potential.

So today, we’re unpacking 67 rainy day activities for adults.

We hope you find the list helpful, so bookmark it, and come back the next time you think about what to do on a rainy day.

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Are You A Shy Extrovert? 11 Signs You Are This Unique Personality Type

shy extrovert

“Shy extrovert” might strike you as anoxymoronic term.

You assume because extroverts thrive onsocial interactionthat they can never be shy.

But the conflict you feel in some social settings has too often left you wondering: can you be a shy extrovert?

The short answer is yes, you can.

Shyness is a trait that can emerge among manypersonality types.

Many reasons could account for your reluctance insocial situations, such as alack of confidence,anxiety, or a heightened need for privacy.

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Were You Cheated On And Feel Insecure In The Relationship? 17 Ways To Feel Confident Again

how to get over insecurities after being cheated on

Infidelity can be a rough road to travel, and betrayal by a partner may leave you wondering how to get over being cheated on.

Because, at this point, you’re tired of feeling emotionally drained.

You’re ready to stop ruminating, catastrophizing, and wallowing in your own insecurity. It’s time to heal!

So today, we’re breaking down what cheating does to a woman’s self-esteem, and then we’ll review 19 tips forovercoming infidelity.

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27 Grand Romantic Gestures To Thrill Your Lady

happy couple, grand romantic gestures for her

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably trying to find a way to show that special woman in your lifehow much you love her.

You might be looking for romantic gestures for your wife.

Or maybe you’re wondering how to beromantic to your girlfriend.

太多是多少?是什么时候it not enough?

And how do you know what grand gestures will send her the right message?

After reading this post, you’ll be able to answer these questions and more.

And it won’t be long before she notices.

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Don’t You Just Hate Fake People? 105 Quotes To Remind You Just How Phony They Are

fake people quotes

You’ve had at least one or two in your life, right?

Thosefake friendswho are snakes in disguise.

他们虐待你,利用你,假装爱你-only to stab you in the back or kick you to the curb when it suits them.

Or when you have nothing else to offer them.

The betrayal of a friend you thought cared about you is like a needle in your heart.

How could they do this to you?

And how could you have fallen for their ruse?

Other fake people might exist on the periphery of your life, but they can still be hard to spot.

They aremaster manipulatorsand skilled actors.

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Do You Think Before You Speak? 7 Keys To A No Regrets Conversation

think before you speak

We’ve all been there.

That moment when youspeak too quickly without thinking first.

The words that spill out of your mouth cause you instant regret.

If you had just held your tongue for a moment, you could have prevented the cringe-worthy situation from occurring.

You wouldn’t have to experience the repercussions of offending, wounding, or embarrassing someone else.

Maybe you thought you were being clever or funny with your remark.

Maybe you were angry and in the moment felt justified with your remarks. Maybe you didn’t know how the people around you would interpret your words.

Words have incredible power for good or ill. If spoken without consideration, you can do serious damage to yourself and others.

Do you pause to think before you speak to consider your words?

Often, we just say what is on our minds as soon as the thought enters our heads.

But taking just a few seconds before you speak to assess your thoughts, your mood, and your audience can go a long way in improving your relationships — as well as your own personal growth.

As Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl says, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

It is not only the actual words we speak that count, but also you must consider your tone of voice, inflection, and even your body language.

Together all of these send a clear message to your listener about your intended meaning, even if the words themselves appear benign.

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If Your Mother-In-Law Keeps Crossing The Line, You Need This List Of Boundaries For Her

list of boundaries for mother in law

You love your partner — but feel less enthusiastic about your overbearing mother-in-law.

You don’t hate her; it’s just that she’s always around, or always offering problematic advice, or always butting in where she doesn’t belong.

Basically, she’s the human embodiment of nosey, overbearing, passive-aggressive judgment.

So today, we’re looking atsetting boundarieswith in-laws.

Why is it a good idea?

What parameters make sense?

And how should you go about doing it?

Let’s dive in.

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