Big Five Personality Traits: What Is Your Score?




This awareness can also help you make better career decisions, have more empathy for others, and improve your decision-making abilities.


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The Pivotal Differences Between Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

Take a minute to think about the sources of your motivation. What makes you do the things you do?




很多事情可以motivate youto do what you do, but the primary difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is whether you are driven by an internal desire or by some external force that can be positive or negative.

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How Many Calories Do You Burn While Walking?


Hippocrates believedwalking is man’s best medicine,and if you’ve spent any amount of time at the local park, I’m sure you’ve witnessed people “taking their medicine.”

Not only is walking inexpensive (unless you do it at the gym), but it’s easy to do with a friend, your dog, or alone.

Walking not only gives your leg muscles a workout, but it also gives your heart (cardio!) a workout while you burn calories andlose weight.

Whether you try to walk a certain number of steps or a certain amount of time, it’s always good to get up and walk.

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The parents of these children can be heard指导他们冷静下来, take a few deep breaths, and express their feelings in words rather than having a tantrum.

This is a great method to teach children self-control when it comes to managing their emotions, but is it that easy for us as adults? Wouldn’t it be great if we could control our emotions, even during the darkest of times?

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Financial Abuse

在这篇文章中,您将学习about financial abuse warning signs.




At least most of us do. But some of us don’t.


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How To Get Over Someone You Love Who Has Left You

how to get over someone

You’ve heard the old saying, “All good things must come to an end.”

Sadly, if this saying applies to your love relationship, and you aren’t ready for that ending to come, it can be heartbreaking.

Nothing prepares you for the emotional punch in the gut when your one and only announces it’s over, especially when you are still deeply in love with him or her.

Initially you experience shock and disbelief, and you desperately try to convince your lover that it can’t be true, it can’t really be over.

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How to Make Friends: 10 Steps to Connect with Anyone


Our old friends are like comfortable blue jeans. They are worn in, reliable, non-binding, cozy, patched in places, but still a perfect fit. We’ve had them so long, they are like a second skin.

But, our world has become more mobile. The average American will live in approximately 11 different homes in their lifetime, and they won’t all be in the same town. People move across the country for job opportunities, they move back home to be near family, and they move across the state to take advantage of a better school district. With each move, we make new朋友们. Some will become “old friends” over time, while others will remain acquaintances.

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7 Steps To Find Yourself When You Feel Lost


我一生中有一段时间I felt completely lost. I had plenty of responsibilities and endless lists of things that had to be done. But none of these things afforded me any sense of purpose or prolonged joy.

It seemed like I was on a treadmill, doing the same things every day and trying to fill my time with distractions and busy work. I started to feel like a stranger to myself, unsure of what I was meant to do and who I was supposed to be.

这次最困难的部分是feeling completely powerlessto change my situation. I had no idea what I wanted or needed to make things better, and I didn’t have a clue about how to find out.

In retrospect, I recognize that I was in a life transition period, shedding the person I once was while trying to figure out who I was to become. These periods of life can feel very scary andlonely.

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