The Crippling Lies You May Be Telling Yourself

This post may sound harsh.

I don’t mean it to.

But this topic is something I feel so passionate about that my intensity may come across as harshness.

Please don’t take it that way. My heart is actually full of love and compassion.

For each and every one of you.

For myself.

For the ways we’ve been holding ourselves back and living small, fearful, and contained lives.

Every single day — as a coach, as a friend, as a mother, as a business associate — I hear people telling lies.

They may not know they are telling lies. But they are doing it nonetheless. Maybe “lies” is a harsh word (there’s that harshness I was talking about). Maybe telling stories is a gentler way of saying it. We tell ourselves stories. We tell others stories.

We say things like . . .

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3 Reasons Why I Failed And How You Don’t Have To

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to doGREAT THINGS.

Because of that, I have had a lifelong passion for the study of personal transformation. For decades now, I have practiced a daily program of personal discipline and loving service.

And yet, when it came to implementing my own Big Dream,I was a complete failure.I would start working toward my dream. Something would happen and I would stop for a while, promising myself to get back to it.

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10 Universal Personal Growth Strategies That Actually Work


If you are reading this post, you are probably a lot like me — a seeker.

You are deeply committed to personal growth and desire to understand yourself and others better. You want to learn how to live a joyful, fulfilled, and purposeful life.

And maybe, like me, you’ve tried it all over the years.

You’ve read hundreds of self-help books, taken courses, explored metaphysical or alternative options, practiced the “law of attraction,” and followed the guaranteed-for-success formula of the newest self-help guru du jour.

I’m not putting this down at all — we need to explore, experiment, and separate the personal growth wheat from the chaff.

We each must experience our own journey of self-discovery to discern what is truly life-changing and what is merely fluff and magical thinking.

What Is Personal Growth?

Your true inner growth and development as a person occurs whether or not you actively seek it. Life often forces it upon us.

But by being intentional about growing and life-long learning, you’ll reach your potential much more quickly — and without as much strife.

Personal growth involves a wide array of actions and internal changes, including:

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10个神奇的书我ve Recently Read That You Will Love

Ever since I received myKindlelast year for Mother’s Day, I’ve doubled the number of books I read.

I never, ever thought I would find reading on a Kindle more enjoyable than holding a real book, but (gasp) I’m finding it to be true. It’s easier to hold, the type is easier to read, and I can access new books so quickly. I have been won over.

I feel a little guilty about it. Like I’m betraying books and the art of bookmaking and my life-long love affair with books. But it is what it is.

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The Zen Of Losing Control

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.” ~Hermann Hesse

Over the past few months, something bad has been happening here atLive Bold and Bloom.

Some kind of virus infected my site. (Don’t worry. All is well now.) A message in Portuguese would pop up when you’d click on a post directing you to a nasty download, and it wouldn’t allow you to read the post or navigate away.

It was just annoying at first, as it happened occasionally and required a quick fix from my tech support person. But then it started happening more and more regularly.

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10 Ways You Might Be Driving People Away In Conversation

“Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood.” ~William Shakespeare

I sometimes wonder if conversation is a dying art.

It saddens me that people would rather converse by text or email rather than pick up the phone or talk in person.

Don’t get me wrong, I use text and email too. Plenty.

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How To Easily Get Unstuck From Your Rut And Make Positive Change

If I had a penny for all the times I’ve promised myself to make positive change but never followed through, I’d be a wealthy woman.

多年来,我想每天跑步, learn French, paint, meditate regularly, and many other endeavors I can’t remember.

I’d start them with a bang, with great intentions of commitment and follow-through, only to quit a few days or weeks later.

Then, of course, I felt like an undisciplined loser.

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