25 Sigh-Worthy Quotes About Finding The Right Person At The Wrong Time

It seems like a crueltwist of fate.

You’re going about your business when suddenly they walk into your life.

THE person.

The one you’ve been waiting for forever.

清晰的哟u both feel the same way.

Except . . .


You’re involved with someone else (or, yikes – you’re married).

Or you’re about to move to another city.

Or you’ve sworn off relationships after just coming off a bad break-up.

Whatever the reason, loving someone at the wrong time and knowing they are the perfect person for you is aheart-wrenching scenario.

Need a little company in your misery?

We’re here to help with these quotes about meeting the right person at the wrong time.

What Can You Do with These Quotes About the Right Person at the Wrong Time?

Hopefully, these quotes validate your feelings and help you realize you aren’t alone in this heartwrenching situation.

But validation alone isn’t enough to help you cope with your complicated feelings.

We’re not suggesting that reading quotes can make everything better. We do know that you can use these quotes in various ways to help you heal and move forward.

Here are some of our ideas you might try.

1. Use them as journaling prompts.

If one or more of these statements has resonated with you, write it at the top of your journal page. Before you start journaling, reread the quote and then allow the thoughts and feelings to flow.

The goal is for the quote to open the floodgates so you can release and heal.

2. Share one with your “right” person.

If it’s appropriate, send one of these quotes in a card, text, or email to the right person who appeared at the wrong time.

They are likely hurting, too, so show them you recognize how difficult the situation is and that they will always have a place in your heart.

3. Discuss one with your therapist.

If certain quotes or passages seem to encapsulate exactly what you feel, use it as a talk topic with your therapist.

A professional can help you go deeper and tease out why the words struck you so profoundly. You may have an “aha” moment that supports your healing.

Even if you don’t use these ideas right away, hold on to this list of quotes and read them whenever that cruel twist of fate pierces your heart.

25 Right Person Wrong Time Quotes

Don’t think for a minute that you shouldn’t wallow in your pain for a bit. After all, you’ve just experienced one of the most universally unfair situations life can throw at you.

But once you’re ready to peel yourself off the floor, remember, there’s always hope. The heart wants what it wants, and love has a way of magicallybringing people back togetherwhen they’re meant to be.

阅读这些引用了阿布tmeeting the right person at the wrong time, and you’ll find both solace and a ray of hope.

1. “‎There is nothing sweeter than finding the right person to love and cherish and to share your hopes and dreams with.” ― Mary Lydon Simonsen

right person wrong time quotes
2. “If you love the wrong one so much, just imagine how much you can love the right one.” ― Brandon Stanton

3. “There might be a million wrong people in your life, but when the right one comes, everything looks dark.” ― M.F. Moonzajer

4. “It is always the wrong time to meet the wrong person.” ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana

5. “The right person, the wrong time. The right script, the wrong line.The right poem, the wrong rhyme and a piece of you was never mine.” – K. Towne Jr.

6. “Sometimes you find the right person at the wrong time. Sometimes it’s the right person at the wrong time. But when you find the right person, at the right time, in the right situation, it’s because you’re meant to be together. Fate has grabbed both of your hands. Don’t let go.” – Unknown

7. “Right guy wrong time, right timewrong guy.” – Jojo

8. “It’s scary being loved. Because life is complicated and all too often it throws you off balance by sending you the right person at the wrong time.” – Guillaume Musso

9. “Love is not just about finding the right person but creating the right relationship.” – Unknown

10. “It is a travesty when two hearts, at different intervals of their life, find each other. And although they would otherwise be perfect for each other, they can’t be together, for the timing isn’t right…I just need to let go!” – Unknown

11. “Meeting the right person at the wrong time is bittersweet. Like youknow they’re that special someonebut you also know that the both of you still need to work on yourselves before pursuing each other. But God knows when the right time is and will cross your paths again.” – Karan Gaur

12. “Love is a piano dropped from a fourth-story window, and you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.” – Ani Difranco

13. “Everyone is trying to findthe rightperson, but no one is trying to be the right person.” – Unknown

14. “As long as you are breathing there is more right with you than wrong with you, no matter what is wrong.” — Jon Kabat Zinn

15. “There is no wrong or right timing in love. The right person is timeless; because we will make time to let them into our lives.” – Susanna Georgiou

right person wrong time quotes
16. “It sucks when you constantly love the wrong person while the right person is dying to be loved by you.” — Saramae

17. “Human love is a fragile creation, and sometimes the smallest thing – the wrong choice of words or a single clumsy gesture – can make love shatter, stall or fade away.” — Haruki Murakami

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18. “She did not fall in love with the wrong person, it was just the wrong timing. But if her love lasts through time, the right timing will come.” – C.J. Thompson

19. “I didn’t want tofall in loveor need someone. I really didn’t want anything. But then you appeared, and I started wanting everything.” – Unknown

20. “So many girls fall in love with the wrong guys, simply because the wrong guys say the right things.” — Tribhuvan Suthar

21. “If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won’t let me be right.” — Unknown

right person wrong time quotes
22. “Don’t expect to find the right person if you aren’t willing to let the wrong one go.” — Kiana J Wilson

23. “Accidents are not accidents but precise arrivals at the wrong right time.” — Dejan Stojanovic

24. “We are all the right person at the wrong time for someone.” – Unknown

25. “Shouldn’t we hold out for the person who doesn’t just tolerate our little quirks but actually kinda likes them?” – Unknown

Ok, Mr. or Ms. forlorn – are you feeling any better?

Did you find a kindred spirit who understands your heart when reading these quotes?

Your right person is out there, whether it’s the one who appeared at the wrong time or someone you haven’t yet encountered. Love always finds a way.