95 Of The Most Romantic Wedding Vows That Will Bring Him To Tears

Getting married is a beautiful and meaningful experience and writing your wedding vows to your husband is one of the most important tasks you will face on that special day.

Your marriage vows for himshould express how much you love and care for your husband-to-be.

They should also reflect your commitment to making the marriage last forever.

制作结婚誓言,是发自内心的,代表我ngful can seem daunting, but with some thoughtful preparation, they will flow easily.

Here are some tips to help you create unique and memorable wedding vows for him to make this important day even more special:

[Side note:In this online course, learn healthy communication skills and build the intimacy you’ve always wanted in your relationship.)

How Do You Write the Most Heartfelt Vows?

Heartfelt wedding vows are authentic, vulnerable, and romantic.

It’s the place to express your deepest love and gratitude to your partner; every word you say should carry meaning and weight.

Here are a few steps to consider when writing your wedding vows for him:

  • Reflect on why you’ve chosen to spend the rest of your life with him
  • Think about all the special moments and memories you’ve shared
  • Spend time writing down specificthings that you love about your husband
  • Get inspired by reminiscing about your relationship
  • Brainstorm ideas for vows
  • Think of meaningful stories and inside jokes

After brainstorming the above ideas, you’ll have plenty of content to distill into a poetic and meaningful declaration of love.

95 Romantic Wedding Vows to Make Him Cry

Of course, you want your vows to your sweet man to reflect your lives together. So use these examples as thought starters to craft the perfect words to say as you stand at the altar, looking into his eyes.

Emotional Wedding Vows to Your Husband

1. You are my heart’s deepest wish that came to life, and I am eagerly looking forward to the unending future we will create together.

2. In life’s darkest moments, I vow to be your guiding light. When the world seems cold and uninviting, know that my warmth will comfort you. And when the burden of hard times feels too heavy for one person alone, let me be there for you as a strong shoulder to lean on.

3. Reach out and take my hand, and I will pledge to guide you through an eternity of love.

4. My heart is filled with hope and joy for the promise that lies ahead of us, and I am thankful to have found such a perfect partner in you.

5. You are my safe harbor, and I am grateful for your love now and always.

6. I smile every time I think of you, and I will love you until the end of time. If that smile isn’t on my face, do know that it still lives in my heart and soul.

7. If you’re feeling high or low, I will be there for you, no matter what.

8. You are the one that I love and cherish with all my heart, and I vow to take care of you forever more.

9. In joy or sorrow, in good times or bad, I will stand by your side enthusiastically and faithfully until the last breath leaves my body.

10. What does it feel like to marry your best friend? Well, I am about to find out. And right now, I cannot imagine my life without you. You’re a light that illuminates my life in ways I could have never imagined.

person writing on a paper romantic wedding vows to make him cry

11. I’m so excited todeepen our relationshipand bloom into a beautiful marriage. I know we will get through any storm as long as we are together.

12. I feel better about myself every day that you are in my life. And by consecrating this marriage, I vow to make you feel just as happy, loved, and fulfilled as you make me.

13. Words can’t describe how I feel about you, so I’ll just have to show you through my actions, my commitments, and my unconditional love.

14. I promise to be your companion in life and will walk with you every step of the way, come what may. The path may be tough, but I know that two can go further than one.

15.Even today, I still feel the butterflies that I experienced when I first met you. That fresh new feeling of love is what keeps me coming back for more in this relationship, and I am so blessed to have you in my life.

16. It doesn’t always feel good to be vulnerable, but I promise to always be open and honest with you so that we can grow together as a couple.

17. With each passing day, my love for you grows stronger and deeper, and I vow to always keep it alive in our marriage.

18. I vow to make sure that no matter how long the road may be, we will always find our way back home

19. I promise to hold your hand and heart with care and compassion through all of life’s trials and tribulations.

20. Some moments may feel surreal, but I know that you are my rock through thick and thin, and you can always rely on me for this emotional support as well.

21. Today, I shed my past and take you as my new life-long companion. I open my heart to all the love you offer, and I will honor this bond until the very end.

22. Every single moment that I spend with you is special, and I love having you by my side through all of life’s unique adventures.

23. No one else in this world knows me as you do, and for that, I am truly thankful.

Deep, Meaningful Wedding Vows for Him

24. With my unwavering loyalty, I give you this promise to love and cherish you, to honor and respect you.

25. Today, I pledge that no matter what may come our way, our marriage will last until the fires of eternity have extinguished.

26. When you support me through my struggles and achievements with the same compassion and understanding, it means more to me than anything in the world, and I am forever grateful for your unwavering support.

27. I vow to always be honest with you and to never take that honesty for granted.

28. I promise to love you in good times and bad and bring light into your life when the darkness tries its hardest.

29. You are my partner in life’s adventures, my confidant, and, most importantly, my soulmate.

30. From now on, our lives are forever intertwined. Together we will create a life of dreams and share each other’s aspirations. I promise to build everything around you as we continue this journey together.

31.你变得更加熟悉,there will be occasions when you sense a deep affinity for them – one as if they have been your companion for ages. It is an exhilarating sensation to stumble upon this profound connection with someone who was once a stranger.

32. You are my family for life, which means that I will always be there for you until the end of time. Take this promise as my timeless devotion to you.

33. When I first set eyes on you, I could feel something inside me that had been dormant for too long – a sensation of hope and joy. From that moment on, my life changed forever. Now, I am here to promise that I will never let go of these emotions and the wonderful love we share.

34. Today, I vow to make our love one of strength and resiliency, no matter what challenges life may bring us in the future. We will find comfort in each other endlessly and with grace.

34. Standing here today, I vow never to take our love for granted. Boredom, resentment, and complacency have no place in our relationship. I will always work to keep the spark alive and never let it be extinguished.

husband and wife wearing wedding rings romantic wedding vows to make him cry

35. As we embark on this journey together, I promise always to be your safe haven and defend you against any harm that may come your way. Our bond is unwavering, and I vow never to break it

36. With each passing day, I will make sure to appreciate the little things that come with loving you and take pride in the grand gesture of our marriage.

37. True love is not just a dreamy, impulsive sensation – it’s an intentional decision that both parties make to stay devoted and loyal to each other in every situation. It means standing together through thick and thin and during times of misfortune and abundance.

38. I vow to support you through every challenge, help you make leaps of progress, and rekindle our love with each passing day.

39.你显示我,相互尊重、trust, and honest conversations, two people can achieve far more than they could ever accomplish alone. You are my interior strength as well as the happiness I never knew was missing in my life. On this day, I choose to spend every single day living side by side with you forevermore.

40. I recall the exact day we crossed paths, like it was only yesterday. From the instant I laid eyes on you, I knew that our romantic relationship would last for many years to come. You have become my closest confidante, most loyal partner-in-crime, and dearest friend, all wrapped into one extraordinary person. Nobody else could make me as happy or fulfilled as you do – there’s no doubt about that in my mind!

41. On this blissful wedding day, the sun can’t help but shine its brightest for us. Ourpassionate heartsbeat in unison, and our unwavering love radiates throughout the world. I’m so grateful to be here with you, my beloved soulmate who fills me with immense joy, light, and adoration. You have my heart forever.

42. You are the one who keeps me laughing, singing, and smiling. To everlasting honor this love of ours, I offer you this ring as a token to showcase our infinite bond–as timeless and unceasingly eternal as the circle it forms.

43. Our connection is something that I will forever be thankful for. You bring me a sense of security, joy, and possibility, three feelings that can never be replaced by anything else.

44. I am continuously amazed by how you have helped me become the person I have always wanted to be. As each day passes, I feel myself growing closer and closer to that dream becoming a reality.

45. You have been the finest mentor on my voyage of life. You have taught me what love truly means and showed me roads I never knew existed.

46. By embracing our journeys, we stumbled upon breathtaking waterfalls and meadows of wildflowers. We battled against fierce rapids and waves and met triumphally on the other shore.

47. Like a magical spell, our love story began when we first met. I was captivated by your presence as if you had appeared out of thin air, and now, here we are today, sharing in this enchantment together! It’s a feeling that fills me with immense joy and happiness beyond words can express. Thank you for being my one true love.

48. On this very special day, I dedicate myself to offering you all the love and commitment that my heart can bestow. My aspirations and desire are solely focused on us building a future together. As time passes, we must remain aware of why we have chosen each other so as never to forget the bliss which brought us here today.

49. You bring me an immeasurable sense of peace, and I am grateful for the love we share. Our marriage is an unconditional promise to stand by each other through all of life’s adventures and take comfort in our mutual understanding.

50. Today, I make these wedding vows to you: To smile at this day’s beauty and love unconditionally no matter what may come our way. To stand by each other through the good times and bad, to laugh with one another whenever we can, and to grow old together in life’s most blissful moments.

51. I can’t wait to start this journey with you and build the future of our dreams. I love you always, now and forever. This is my sacred vow to you, my beloved husband.

52. When you gain abest friendthrough marriage, you have someone to lean on in moments of doubt and to celebrate with during the best times. You are that best friend for me, and I’m so blessed to have you here with me on this day and every single day for the rest of our lives.

53. No one else could ever understand me as you do. Thank you for understanding my heart, accepting my flaws, and loving me unconditionally. I’m so thankful to call you mine!

54. The things I love about you are infinite. Each day I learn something new about you that swells my heart with joy and admiration. I hope more infinite days await us that are just as wondrous and beautiful as the ones we’ve had thus far.

55. Remember what you told me that first night when we met? Even today, I have the same hope, love, and commitment in my heart. While some sentiments change, that one will always stay the same.

56. It’s a privilege to have known you and to be your wife. I will love you until the end of time and beyond. These are my wedding vows to you, my beloved husband.

57. You have given me so much more than I could ever hope for or dream of – joy, happiness, security, understanding, and unconditional love. I vow to be your companion and friend, through all of life’s joys and sorrows.

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Heartfelt Wedding Vows for Him

58. You are my one true love, the person I will always rely on for comfort and strength in times of need. I’m so proud to call you my husband and start this journey with you. And from this day onwards, I will walk side by side with you and share my life with you forever.

59. We have traveled so many roads together and experienced the beauty of our journey. To me, there is no other place I’d rather be than right here with you at this moment. I promise to always be there for you and never take our relationship for granted.

60. We have both been blessed with deep love, and it’s an honor to stand here before you today, humbled by your presence. I give myself to you with all of my heart and will keep these wedding vows sacred in my heart no matter what life may bring us.

61. I promise to love you deeply, to give you strength when needed, and to be your rock in moments of distress. I will never forget the powerful connection we share, and it’s my goal each day to make sure that that bond grows even stronger.

62. I vow to nurture your aspirations and help you through times of hardship. Most importantly, I pledge to rejoice in every single one of your successes.

63. I am committed to bringing joy, exhilaration, and a deep ardor into our life together.

64. I pledge to treat you with kindness and understanding, as we are a unified team that will remain strong together forever.

65. Let us construct a home full of cheer, warmth, and understanding. Let us form an inviting space for joyous occasions as well as trying moments. And let this be our haven – forever!

66. Touched by love, we soar to new heights, and our destiny awaits us. No matter where the gust of wind takes me, I know this journey will be worth every step.

couple having a beach wedding romantic wedding vows to make him cry

67. Although I cannot deliver the entire world, I can promise you my own. My love, support, passion, and compassion are all yours if you’ll have me.

68. Every romantic seeks to find a genuine and lasting connection, and I am one of the lucky few who have been blessed with that. With my soulmate by my side, I feel deeply fulfilled in ways I could never have imagined before.

69. I vow to be honest, respectful, and dedicated to you always. I will follow through with these solemn words until the day we part ways. Our dreams are achievable when our love is strong; together, nothing stands in our way.

70. If I had one wish, it would be to love you until the end of time. And we have plenty of that. I will honor you with everything I am and all that I have for eternity.

71. Don’t let a moment of our time together slip away without savoring it. Each present second we share is more valuable than any riches; I will always cherish them and keep them close to my heart.

72. My life’s mission is to make your dreams become a reality; I vow to be by your side and always give you the strength and support necessary for fulfillment.

73. Have you ever wondered why stars twinkle in the night? It’s because each one wishes for love like ours. I can’t wait to explore more of our world with you and have more fairy-tale moments together.

74. Out of all the people we could have possibly encountered in this world, here we are, standing together. I am so proud of how far we have come, and it fills me with joy to know that there is still more for us to discover together.

75. I believe the universe has our best interests in mind, and I know that if it has brought us this far, we can overcome any obstacle. I will always strive to be the best version of myself for you and never take you for granted.

76. It only takes one day to get married and a lifetime to truly understand the power of our union. This is a journey that will last until the day that we part; I am ready for this adventure, and I trust that it will bring us endless joy.

77. Love used to mean something different until I met you. Now I know what it means to be truly alive, and I am so thankful for that. Our union has shown me a new way of life, and I can’t wait to experience all it has in store for us.

78. You are my missing piece and the one who completes my story; our love is strong enough to withstand any test. I will always be here for you, and never lose faith in us.

79. Even if this is the best day of my life, I know many more will come. I will never take you for granted and always strive to provide you with the support and understanding you need.

80.我不能保证我们的生活在一起full of sunshine, but I can promise that our love will continue to light up my heart despite the storms. Our hearts are intertwined forever, and they beat to the same rhythm.

81. I will love you faithfully and unconditionally, and together we can create a place to find solace when life throws us curveballs. We are infinite in our love for each other, and no mountain is too high to climb.

Funny Wedding Vows for Him

82. I vow always to keep you happy and never to forget the importance of laughter in our marriage. Even on the darkest days, I will find a way to make you smile.

83. I’ve tried to be in a bad mood around you, and it just doesn’t work! Thank you for sabotaging my best efforts to be grumpy.

84. You’re the ketchup to my french fries and the macaroni to my cheese. You bring out the very best in me and never fail to make me laugh.

85. Every little thing that has ever been important to you has become just as important to me. So yes, that means you now need to share!

86. This is your last chance to get away from me. I’m ready to dedicate my life to you, and I won’t take no for an answer!

87. I vow not to be a blanket hog and always give you enough room in the bed. And if I happen to forget, please remind me that the other side belongs to you!

88. I can’t promise I won’t drive you crazy sometimes, but I vow to always make up for it with hugs and kisses!

89. No regrets, no matter what. Yes, that includes our unspeakable Ikea furniture assembly fiasco last week.

90. I love you so much that I’m donating my last name to Goodwill for the greater cause of our marriage.

91. I solemnly swear that I will not partake in your beverages, even though my thirst is real and the drinks are within reach.

92. I love you more than I love brownies, and you know how much I love brownies, especially the ones with nuts in them.

93. Just so you know, this contract is permanently binding, with no refunds, no returns, and lots of love.

94. I was so busy thinking about my dress and the wedding plans that I almost forgot to mention how much I love you. And how fantastic this suit looks on you!

95. I know there will be days when we disagree, but I vow always to make sure that our disagreements don’t overshadow our deep connection and unconditional love, as long as you acknowledge I’m right at the end.

Final Thoughts

Wedding vows can look different for each couple, so don’t worry about getting them “right” and instead focus on expressing your love and commitment to one another.

Whether you choose traditional, funny, or heartfelt vows for him, what matters most is that the words come from your heart.

May these wedding vows to your husband be a source of inspiration as you prepare to say “I do!”

Want to make your wedding extra memorable for your husband? Try any of these romantic wedding vows to make him cry.