Sweep Her Off Her Feet With These 19 Love Letter Examples For Your Girlfriend

So, you want to write your girlfriend a love letter.

Bravo to you!

She’s going to love it.

What woman doesn’t want to read words of love from her favorite guy?

But finding the perfect phrase or word to describe our feelings can prove elusive.

Words often fail when tasked with expressing gratitude, happiness, or unending love.

How can four or five little letters convey a heart’s message?

But simple words can recreate the magic of love with a little effort.

A love letter becomes a thoughtful expression that can be silly, sappy, or deeply romantic.

Fortunately, there is no right or wrong way to say, “I love you.”

What Should I Write in a Love Letter to My Girlfriend?

A love letter is a record of your love. It’s also a living history of your time together.

Many view a love letter as the perfect opportunity to remind your girlfriend how and when you first met and fell in love.

And it’s an ideal time to remind you both why you are still together.

Love letters are tangible proof of your deepest feelings.

They can be written anytime from a short note, before a trip, holiday weekend, or on a special family occasion.

man looking at the window holding pen love letters for girlfriend

One of the most romantic things about a love letter is that it can be read repeatedly and carried throughout a lifetime.

Some of the best times to write a love letter to your girlfriend include:

  • A birthday or anniversary
  • A special holiday
  • A wedding day – yours or a child’s
  • A child’s birth
  • A career milestone
  • No reason at all – just to surprise her!

How to Write a Love Letter to Your Girlfriend

Even the best writers may have trouble writing a love letter because these emotion-laden missives are so personal.

你不写memoirs, but remember this special letter must also be authentic.

Be honest and speak from your heart. List each of the cheesy things that make her irreplaceable in your life.Be honestbecause she’ll know if the words aren’t yours.

If you still need help with this monumental task, here are some basics to get you started.

1. Be specific.

一个伟大的情书详细。而不是一个列表of traits or bullet points, choose one or two of her qualities. Tell her about her smile and how it brightens your day, or mention her thoughtfulness. Once focused, the words should flow.

2. Get personal.

While there is no doubt Lord Byron and William Shakespeare cornered the market on great love poems and sonnets, writing a captivatinglove letteris more about being personal than flowery language.

For inspiration, think about when you met, the first time in arain storm, or your first time apart. Sometimes, it’s the simplest truths that are the most romantic.

3. Remember the details.

Don’t hold back when writing a love letter to your girlfriend. The more specific, the more romantic. Give examples. It lets her know you were in the moment and still remember the little things.

For example, instead of listing her sense of humor, remind her of the time she told a joke that made you fall off your chair laughing.

4. Embrace listicles.

Another way to write a short love letter is a listicle. Send a note that lists the top “10 things she does on the weekends to make you laugh.” Or the “5 things I love about you.”

These are quick and quirky ways to let her know you are in her thoughts. While not just bullet points, this is a great way to have fun without being overly mushy.

5. Write what you know.

Successful writers write about what they know. And whenpenning a love letterto this remarkable woman, you are the expert.

So give yourself a break and just let her know how you feel. She will love the effort and that you gave it your all.

19 Love Letters to Your Girlfriend

Anytime is a good time to show your girlfriend you love and appreciate her in your life. And you certainly don’t have to be a poet or professional writer to compose a sweet and memorable message.

If you are still seeking inspiration, here are a few basic letters to write your girlfriend.

Short Letter to My Girlfriend

1. My biggest strength

My precious, you have given me a life of warmth and love, and I will treasure you always. You feed my strength and are my dearest friend. I will love you till my last breath. Eternally yours.

2. What I am thinking

My sweet darling, you always ask me what I am thinking. Well, today, I believe you are the finest, kindest, gentlest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known—full stop. Always.

3. My heavenly angel

When I met you, I knew Heaven had sent me one of its most beautiful angels. I know that sounds odd, but it is true.

woman reading under the shade of tree love letters for girlfriend

You’ve been my best friend and confidant. Your love is true and unconditional, and I am blessed to have you in my life. Yours today and always.

4. You are everything

My darling, you are everything to me. You are the air that I breathe and the sun in my life. I loved you from the moment I met you, and I will love you until my last breath.

I Love You Letters for Girlfriend

5. Loving you always

My dearest lady, I love and cherish you. You arouse my passions by supporting and inspiring me to reach for the stars.

You are my muse and my lover. No other woman could ever make me feel the way you do. I am yours, always and forever. Eternally.

6. A special gift

My love, the day I met you, my life changed. From the very first words, we were fated to be one. My heart sings each time I look at you and cries when we are apart.

I can’t think of a day without you, and I look forward to our future – filled with love and happiness. You are indeed a gift from the stars. And every sunrise, I am so grateful for our life together. I love you.

7. Do not worry.

I want you to know that you are loved every day – come rain or shine, during good times, and even on those challenging days. I will cherish you through it all. Do not worry. I will be with you through the small stuff and the milestones. Forever yours.

8. Unconditionally yours

This life is so short, and I can’t imagine a minute without you. You will always be loved, appreciated, cared for, and supported. We will find happiness together. Unconditionally yours.

Sweetest Love Letter for Your Girlfriend

9. My greatest treasure

My heart is yours. And my love for you grows with each passing day. I treasure the little things you do to make our life together happy.

I often catch my breath at the love I see in your eyes. I will always care for and cherish you. You are my greatest treasure, my princess. Have I mentioned how much I love you?

10. Love of my life

Darling, you are the love of my life. Your love and support mean the world to me. And your strength fires the love I have for you. My path is difficult now, but thank you for loving me. You’re the love of my life, and I will treasure you forever.

11. An endless smile

Each day with you, my smile grows, knowing you are in my life and by my side. Your love makes me tremble and my world shine. You are beautiful, intelligent, and always inspiring.

I am so grateful to have you in my life. And deep inside, I know we will find life’s true bliss together. My love is yours always.

12. You are my blessing

My love for you is constant. And while each day brings new and sometimes difficult challenges, you give me a reason to smile and persevere.

Words are not enough to describe my love for you. You are an eternal blessing that I will always cherish. I love you more than I can say.

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Cute Love Letter for Girlfriend

13. My promise to you

My sweet, you have my promise that I will love and cherish you always. I revel in your love, patience, and support. You inspire me with your words of wisdom to be the best possible version of myself.

I love it when we plan our life together. You have a brilliant mind and a quiet strength that are beautiful. I am grateful that you have chosen to spend your years with me. I love you, babe. I adore every bit of you – I can’t find any flaws.

14. A never-ending light

With you, the sun never sets. The birds always sing, and the flowers bloom. You encourage my smile with your jokes, and your laughter is music to my ears. My sunshine, you have been the most blessed and beautiful accident of my life.

hand writing with a stem of rose love letters for girlfriend

You opened up a world of love and friendship I didn’t know existed. Without you, I would lose my heart and soul. I will always love you.

Yes, this all sounds corny, but you are the life and breath of my world, and I am so grateful to have you by my side. I love you, always.

15. My beloved friend

My beloved, thank you for loving me. And thank you for showing me what true love means. Your honesty, faithfulness, loyalty, and passion are miracles in this chaotic world.

Whether at work or at a dinner party with friends, you make me feel like a man who is loved, wanted, and appreciated. Do you know how good that makes me feel?

You have made my life’s dreams come true. Eternally yours.

16. My inspiration

Have I told you that you are my inspiration? I wish I could start every day with your smile and end each night listening to you breathe. You give strength and purpose, even when things aren’t going well in my life.

Your love shows in the little things – how you support or comfort me. I am the luckiest man alive. It’s a cliche, I know, but it is true and from the heart. You are my beloved and my best friend. I love you.

Romantic Love Letter to Girlfriend

17. Our grand adventure

My love, I think about our grand adventure and am happy. I cherish our life together, the incredible experiences, and the quiet, mundane times at home. I will always be here to care for and support you.

You are my partner, my co-adventurer, and my best friend. Each day brings the promise of a new exciting experience with you. Love Always.

18. My heart is yours

Dearest darling. My heart beats only for you. It races with anticipation of your warmth and laughter when you are near. You are the most special person in my life – my lover and most faithful friend.

Before I met you, I didn’t believe this kind of connection was possible. I feel so free to be myself with you, and I hope you feel the same. I want to know everything about you, even your fears and insecurities.

Your smile makes my heart sing and gives me hope for a happy life. I want to be with you forever and always.

19. Lovers and friends forever

My darling, you are and always will be my best friend. And whether we are rock climbing, hiking, or cooking dinner, I can’t think of any other place to be than with you. My life with you is an unexpected bliss that words can’t describe.

But I will try to show you just how much I love and appreciate you through my actions and deeds, every moment of our time together. I love and cherish you forever.

Final Thoughts

一封情书可能会过时,但它是一个东亚银行utiful way of expressing your feelings to your girlfriend. She can keep it and read it many times, seeing on paper just how much you care for her.

The letter doesn’t have to be long or flowery. She wants you to speak from the heart and give her the thrill of knowing you took the time to show your love and appreciation.

Are you in need of something to write for your girlfriend? Here are some love letters for your girlfriend you can try and make her feel loved.