4 Personal Decisions For Lasting Change

Once upon a time, I was one of those people who thought I could ruminate or think my way out of a problem ortoward a change in life.

I spent a lot of time in my head considering what I did and didn’t want for my life and how I wanted to make positive change. I journaled my thoughts and dreams. I read dozens of self-help, healthy living, and spiritual growth books.

And I sincerely hoped everything I absorbed by thinking and reading would somehowchange my life for the better.

That isn’t entirely untrue. I did learn a great deal from all of my reading and thinking and journaling. I had profound “ah ha” moments and mind shifts after discovering a new gem from great thinkers like Eckhart Tolle, Bryon Katie, and Thich Nhat Hahn or from delving into health and nutrition books likeYounger Next Year.

Reading and thinking about all of the self-improvement ideas DID motivate me.

I did feel inspired and excited and eager for change.

I did very much want to become a better person — more balanced, more self-aware, healthier, and happier.

But somehow the chasm between internal desire and external change felt huge and daunting. When I thought about actually MAKING the changes I was considering, I didn’t know where to start. These huge concepts just made me believe I should ponder and read more tomakesomethinghappen, to find the magic key for rapid results. Do you ever feel this way?

I needed something to get me out of my head and away from obsessive reading to move forward toward actual change. That’s when I began to work on something I call “practical personal growth.” Practical personal growth requires the one essential ingredient that thinking and reading don’t offer — ACTION.

Nothing beats action for changing your life. Every big life change begins with one small action, and then another and another and another. But it took me a while to learn the power of action.

Practical personal growth begins with ideas and concepts that inspire or motivate you, but it goes much further by teaching exactly how to apply those concepts in your life and encouraging you toward small and manageable action. This is something I really strive to offer here at Live Bold and Bloom.

Let’s face it: change is hard. And action requires more effort than simply thinking and reading. It is only through action that we stretch ourselves, learn what we truly want, and ultimately make things happen tochange our lives.

As a result of my commitment to practical personal growth, I’ve started to pay close attention to what “works” for me. I examine my feelings and moods before and after I implement a new action. I pay close attention to my body and how it responds to certain things. And I’m mindful of the shifts in other people and how they respond to what I say and do. Then I taken action, recalibrate, adjust, and act again until I have momentum and results.

Recently I’ve usedmy philosophyof practical personal growth to implement four life changes that have positively impacted my quality of life. I’d like to share them with you so they might inspire you toward actions that will change your life.

1. Switching to decaf coffee

I love my coffee in the morning. It’s a ritual for me. I grind fresh beans, and then as the coffee is brewing, I pick out a favorite mug (the right mug is critical). Then I pour the coffee and breath in the aroma for a few seconds before taking that first beautiful sip. I’ll often drink 2-3 cups while eating breakfast and writing at my desk in the morning.

The problem:I’ve been noticing for awhile that around 11:00 am I start to feel agitated and irritable. Sometimes I was overwhelmed by a need to cry, but I had no apparent reason to feel this way. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why this was happening. But then one day a friend mentioned he’d decided to switch to decaf and a lightbulb went off for me.

The action:I was really resistant to letting go of my caffeinated coffee. I thought decaf would taste like a watered-down poor relation to my morning treat. But I decided I would try mixing the beans and every day adding more decaf beans and less caffeinated. Then I gave myself a full week to test having only decaf in the morning.

The result:我的感受是直接的变化。一旦I cut out the caffeinated beans and drank only decaf, all of those weird feelings disappeared. I had more energy, less morning anxiety, and was actually less tired during the day. As ahighly sensitive person, my body reacts strongly to any stimulants, but I just needed to pay attention to what my body was telling me and make a change. And I’ve found the taste of the coffee isn’t significantly different.

2. Task at hand focus

As an online entrepreneur, I have a variety of projects and tasks spinning at any given time. I’m writing, working on courses, interviewing people, being interviewed, getting hundreds of emails, dealing with technical issues, etc.

The problem:Because I work online, I can’t close my door and put a “do not disturb” sign on it. Interruptions and distractions are always just a click away, and emails, texts, dings, and pop-ups are always there to remind me of the next urgent task. I was constantly feeling scattered and unfocused.

The action:I’ve written many times about focusing on the task at hand, but I haven’t been great about practicing what I preach. However, as my business has grown, I had to do something if I wanted to manage my ever-increasing work load. So I’ve re-committed to task-at-hand focus by shutting down everything except the thing I’m working on. I give myself an allotted amount of time to complete the task. I shut down my phone, other browsers on my computer, and mute the sound so I don’t hear the dings of incoming messages. I don’t allow myself to get up until the allotted time is over.

The result:My productivity has skyrocketed and my work is better. At first, I felt anxious about not checking email or looking at my phone. But then I realized the Earth was still spinning even without my constant attention to distractions. And I feel better about myself when I complete a project with full attention to it.

3. Becoming an “almost” vegetarian

I’ve been a carnivore all of my life. I like just about all meat (except for lamb, wild game, and organ meats). In recent years, I’ve cut back on red meat because I know how too much can negatively impact your health. But otherwise I ate some form of animal protein twice or more a day.

The problem:After readingThe China StudyandThe Blue Zones, it became more and more clear to me that the healthiest people who tended to live the longest ate little to no meat. For the past two years, the information I’ve learned about consuming meat has been niggling at me and giving me pause every time I crunch into a piece of bacon or eat a deli sandwich.

The action:I have several close friends who are vegetarians, and the man I’m dating is a vegetarian. As a result, I’ve observed how and what they eat, and how it makes them feel. Because I’m seeing someone who doesn’t eat meat, I’ve been eating less and less of it because we cook together. We make amazing vegetarian meals, and I’ve found I really don’t miss meat. I still eat fish and will have the very occasional turkey sandwich, but 90% of mydiet is now plant based.

The result:I have more energy. My digestive system works more smoothly. I have less cravings. I’ve reduced my grocery bill. I’ve found many new delicious vegetables I’ve never been inspired to try before. And I feel better about myself because there is something icky about eating animals. But if I find myself really craving animal protein, then I eat some fish or chicken or an egg. I listen to my body but with a general commitment to a more plant-based diet.

4. Winter rebounding

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know Itook up runninglast spring. I was serious about it and really grew to love my regular runs along the river near my house. Running not only made me feel great physically, but also I felt so proud of myself for taking on this challenge in my 50’s when I really didn’t believe I could do it.

The problem:I was running religiously up until mid-November when the weather started to get cold and daylight hours were shortened. I found (or confirmed) that I hate running in the cold and as a result was slacking off until I simply stopped except for the occasional balmy day. And of course, once I stopped I started gaining weight, losing muscle tone, and feeling bad about myself.

The action:去年冬天,我开始跑步之前,我是rebounding on a mini trampoline. I’ve written about the benefits of rebounding and how much fun it is. But this year I kept thinking, “I’m gonna get out there and run no matter what.” But it just wasn’t happening. So rather than see myself as a failure, I decided to punt. I pulled out the rebounder and made the decision that rebounding would be my winter exercise and running my warm weather exercise.

The result:I’d forgotten how much fun rebounding is and how great it makes you feel. There’s none of the pain and pounding you get with running. You can do it indoors and stay warm. And it has tremendous benefits for the lymphatic system, digestion, and circulation. You can read more aboutreboundinghere in a previous post. I feel so much better mentally and emotionally because rebounding gives a tremendous endorphin release.

Each of these decisions have evolved from a period of reflection and research, followed by practical planning and preparation for implementing achange in habits, and then by taking small and manageable actions toward implementing changes in your life. The cumulative effects of these decisions have made for a healthier, more energetic, more positive, and more productive me!

22 thoughts on “4 Personal Decisions For Lasting Change”

  1. Same results for me too, I started these changes 2 months ago and I can see the difference now. Except for the vegeterian part: I switched to fish more often and rarely meet-I need the protein.
    Good advice, xxx

    • That’s wonderful Claire. I’m so glad you found what works for you and see a difference. Isn’t that empowering?

  2. 让我看看,我有一个和我patie正在进行的战斗nce. So far, after 32 days, I see no sign that I am winning. I am trying to be consistent with my writing, hoping to make a living from it. So far, I have not been successful.

    But I know that I need to crank up something to get the desired results. The worst thing that can happen is to stop trying.

  3. I’ve been doing this same thing for years. Both reading and thinking about self improvement and expecting that to be enough to actually make a change. I’ve recently started to add in small actionable steps to get the ball rolling. I like that you put down reasonable action steps that anyone could do right away. I think it’s the little steps that help you move on to the big ones once you see some success. Great post!

    • Hi Carissa,
      Yes it is those little steps. Every change and success in life begins with little steps that add up. Action, action, action! Nothing is more powerful.

  4. What a great post! At first, I thought, ok, quite straight forward, but I’ve found myself checking out all your hyperlinks too which have all been really useful!

    I’m now going to get myself a copy of Younger Next Year and will add The Blue Zone to my reading list for next month.

    I’m also going to look into rebounding. Like you, the weather and dark evenings play havoc with my exercise routine, but this sounds fun and doable.

    Thanks Barrie

    • Hi Nicola,
      I’m so glad you liked the post. Those books are excellent — you will really enjoy them. And you should try out rebounding. It is amazing!!

  5. I used to be good at all of that…I exercised, ate well, and got things done at work and at home. Now I am in a slump…have been for a few years it seems. I try to take action steps, but when I do it does not last long even when I think about the positive results. I think I am dealing with some form of defeatist mindset. Thanks for the good posts…I will keep reading and trying to take action.

  6. I went the opposite direction with diet. I discovered the Paleo diet and went from there to Paleo/Primal. Meats, lots of vegetables, a little fruit, cultured dairy products, lacto-fermented fruits and vegetables, kombucha, bone broth, organ meats, and only good fats, like olive oil, coconut oil, and butter. And I feel fantastic! Lots of energy. And I’ve lost the extra weight I’ve carried for years, without starving myself. I now weigh what I did when I got married 57 years ago. No more grains or beans for me, ever. My body can’t handle them.

    我需要学习更多。我应该working right now. And I flipped to email. What a timely post! I’ll post this and get out of email and go back to work. Thanks for the nudge!

    • Hi Barbara,
      I’m so glad you found a diet that works for your body. I have several friends on that diet (or the “real food” diet). Whatever gives you energy and makes you feel good is great. Hope you got your work done!

  7. I’m loving your posts, Barrie! Since changing my habits by taking small actionable steps, I’ve slimmed back down from a size 10 to an 8 and am looking and feeling great again. I’m a cyclist and have stopped riding for the winter: Thanks for reminding me about rebounding. That sounds like the ticket I need.

    I took a 3-week solo trip to Thailand in September and realized that Thai people eat well but are very slender. I think the reason is that they focus on activity but eat mindfully. I found that one snack during the day plus one delightful meal (smaller flavorful portions) was all I needed.
    Thai people view American food as a salt-and-sugar taste; their food is exquisite with a myriad of intense flavors. That cures sugar and salt cravings quickly, I found.

    Will you be posting some of your favorite vegetarian recipes?

    Oh, BTW, I’m 61 years old and feel like I’m in my 40’s.

    • Hi Connie,
      You sound like a healthy, happy, interesting woman! Congrats on all you have accomplished to create your life in a way that is working beautifully for you. Isn’t it great to feel 20 years younger than your age. Yes, I will post on some of my favorite recipes! Thanks for asking.

  8. Thank you for these tips Barrie! I believe that everyone’s body has different dietary needs. I too have really cut down on my meat and feel wonderful. I love eating more grains and vegetables. I’ve noticed your comments about the “rebounder” and am going to try to find one! Love all of your posts!

  9. Hey Barrie, thank for your generosity with information. Am trying to loose some weight and has started exercising in a small way and drinking more glasses of water. You posted a blog beginning of the year and this has given me a kick start. Thank you for the drive.

  10. I am a hindu by religion and I am a non vegetarian.
    The way we do it is by days.. Monday’s, Thursday we are vegetarians. And on Wednesday and Friday we make fish and rest is chicken. We don’t eat beef or pork.
    So I think we can balance out diet this way. We are nourishing our bodies with all the required nutrients.
    Don’t have to cut off completely and spend our energy controlling.

    • That sounds really balanced Indra. It makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • when i first left my tea it was vry hard for me i felt headache many times but then when i get used to it i felt changing in me my depression was just gone and my skin was glowing every one noticed it i felt happy now

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