If Your Relationship Partner Doesn’t Make You A Priority, These 61 Quotes Are For You

Your romantic relationship is where you’re supposed tofeel cherished, respected, and loved.

But what if your partner sidelines you and puts you and your needs on theback burner– behind a job, hobby, time with friends, or any number of other people and activities?

That’s not the way it’s supposed to be, and it feels awful when you aren’t a priority in your partner’s life.

Yourlove relationshipshould be the centerpiece of your lives together, and if it’s not – well, it’s time to reassess and decide if you want to stay with someone who doesn’t put you first.

Reading through our collection of relationshippriority quotescan remind you that you deserve to be number one in your love partnership.

61 Not Feeling Like a Priority in a Relationship Quotes

If you’re here, you probably feel your partner puts other things ahead of you and your relationship. It hurts, and it’s making you angry to be treated as an afterthought. It should. You want to be a priority, not an option.

As you read through these “don’t treat me like an option” quotes, never forget who you are and what you deserve. Let each quote inspire you to expect and require more than the crumbs of love.

1. “Make your relationship your number one priority” – Lisa Ling

2. “Never make someone your priority when all you are to them is an option.” – Maya Angelou

3. “For honest insight into who you are, don’t ask yourself what your priorities are for next week. Ask what your priorities were last week.” – Robert Reed

4. “As priority changes love changes.” – Tashiya

5. “Love is my first priority, all others may vary.” – J M Gharst

6. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” – Mark Twain

7. “You are a priority. Not an option, last resort, or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less.” – Ritu Ghatourey

8.“你值得别人求进步ds on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be there priority.” – Blaze Olamiday

9. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority.Treat me like a queenand I’ll make you feel like a king.” – Chardonnay Tyson

10. “How can I let you be a priority in my life, when I’m still an option in your life?” – Hussein Nishah

11. “No one will be forced to take the public option. The word option means choice.” Valerie Jarrett

12. “If they aren’t making you a priority don’t make them a priority.” – Sonya Parker

13. “Choose the option that will give you long term happiness instead of the option that will only give you temporary pleasure.” – Sonya Parker

14. “Love is a priority.True love is being a priority.” – Ananya Aggarwal

15. “It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority.It’s necessary.” – Mandy Hale

16. “When someone tells you they are too busy.It’s not a reflection of their schedule, it’s a reflection of your spot on their schedule.” – Steve Maraboli

17. “If you have to ask where you stand chances are you’re not a priority because if you were you’d know it.” – Sonya Parker

18. “Stop feeding connections that don’t feed you.Stop spending so much time filling others, while you starve of love. You are deserving too.” – Billy Chapata

19. “Love yourself enough to take care of your health of mind, body, and soul as a top priority, then you’ll be fit to face anything.” – Jay Woodman

20. “Look for people in your life that who will help calm the storms in your soul rather than challenge it to a battle. Peace should always be your first priority.in your life.” – Timothy Pina

21. “I’m more than just an option; refuse or be forgotten.” – Drake

22. “When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.” – Jess C. Scott(The intern)

23. “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.” – J. K. Rowling(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

24. “The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.”― Ernest Hemingway

25. “Never love anybody that treats you like you’re ordinary.”– Oscar Wilde

26. “Don’t settle for being an option; become a priority.”― Matt Mitchell

27.“如果他们继续回到你,它不是值列表e. It is because you made yourself and easy option. The moment the thing they truly want becomes less difficult to obtain is when you will realize that your worth was on sale.”― Shannon L. Alder

28. “Do you know what it means to come home at night to a woman who’ll give you a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness? It means you’re in the wrong house, that’s what it means.” ―Henry Youngman

29. “Priorities are not about including essential but removing inessential.” – Nitin Namdeo

30. “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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31. “Love should be your top priority, primary objective, and greatest ambition. Love is not a good part of your life; it’s the most important part. The Bible says, Let love be your greatest aim.” — Rick Warren

32. “If marriage isn’t a first priority in your life, you’re not married.” — Joseph Campbell

33. “Love simply is – it asks no permissions. Acceptance is all love asks, the only demand it makes, but it is an absolute one. You can either admit it to your heart or refuse it, but there’s no other option.” – Stephanie Laurens

34. “Let us reflect on what is truly of value in life, what gives meaning to our lives, and set our priorities on the basis of that.” – Dalai Lama

35. “If it’s a priority you’ll find a way. If it isn’t, you’ll find an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

36. “Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein

37. “Know what matters most to you and be unwilling to compromise those priorities at almost any price.” – Frank Sonnenberg

38. “You shouldn’t marry unless the both of you are on the same page on a lot of things. Life is going to deal you blows, and you have to be together. Your values and priorities have to be on the same page; otherwise, it won’t work.” – Nicole Ari Parker

39. “Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that’s probably the biggest key to success.” – Taylor Lautner

40. “There’s no sense talking about priorities. Priorities reveal themselves. We’re all transparent against the face of the clock.”- Eric Zorn

41. “It hurts to know that even though you like me, I’m still not your priority.” – Joanne Lobedica

42. “If you become too readily available to people, they begin to take you for granted; pull away, and they will clamor for you.” – Dara Reidyr

43. “The only person that deserves a special place in your life is someone that never made you feel like you were an option in theirs.” – Shannon L. Alder

44. “She questioned her own beauty because of him he left scars on her self esteem…” — r.h. sin

45. “Focus on your priorities before your priorities lose focus on you.” – Sarah Leigh

46. “Busyness is not a reason for not getting other things done. It is an excuse for not claiming your true priorities.” – Alan Cohen

47. “When men or women make their work their top priority and become hostile to the normal, natural needs of their children and spouse – obviously, something is wrong.” – Laura Schlessinger

48. “Real relationships are the product of time spent, which is why so many of us have so few of them.” – Craig D. Lounsbrough

49. “Don’t forget, a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

50. “Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priority than your relationships. Love is what gives meanings to life” – Dave Willis

51. “Be with someone who won’t make poor excuses for their lack of effort.” – Kristie May

52. “Being alone is scary, but not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.” – Amelia Earhart

53.“在一段关系,再多的额外的努力n your part can make up for a lack of effort on theirs.” – John Mark Green

54. “If someone makes you feel like you’re asking for too much, leave them.” – R.H. Sin

55. “The moment you discover he doesn’t want the same thing you want, let him go.” – Steve Harvey

56. “Unrequited love differs from mutual love, just like delusion differs from the truth.” – George Sand

57. “Even the most intense feelings cease when neglected and taken for granted.” – Anupama Garg

58. “If you don’t receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it.” – Robert Goolrick

59. “Never beg for someone’s time, commitment, affection, and attention. Never beg someone to stay with you when you need him the most.” – E.J Cenita

60. “Life’s a prison when you’re in love alone.” – Usher

61. “Problem can be fixed. But unrequited love is a tragedy.” – Suzanne Harper

Here’s hoping you feel stronger and more self-assured after reading these love priority quotes.

It’s time to have a conversation with Mr. or Ms. You Know Who. Calmly ask for what you want, need, and deserve. Get specific with precisely what you’re asking for.

If your partner is willing to make changes, that’s a good sign. If not, we think you know what you need to do.

Feeling neglected is never a nice thing. Relate to these not feeling like a priority in a relationship quotes and talk it out with your partner.