10 Universal Personal Growth Strategies That Actually Work

If you are reading this post, you are probably a lot like me — a seeker.

You are deeply committed to personal growth and desire to understand yourself and others better. You want to learn how to live a joyful, fulfilled, and purposeful life.

And maybe, like me, you’ve tried it all over the years.

You’ve read hundreds of self-help books, taken courses, explored metaphysical or alternative options, practiced the “law of attraction,” and followed the guaranteed-for-success formula of the newest self-help guru du jour.

I’m not putting this down at all — we need to explore, experiment, and separate the personal growth wheat from the chaff.

We each must experience our own journey of self-discovery to discern what is truly life-changing and what is merely fluff and magical thinking.

What Is Personal Growth?

Your true inner growth and development as a person occurs whether or not you actively seek it. Life often forces it upon us.

But by being intentional about growing and life-long learning, you’ll reach your potential much more quickly — and without as much strife.

Personal growth involves a wide array of actions and internal changes, including:

  • Developing your emotional intelligence.
  • Becoming more flexible and open-minded.
  • Accepting your own fallibility.
  • Accepting the fallibilities of others.
  • Building relationship skills.
  • Accepting and embracing the differences in others.
  • Healing your past wounds.
  • Facing your blind spots.
  • Facing life challenges and difficulties.
  • Acknowledging that you’re not the center of the universe.
  • Defining and living your values.
  • Developing your own opinions and beliefs.
  • Learning to like and love yourself.

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ~Marcel Proust

Over the years, I’ve become more practical in my approach to personal growth strategies. After years of trial and error, I practice what works for me. I focus my energy on actions and beliefs that have a proven track record of improving my quality of life and my state of mind.

10 Personal Growth Concepts That Actually Work

These ten inner growth goals and actions can improve anyone’s life who is willing to look within and put in the effort for positive change.

1. Be present.

As much as possible, keep your attention focused on this moment right now. Immerse yourself in what you are doing, even if it’s tedious or boring. Honor whatever you do in the moment by giving it your full focus.

Savor what you are doing without allowing your mind to dwell in the past or worry about the future.

When you do plan for the future (as we all must), create a loose template — a flexible plan or goal that allows you to stay open to all possibilities.

If you’re with someone else, pay full attention to that person. Give them your presence so they feel it and know you are there — not just physically but mentally and emotionally.

When you live outside thepresent moment,你这是在浪费时间,因为你的思考the past and future aren’t real. Only this moment is real.

2. Disengage from other people’s opinions.

This mental shift was life-changing for me.

Once I stopped worrying about what others would think of me, how they might judge me, or how my decisions might disappoint people, I was free to become myself fully. I was able to be more authentic and empathetic.

There is so much pressure from parents, peers, society, and the media to conform to certain standards and ideals. But we each must create our own “personal operating system” that is a reflection of our true selves.

Real happiness is impossible when you fake it through life to make others okay or to impress them.

3. Go deep rather than wide.

Rather than trying to do many things and cram my life full of activities and achievements, I now focus on fewer things — but I focus deeply.

When I work, I strive to be engaged in the task at hand and remove other distractions.

When I travel, I go tofewer locationsbut spend more time in one or two.

I’ve learned to minimize and prioritize my schedule so I’m not pulled in too many directions. I’ve stopped spinning plates.

You don’t learn much or experience the depths of joy from just scratching the surface or living an adrenaline fueled life.

4. Redefine failure.

I don’t like to fail any more than the next person. But I’ve learned to accept failure as a necessary element in success.

You encounter failure because you had the courage and creativity to try. Failure teaches us how to do better the next time.

We can spend our lives avoiding failure, but then we take no risks — which confines us to the status quo.

If you want to live a big life, you must embrace failure, knowing that it can and will happen many times during your life. You gratefully accept the gifts and knowledge that failure offers and so you can move on to success.

5. Rewire your brain.

The science ofneuroplasticityshows we have a huge reservoir of potential for learning, change, and growth.

This brain power is particularly meaningful related to how we think about ourselves and how our thinking impacts our motivation and outlook on life.

If our thoughts are constantly negative and self-critical, we are training our brains to accept these thoughts as true. But by practicing positive thinking, thoughts ofself-love and self-respect, we can retrain our brains to believe these things.

Practicing positive thinking isn’t just feel-good pablum. It literally changes your brain chemistry and how you feel about yourself.

6. Stop struggling.

So much of life feels like a struggle. Someone says or does something to hurt us, and we respond with anger or defensiveness.

Something bad happens in our day, and we get frustrated and agitated. Our children aren’t doing what we want them to do, so we feel compelled to worry and fret over their decisions or actions.

In many (maybe most) of these situations, a path of non-resistance is the best way to go. Instead of fighting against the person or situation, just observe andoffer no struggle.

Events usually take care of themselves without forcing them, so let them unfold.

7. Simplify everything.

Life is becoming increasinglycomplicated and demanding, and we are overloaded with endless information.

We keep buying stuff we don’t need and taking on more commitments and obligations. It’s suffocating.

Embrace the truth that less is truly more. Less feels liberating, open, and light.

Get rid of stuff, streamline your schedule to the few most important things, and release people who are sapping your time and energy.

You need emotional and physical space and time to actually live your life rather than racing through it.

8. Define your values.

Part of your personal growth plan should include determining your most essential life values.

To live an intentional life, we need guideposts to help us make decisions and set goals. Our core values are those guideposts.

These values are the most important guiding principles for your life, and every major life decision and action should support or reflect these values.

If you don’tdefine your own values, then you look to others to help you decide what’s important. Or you bounce around trying to “feel your way” through a direction for your life.

When you know your core values, you can better decide what you do and don’t want for your life.

9. Have a beginner’s mindset.

You are never too old, too smart, too experienced, too rich, too powerful, or too creative to learn something from every person you encounter and every life experience.

Approach each new relationship with wide-eyed anticipation, like a child. Allow yourself to try something brand new in which you have no experience or skills — and then savor every aspect of learning.

Related: Building Confidence: 20 Personal Growth Experts Share Their Advice

Not only does this expand your capacity for joy and personal fulfillment, but it also makes you a more interesting, approachable, and attractive person.

As Forrest Gump says, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

10. Prioritize kindness and good manners.

Kindness and manners are underrated. It’s so easy to be kind to people, speak warmly, smile, and acknowledge them. It is so easy to say “thank you,” hold a door open, and offer to help.

Even in the face of anger, life difficulties, and ugliness, we canelevate ourselvesand those around us by being kind and decent people. When you practice kindness, you inspire others to do the same, and it creates a small but very powerful ripple effect.

How will you begin your personal growth and learning efforts?

The most effective way to begin your personal growth journey is to simply start. Right now. Today.

不要等到一些重大事件或从t标志he universe. And don’t wait for life to throw you under the bus so you’re forced to grow in the face of a difficult challenge.

Where do you think you need the most inner work? Your relationships? Your self-awareness? Your past traumas?

Begin with the low-hanging fruit, and apply the ten concepts outlined here. Dig deeper with the help of resources (books, articles, etc.) or a counselor or coach.

View these first steps as the beginning of an incredible adventure that will continue throughout your life.

27 thoughts on “10 Universal Personal Growth Strategies That Actually Work”

  1. Thank you Barrie, I really enjoyed this list of personal growth strategies. You are a continuous inspiration for me and I am very grateful for this!
    Best wishes,

    • Hi Sarah,
      I’m so glad you liked it and that I’ve inspired you. Thank you for letting me know!

  2. I think all of these have been helpful and I have been applying them in some shape or form for a while. A big one is knowing yourself. Being aware of your thoughts, tendencies, moods, and how they shift when you are hungry or tired is very important to being effective. I think having your core values define is the first step because without those you can just flounder.

    Thanks for the post.

    • Hi Sebastian,
      Yes, knowing your own moods and mental and physical reactions can help you tremendously. They impact our view of the world and our reactions. When you have awareness around those things, it’s easier to manage and find strategies for coping.

  3. Thanks for sharing the things that work for you Barrie. I absolutely recognize the overwhelm we can have with so much information available to us. The idea of having a beginners mind…always open to receive and learn…equally resonates with me.

    I gratefully accept where I am whilst experiencing divine discontent. Which to me means the continual expansion of my spirit, however that shows up. I’m open.

    Love Elle

    • I love that expression Elle — “divine discontent.” It is a gift to accept change and personal growth as a gift from the universe!

  4. Great strategies, 100% agree!
    Be in the moment but plan the future, look at the past just the enough to get the lessons, define your goals, never ending learning process, know and live by your values, treat yourself, your body and others teh best way you can.

    All the best,

    • Hi Nuno,
      It sounds like you already practice many of these strategies. That’s wonderful. It’s an ongoing learning process, isn’t it?

  5. One strategy that has worked wonders for me is getting out of my head and taking action. To often do we strive for a perfect way to start and a lot of times this leads to not starting at all. These days, I try to find an approach that is simply good enough rather than perfect and then I take action and correct along the way. Taking that first small step is extremely powerful.
    Awesome post as always Barrie, sharing this

    • Hi Patrick,
      Oh darn! I should have included this one. It is sooooo important. Action is the key to succeeding. Over-thinking is one of our biggest limitations. Thank you for reminding us of this critical strategy.

  6. Thank you, a lovely post.

    Go straight to the top is one of mine. If you want to learn something, find not just a teacher or a book but the very best that is available to you. The very best have their own lit-up energy. They simplify and they love to teach.

    Another is simply: Have Fun. Don’t forget to enjoy the journey. If we don’t, we’re less likely to stay the course, so keep an element of play in the actions we take towards all our goals.

    • I love these strategies Cherry! Both of them are so spot-on and useful. Finding the best person to inspire and motivate you is a huge part of success. It provides rocket fuel to your aspirations. And having fun is so underrated. We should see life as one fun adventure. Why not? We don’t have to take it so seriously.

    • Yes, learning new habits and new behaviors does take practice and patience. I’m so glad you found it useful!

  7. Thanks for this. I thought every step was a winner. I especially like the “go deep” and “simplify,” but I have always been a believer in “Beginner’s Mind.” As usual, Barrie, excellent work. I will share it around.

  8. Hiii
    This is a gem of a post.
    I have experienced many of the changes you have gone through and hoping to go through the rest in time.
    Thanks Barrie for the great reminders.

  9. Those are all great points and also things I am working on myself. I especially like the reminder to be present and also to simplify everything. I always try to do way too much.

  10. I am reading number six in pure disbelief!!! This totally directed at me. I am going to strive to change, it is a must.

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