91 Fun Date Night Ideas That Will Not Break The Bank (Most Of The Time)

Yes, you must go onregular dates with your spouse or significant other, whether you have been together for one day or fifty years.

Special date nights put the sparkle back in your love life and give you the one-on-one time that all relationships require.

But sometimes, especially if you have lived in the same city for a long time, it can be hard to come up with simple date ideas.

在初始阶段的关系,你佤邦nt to come up with good date ideas to form a bond with your new partner and create memories.

If you have been together for a long time, it is important to date so you canreconnect with your partner on a regular basis.

According toa studiesby the Marriage Foundation and The National Marriage Project, couples who have a monthly date night foster stronger relationships and are 14% less likely to break up.

They cited five specific benefits from couples regularly going on date nights:

1. Improved Communication

夫妻不被孩子,工作,other responsibilities, giving them the chance to talk about important topics and mutual pursuits and goals.

2. More Novelty

Couples in long-term relationships become habituated to each other and can grow bored in the relationship, taking one another for granted.

Date night adds excitement and novelty to the connection which leads to more satisfaction in the relationship.

3. Heightened Romance

Date nights can help rekindle the romantic and sexual spark in the relationship when they engage in intimate andromantic outings在一起。

4. Stronger Commitment

Date nights solidify your couple-ness and the connection just the two of you share.

It makes you feel more committed as youstrengthen communicationand romance. Going out together signifies to other people as well that the two of you are a committed couple.

5. Stress Relief

Stress is one of the main culprits of relationship conflict that can threaten your closeness.

Going on date nights gives you an outlet forrelieving stress, as it allows couples to step away from the challenges of daily life.

During date nights, couples can provide love and support to one another that is also stress-relieving.

Now that you know regular date nights are beneficial to your relationship, the next step is figuring out what to do on these special nights out.

Are you looking for something a bit more exciting or unique than just going out to dinner and a movie?

While you try to come up with somefun things to doon a date, you might find yourself coming up with the same old things you do on a regular basis that aren’t too exciting anymore.

But there are lots of things to do on a date that you may not have considered.

Here are a variety of unique and cute date ideas to help you create new memories with your spouse or partner.

Good Date Night Ideas

Super Fun Date Ideas

Spark the joy and adrenaline in your relationship by going on dates that are exciting, adventurous, or remind you of your early days of dating.

Life together can get serious and complicated at times, so reconnect to fun and pleasure with these fun date ideas.

1. Try an extreme sports adventure, like skydiving or bungee cording.

2. Challenge yourselves by spending the day getting some exercise at a rock climbing center. See who can make it to the top the fastest.

3. Go to a carnival and enjoy all of the rides and traditional carnival food.

couple taking selfie at lake date ideas

4. Put your singing skills on display and share your favorite songs with your partner at a karaoke bar.

5. Go to a comedy night or an improv show. If one of you gets the nerve, get up there and participate!

6. Find the nearest rodeo and check it out.

7. Go to a bookstore and browse the travel section. Plan your dream vacation together, even if it is completely unrealistic.

8. Support a local band and see where live music is being played.

9. Make a bonfire outside (with or without friends) and drink hot cocoa.

10. Go to a big department store and see who can pick out the best gift for the other person in half an hour with a $20 budget.

11. Go garage sale hopping around the city early on a Saturday morning to score the best deals.

12. Pick a room in your house to repaint. Get creative with a color that you wouldn’t normally consider using.

13. Watch both of your favorite movies from your childhood and talk about the memories that they bring up.

14. Get competitive and go bowling.

15. Go go-karting together and act like teenagers.

16. Go see the local sports team play a game live from the stands.

Romantic Yet Cheap Date Ideas

You don’t have to break the bank to have a memorable and fun date that will bring you closer together.

If fact, some of the least expensive outings are the ones you’ll cherish the most.

Check out these 16 cheap date ideas for your next date night.

17. If you both love to read, go on an adventure and find a new library or bookstore in your city.

couple drinking wine date ideas

18. Cook dinner together and enjoy it at home by the fire or out on the patio if it is nice outside. Make one dish that each of you remembers from your childhood to share with the other person.

19. Go to a poetry reading.

20. Make a time capsule that represents what your relationship looks like right now.

21. Go fishing and then cook your catch for dinner. Make up a new recipe for fun and see how it turns out.

22. Play with the animals at your local animal shelter. This will help you give back to the community while also enjoying the company of a dog or cat.

23. Download a photo scavenger hunt list and go out with your partner and see how many of the items you can find. Either work together or compete against each other to see who can get the most!

24. Take advantage of some of the specials that restaurants offer around your area. Taco Tuesday, anyone?

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25. Find an outdoor concert that offers inexpensive lawn tickets and grab your lawn chairs for an entertaining date night. Pack some drink and light snacks to make the evening extra inexpensive.

26. Find thelocal historic markersin your area and learn about your city together. There is probably a lot of history there that you don’t even know about!

27. Discover the romance that’s in black and white foreign films– ticket prices are usually reduced for art-house movies.

28. Pretend you are in the PGA as you compete against each other in mini golf. Make sure that the loser buys ice cream when you’re finished.

29. Do a selfie photoshoot and update all of the pictures in your house of the two of you.

30. Act like a tourist and explore a neighborhood in your city that you have never been to before. Look at the differences in the houses compared to where you are and the various things that the community has to offer those who live there.

31. Go for a treasure hunt by shopping in all of the local thrift stores to see what kind of neat things you can find.

32. Go for a hike in the woods and pack apicnic lunchto share. This will help you get some exercise and allow you to enjoy nature.

First Date Ideas

So maybe your date night really is a first date. Figuring out what to do on that all-important first date can be daunting.

You want to make a good impression and do something that is fun but also allows you to get to know each other.

Check out these 17first date ideasfor your next date night.

33. Go to an outdoor theater to experience a more laid-back version of typical theatrical performances.

34. Make the ultimate throw-back playlist of songs that you both used to listen to in high school. Talk about the memories that the songs bring up.

35. If you live near a beach, go for a walk on the beach and enjoy getting to know each other. Find some cool seashells to share and find a nice place to sit and watch the waves.

36. Go to a coffee shop to have a quiet, intimate conversation. If it is nice out, take your coffees to go and go for a walk around the neighborhood.

37. Get to know each other by going out to a trivia night at a local bar. See how many random facts each of you know!

38. Go to a street fair or food festival. All of the people and activities around you will take the pressure off a little bit. Also, chances are that you will run into someone you know, so this could come in handy if your date is going south.

39. Grab some drinks and find a place to watch the sunset together. This will create a beautiful and peaceful setting to talk and get to know each other.

40. Play truth or dare — this simple game can take off the pressure of maintaining a conversation with someone new and you can keep it as PG as you would like.

41. If you’re both drinkers, take atour of a brewery. If you run out of things to talk about, you can always chat about what the tour guide is saying, plus you’ll get to drink something that you don’t normally drink on a regular basis.

42. Make a fancy pizza together at home. Get all of the ingredients from a specialty store and see what kind of combinations you can come up with.

43. Do a wine and design class where they walk you through painting a picture and serve wine. Take your paintings home and proudly display them.

44. Do a DIY food kit together, like a DIY chocolate covered pretzel kit or even a DIY fondue kit. See what interesting creations you can come up with at home.

45. Go to a pool hall so you get the benefits of having a barandhaving an activity. If one of you is better than the other, offer some help to guide the player.

46. Go to the zoo to see all of the animals. You will be able to get some fresh airandit will give you a lot to talk about.

47. Be casual and go out to a diner to have breakfast for dinner. There is no way you won’t be relaxed with fluffy pancakes in front of you.

48. Go see a funny movie to take the pressure off. Or, watch a classic funny movie at home together that you know won’t fail.

49. Go toa concertto see if you like your date’s taste in music. This may be an indicator of future dates with them.

Date Night Ideas For Married Couples

So you’ve been married for years and feel like you’ve done it all together. How can you come up with something unique and fun that doesn’t feel like old hat?

A little ingenuity and creativity in your date night planning will go a long way in rekindling the romance between you.

Check out these 19 date night ideas for married couples.

50. Start learning a new language together. Once you get good at it, you can consider taking a trip to a country where the language is spoken.

51. Take your spouse on a surprise trip. Tell them what to pack, but don’t tell them where you are going. You can even blindfold your partner on the day of the trip if you need to.

52. Dress up in your absolute best clothes and go to the opera. This is something that everyone should experience at least once in their lives, so might as well do it with your partner.

53. Go to a drive-in movie theater and snuggle up in the back of your car while you watch an old movie. Bring some snack and drinks to enjoy!

夫妇在雪dat拥抱e ideas

54. Take a dessert tour around your city. Try the city’s most-raved-about desserts that you have always thought were too indulgent to eat.

55. Go on another “first date.” Dress up and drive separately to meet up with each other and ask all of the awkward first date questions.

56. Take a self-guided restaurant tour in your city by stopping into various restaurants for an appetizer or small plate so you can try out some new foods. Check out whatever is the most popular spot right now!

57. Have an at-home wine and cheese night by the fire. Try wines and cheeses from different regions that you have never tried before.

58. Go to an art show that features local artists– you never know, you might find the perfect piece for your house! You will also be supporting small businesses and local talent.

59. Re-live your days as a kid and go to a roller skating rink. Hold onto each other so you don’t fall!

60. Host a game night at home with all of your friends and have a pot-luck dinner. You provide the drinks,games, and utensils! If you have other married couple friends, try playingThe Newlywed Gameto see how much you know about each other.

61. Test the limits of your marriage by going to an escape room. Work together to find your way out of the room!

62. Research each other’s genealogy to see where you both have roots and if there are any commonalities.

63. Discover the local dive bars in your area to switch up your routine, enjoy some cheap drinks, and play darts.

64. Cuddle up by a fire and make some s’mores while you tell each other ghost stories.

65. Enjoy some stargazing and try to pick out the constellations that you know.

66. Pretend like you’re on the market for a house and go to all of the open houses. Get some design ideas while you are out and apply them to your own home.

67. Go people-watching in a highly-populated public place. Make up people’s backstories and what they are doing right now.

68. Visit the botanical gardens in your city. Take a stroll while you drink iced tea or hot chocolate, depending upon the season.

Day Date Ideas

A successful date doesn’t have to be just in the evening.

A daytime date can be a refreshing way to build closeness and connection because you can enjoy so many different activities that aren’t available at night.

Plus, a daytime date gives you more time together and allows you to really get to know one another on a different level.

Try one of these daytime date ideas for your next date night.

69. Reach out to a local organization that is meaningful to both of you and volunteer together. This will leave you both feeling great about yourselves.

70. Take a road trip to a popular destination that is within a few hours of your city and stay overnight. See what kind of attractions they have to offer.

couple watching sunset on dock date ideas

71. Find some local scenery and both of you paint your own interpretation of the same thing. Compare your interpretations of the scene and talk about what each of you saw.

72.喜欢可以一起学习一种新的户外活动oeing, kayaking, gardening, horseback riding, or boating.

73. Take a fitness class together– spin class, Zumba, a weight-training class. Anything that will get your heart rate pumping.

74. If there is a food factory in your town, go on a tour– you will probably get some samples of some goodies and you will get to see what goes on behind the scenes.

75. Get outside with a disposable camera. This will help both of you unplug from your smartphones so you can just focus on each other, while still being able to capture the precious moments.

76. Train together for an upcoming5K run. This has the added benefit of lasting for more than one day, so it is an extended date. It will also leave you and your partner a lot of free time while you are running to chat.

77. Find a local orchard and go fruit-picking. No matter what season it is, there will be something growing. If you’re apple picking, go home and make an apple pie. If you’re picking pumpkins, go home and carve them.

78. Go to a farmers’ market to support local businesses and get the freshest local produce available. Pick out what you can to make a healthy dinner.

79. Go out and buy some inflatable tubes and spend the afternoon floating down the river. Pack a lunch and some drinks and just talk and relax as the waves bring you from one side of the city to another.

80. Getcreativeand take a pottery class together. Paint your creations and display them in your home for a lasting memory.

woman on river tubing fun date ideas

81. Go for a bike ride through the city and tour some neighborhoods that you are unfamiliar with. This will give you a new experience as well as some exercise.

82. Build a kite and learn how to fly it in the park. Who can build one that will fly the longest?

83. Rent a boat for the afternoon and spend some time on the open water with your partner. Enjoy the peaceful breeze and the silence that the water brings along with it.

84. Go to a toy store and pick out some toys that you would have loved to have played with as a kid. Buy them and start playing!

Creative and Fun Date Ideas

If you want to show your partner or live interest that you put some real thought and energy into planning your date, focus on doing something that will surprise and delight her (or him).

Sometimes the most unexpected outings will reveal interests that neither of you knew you had. And if you share these interests, it’s just one more opportunity to grow more connected.

Need a few more ideas? Here are some creative outings that you might not have considered.

86. Go to a state park. Grab a picnic and enjoy a leisurely lunch. Then take a hike to see wildlife and get some exercise in the great outdoors. Check outthis listof state parks by state.

87. Go on a ghost tour. Many cities offer ghosts tours of some sort that involve local haunted houses. This is a great date idea during October when it’s close to Halloween.

88. Go to a museum. There are so many different types of museums to suit varied interests — from art museums in every state to the International Banana Museum in California.

89.在城里找一个跳舞的地方和尝试new together like the salsa, line dancing, the tango, or the waltz. Dancingbuilds confidence, coordination, and closeness with your partner.

90. If you and your partner appreciate wine and are interested in winemaking, go to a local winery or wine store, or take an organized wine tour together.

91. Take a stroll down memory lane. Take your partner on a ride and drive past all of your old houses, your old school, and even the places you used to work.

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Did you like these fun date night ideas? Spread the love.

Don’t allow your relationship to get in a rut. It’s too easy to wait until Friday night and then wonder, “What should we do this weekend?”

Then you end up doing the same old things because it’s too late to plan, or you’re too tired to exert the effort to figure something out.

Make your date night a cherished ritual that you put time and effort into.

Good date night ideas rarely happen spontaneously. You need to plan in advance and do some research, keeping in mind what you both might enjoy together.

Start thinking about some ideas on Monday so by the weekend, you have a plan in place.

Schedule a fun date every week (or at least every other week) with your spouse or partner so you can still have fun together and break up the routine of your weekly schedule.

You can also use this list of date ideas when going out on dates with new people to see what you have in common.

It can be tough to come up with the perfect date, but with some of these unique date suggestions, you will be able to wow your partner and create some lasting memories.

Put your own spin on some of these simple date ideas to make them more personal for you and your partner.

I hope you found these date night ideasfor married couples (and for new couples) helpful and inspiring.

If so, please pass on these fun date ideas with other couples by sharing them on your preferred social media platform.

Finally, if you’d like to learn how to have deeper intimacy and enhance your relationship, then I invite you tograb this book, which has 201 powerful questionsto build a deeper connection with your loved one.