The Ultimate List Of 91 Pet Peeves That Can Drive You Crazy

We all have that one little thing that justgrinds our gearsno matter how irrational.

Many of us have the samepet peeves, providing a universal language for kvetching.

However, some of us are so bothered by inconsequential behaviors that we may begin to wonder if we are the only ones.

You may even be wondering if any of your little ticks are the cause of someone else’s headache.

If so, we have put together a list of popular pet peeves that get on people’s nerves.

What Are Pet Peeves?

A pet peeve is a particular something that you findespecially annoying. Some annoyances become fostered over time.

We give them so much attention that they become, well, our own little pets.

However, without the fur and the adorable face, pet peeves are never endearing.

Our biggest pet peeves can be the smallest things — from a sneeze to the tapping of a pen.

Although, the worst annoyances can ruin our whole day. Especially if someone eats your last fry!

The Ultimate Pet Peeves List

We know them when we see them, but we don’t always remember when someone asks “What are your pet peeves?”

This is a fairly common question on afirst dateor at a party, but you may not have an answer right off the bat. You may even be worried your pet peeves are too weird.

Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of pet peeves that many of us have in common. Here are a few common pet peeves examples:

Common Pet Peeves

1. People whodon’t wash their handsafter coughing into them.

2. When peoplesneeze or coughwithout covering their mouthswith their elbow.

3. When someoneeats off of your platewithout asking. Get your own fries!

4. When someone says“no offense but”right before saying somethinghurtfulas if that makes it better.

5. Someone whoalways shows up lateand keeps you waiting for them.

6.Large groups who take up the whole sidewalkand never move over for passersby.

7. Thesound of chalkwriting on a chalkboard.

8. When someonescrapes their fork or knifeon a plate and it makes a horrible noise.

9. When you are in the middle of saying something, andsomeone talks over you.

10.People who burpin public without covering their mouths.

11. When you make a joke, and then有人做出同样的乔ke but louderand the whole room laughs.

12. When someone watches a video on their phoneat full volume without headphonesin public.

13. People whochew with their mouths open.

14. Someone who apologizes butdoesn’t actually apologize,saying something like, “I’m sorry if you were upset.”

15. Dog ownerswho don’t clean up after their dogson a walk.

16. Cashierswho are overly chattywhen you’re in a rush.

17. When someonevapes inside, especially around non-smokers.

18. Someone whospends way too much time on their phonein a social situation instead of being present.

19. People who use the“reply-all”option to respond to a work email.

20. People who refer to themselvesin the third person.

21. People who slam their feet on the ground when they walk or any type ofloud walker.

22. Whenadults talk like teenagersand say outdated slang like “dude.”

23. Whenmen think they are flirting, but they are really justbeing creepy.

24. People whoblock the door on an elevatorand don’t move out of the way.

25. Anyone whoclaps when the plane landsor at the end of a movie.

26. When someone doesn’tturn off their phoneat a movieor at least put it on silent.

27. Someone who tries topush their fad dietonto you. Sorry friend, pizza is too great to give up.

28. Someone whoresponds to texts withonlymemesor emojis.

29. People whosmack their gumor blow gum bubbles in front of you.

30. Someone who uses“literally”in a non-literal situation.

31. When a co-workercc’s your bosson every email they send you.

32. Anyone who says “you should have been there”to rub in the fact that you weren’t there for all the fun they had.

33. People whouse lots of hashtagson an Instagram post. #annoying #petpeeve

34.Bad grammaris the worst, especially when people use “your” in place of “you’re.”

35. People who alwaystalk while chewingtheir food, or chew with their mouths open.

What are your pet peeves? Find out in this post.

Funny Pet Peeves

36. It’s always theknow-it-allswho never seem toknowwhen to stop talking!

37. When no one responds all day, but as soon as you hit the hay, you’re hit witha million texts.

38. Finding out the personwho never texts you backalways has their phone in their hands.

39. When you have to get experiencebefore you can get experience.

40. The onewet spot on the kitchen floorseems to always find you when you have socks on!

41. Definition of ahypocrite:someone who conveniently forgets everything wrong with them in order to reveal what’s wrong with you.

42. Having to have patience forimpatient people.

43. Seeing movies withpeople who quote the linesas they happen. It’s like seeing the movie twice, at once!

44. When like, people like, always likesay like, like all the time.

45.Parents trying to be cool. The ultimate oxymoron.

46. When kids get toeat pizza and chicken nuggets,but it’s cheating when adults do it.

47. Whencustomer servicetells you that your call is “really important to us,” but then you have to listen to forty minutes of elevator music.

48. When the middle of my sentenceinterrupts the start of yours.

49. Why can’tshampoo and conditionerrun out at the same time?

50. I hate it when people call mea dumb blonde,it really gets on my pet peeves.

What are your pet peeves? Find out in this post.

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Pet Peeves in Relationships

51. There’s nothing worse than a partnerwho’s unreliable,never picks up the phone, or is always late.

52. When he or she constantly compares your relationship to other people’s.

53. When your partner is clearly upset butthey just say “I’m fine.”

54. Having a partner who usesthe silent treatmentto win a fight or get their way.

55. Some people are non-confrontational, but it’s never great when your boyfriend or girlfriendwalks away in the middle of a fight.

56. When people assume thatyour partner’s opinionsare the same as your own.

57. Whenyour partner speaks for youwhen someone asks you a question.

58. Noticing that your partneracts differently around their familyor friends than when it’s just you and him or her.

59. When they are a little bittoo close with their last ex, or worse, all of them.

60. When your partnerovershares about youto their friends. Some things should be kept between the couple!

61. A partner who gets upset about alone time. Sometimes you just need some space.

62. When one person in the relationshipmakes all of the decisionsas if their partner doesn’t have autonomy.

63. Watching your significant otherbeing rude to someonecan feel like your responsibility. The secondhand embarrassment can be overwhelming.

64. When your boyfriend or girlfriend is beingpassive-aggressivebut won’t tell you what’s on their mind.

65. A partnerwho doesn’t know how toapologizeor never admits to doing something wrong.

66. Someone who isalways jealousof your same-sex friendships.

67. Partners whomake ultimatumsto get their way.

68. People who go out of their way totry to significantly change their significant other.

69. When your significant othercompares you to an exin a fight. Some things should be off-limits.

70. A boyfriend or girlfriendwho refuses to ask for helpeven when they need it.

71. Hearing“I told you so”when you admit to being wrong.

72. When yourun out of hot waterbecause they take too long in the shower.

73. When they don’tclean up after themselvesand expect you to do all the work.

74. When youeat healthily but they don’t, or when you don’t eat healthily and they do.

What are your pet peeves? Find out in this post.

Weird Pet Peeves

75. When someonefarts in publicand doesn’t acknowledge it. Reveal yourself!

76. People whohave dirt under their fingernails.Do you wash your hands?

77. People who just can’t seem tosit still.

78.Repetitive noisescan be so annoying, like when someone clicks their pen over and over.

79.Stickers on fruit.They always seem to haunt you weeks later, stuck on something totally random.

80. People whomutter under their breathwhile they read or look at their phones.

81. The sound and feel ofpebbles when you walk on them.

82.Whistlingmay be cheery, but gosh, it can be so annoying.

83. Some people hate it whendifferent foods touchon the same plate.

84. Breathing is a natural part of life, but a huge pet peeve is when peoplebreathe too loud.

85. The sound ofopening plastic candy wrappers.

86.排队,the person behind you is way too close.You move up, they move up. You move up again, and there they are breathing in your ear.

87. When peoplestop at the closest gas pump,effectively blocking the next one.

88. Thegoosebumps on your legsafter you shave them.

89. Anyone who speaks in ahigh-pitched voice when talking to dogsor babies.

90. People whoabbreviate every wordin their text messages.

91. When peopleleave belongings in the passenger seat.Should I sit in the backseat?

What are your pet peeves? Find out in this post.

What are your pet peeves?

We often encounter these little everyday annoyances, but some pet peeves are worse than others, leaving your whole day to ruin.

Fortunately, many of thesebothersome behaviorsare so common that we have the option to commiserate together. Pet peeves are great fodder for a venting session among friends or bonding with a new acquaintance.

There’s nothing more relieving than finding out your friends hate the exact same thing as you. You know what they say: if you can’t beat ‘em, complain about them!

You're not alone with your pet peeves. Here's our list of the top pet peeves that will drive you crazy.