Quiz: Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert? Decode Your Personality + 9 More Quizzes To Try

Are you an introvert or extrovert?

I’m sure you’ve been asked this question before, but it can be tricky to answer.

Sometimes you may feel like you’re outgoing, while at other times, you may feel burnt out.

And while it’s natural for us to feel more or less social at certain times, we usually have overall leanings.

So if you’re ready to learn if you’re anintrovert, extrovert, or ambivert, here is a 20-question quiz and other top-notch options that can help you decode your social personality.

What’s in this post:

Why You Should Take An Introvert-Extrovert Test

Taking an introvert-extrovert test, like taking any other personal-development quiz, is a great way to learn more about who you are.

It’s easy to make assumptions about our lives when we don’t take time to reflect.

However, quizzes help us to see our blind spots and consider the information we weren’t paying attention to.

Here are some additional benefits that this type of quiz can provide:

  • A better sense of self-awareness:The fundamental benefit of taking a quiz and learning about yourpersonality typeis that it will help you know more about yourself. Not just the personality you exhibit in the world but your inner beliefs, values, and desires.
  • Level up your career path:Our jobs take up most of our time, so it’s important to ensure we’re doing something we like. Taking a personality quiz and realizing you may be more or less introverted than you thought can really help you to adapt your career to your temperament and social needs.
  • Less stress:A social occasion or two isn’t a big deal for an introvert on occasion, but it can lead to anxiety if it becomes a regular occurrence. Learning about our needs asintrovertedor extroverted people permits us to take the space (or social time) we need to feel balanced, resulting in less stress and a more relaxed life.
  • Personal growth:Extroverts, introverts, andambivertshave strengths and weaknesses. By identifying where we fit on this spectrum, we discover the areas we need to work on to become more well-rounded.

In addition to these benefits of a personality test, it’s also just a great way to have fun and learn about yourself.

So let’s get started!

Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert? Decode Your Social Personality with This Engaging Quiz

This quiz consists of 20 questions designed to help you reflect on your introverted andextroverted tendencies. Each question presents two options.

These are not necessarily binary opposites but indicate different ways of responding to or experiencing various situations.

woman sitting on rock at sunset introvert or extrovert quiz

当n you read each question, consider how you usually feel or what you typically do in similar situations. Keep in mind – there are no right or wrong answers.

This quiz is not about passing or failing but about self-discovery and discerning your preferences and inclinations.

To respond to each question, choose the option ‘a’ or ‘b’ that best reflects your behavior, feelings, or preferences in most circumstances.

Try not to overthink your answers; instead, go with your first instinct that aligns with your typical behavior or feelings.

1. After a long day of work, you prefer to:

a) Hang out with friends or attend a social gathering.

b) Spend some quiet time alone or with a close companion.

2. You are at a party with lots of new people, and you:

a) Enjoy meeting new people andmaking friends easily.


3. In your free time, you would rather:

a) Try a new group activity or sport.

b) Read a book or watch a movie at home.

4. When it comes to decision-making, you:

a) Consult with others and consider their input.

b) Reflect on it in solitude and then decide.

5. You feel more energized when:

a) You are in a lively, bustling environment.

b) You are in a quiet, serene environment.

6. In a group discussion, you:

a) Usually take the lead and enjoy sharing your ideas.

b) Listen more and share your thoughts when asked.

7. When working on a project, you prefer:

a) Collaborating with others as a team.

b) Working alone or with a small, familiar group.

8. You would describe yourself as:

a) Outgoing and sociable.

b) Reserved and quiet.

9. When you are in a crowded place:

a) You feel excited and stimulated.


10 You express your thoughts and feelings:

a) Freely, often as soon as they come into your head.

b) After careful thought and introspection.

11. You feel comfortable:

a) Being the center of attention.

b) In the background or sidelines.

12. In a disagreement, you:

a) Speak up and state your perspective openly.

b) Prefer to avoid conflict and keep your thoughts to yourself.

13. You prefer work environments that are:

a) Busy, dynamic, and interactive.

b) Quiet, with opportunities for independent work.

14. Your best ideas come to you when:

a) You are in a group brainstorming session.

b) You are alone, with time to think.

15. You prefer communicating via:

a) Face-to-face or video calls.

b) Texts or emails.

16. You handle stress by:

a) Talking it out with others.

b) Reflecting on it alone or engaging in solitary activities.

17. When it comes to trust, you:

a) Open up easily to people.

b) Take time to trust others and open up.

18. You are more drawn towards:

a) Multiple light and casual friendships.

b) Few but deep and meaningful friendships.

19. At work or school, you are more likely to:

a) Participate actively in group discussions or meetings.

b) Listen quietly and prefer one-on-one discussions.

20. Your ideal vacation involves:

a) Exploring new cities, attending events, and meeting new people.

b) Relaxing in a serene location or exploring nature.

group sitting a table outdoors introvert or extrovert quiz

Scoring Your Quiz

Tally your score following the points assigned to each response: 1 point for every ‘a’ answer and 2 points for every ‘b’ answer. Refer to the score interpretation provided below to discover your tendencies towards introversion, extraversion, or ambiversion.

Remember, this quiz is a fun and interactive way to reflect on your personality and shouldn’t be used as a definitive diagnosis. Everyone is unique and might not strictly fit into these categories. If you want to get a deeper grasp of your personality, consider consulting with a psychologist or a licensed professional.

20-30: Predominantly Extroverted tendencies

You seem to draw energy from the company of others and thrive in social situations. You likely find comfort in freely expressing your thoughts and feelings and do not shy away from being the center of attention.

You likely have a wide social circle and enjoy meeting new people, participating in group activities, and actively engaging in group discussions. Your decision-making may often involve consulting with others and considering their perspectives.

You might prefer collaborative projects and a dynamic, interactive setting in work environments. You are inclined to handle stress by talking it out with others and might feel excited and stimulated in bustling environments.

Your ideal vacation likely involves exploring new places, attending social events, and interacting with a variety of people.

31-40: Ambiverted tendencies

Your personality traits appear to balance introverted and extroverted tendencies, making you an ambivert. Depending on the situation, mood, and context, you can adapt to enjoy solitary activities or engage in social interactions. You might be comfortable both in quiet and stimulating environments.

当n it comes to expressing thoughts, you can do so freely at times, and in other instances, you may prefer to reflect on it in solitude. Your social circle may be diverse, with a mix of deep and casual relationships.

In decision-making and handling stress, you might alternate between introspection and seeking advice from others. Your work style likely varies between collaboration and independent work, depending on the situation. Your vacation preferences could range from relaxing getaways to adventurous explorations.

41-50: Predominantly Introverted tendencies

You seem to draw energy from solitude and might need time to recharge after social interactions. You tend to prefer quiet, minimally stimulating environments and might feel drained after spending time in crowded places.

当n it comes to expressing your thoughts and feelings, you likely take a more reflective approach, considering your thoughts carefully before sharing them. In a social setting, you might prefer sticking with a close circle of friends and tend to develop a few deep and meaningful relationships rather than numerous casual ones.

In decision-making, you likely depend more on your personal reflection and consider others’ perspectives when you deem necessary. At work or school, you probably prefer independent tasks or working in small, familiar groups and might participate less in group discussions but prefer one-on-one discussions.

You likely handle stress through solitary activities and introspection. Your ideal vacation might involve relaxing in a serene location, exploring nature, or other activities that allow for introspection and rejuvenation.

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Introvert vs. Extrovert Quiz: 9 Other Tests You Can Try

Are you ready to dive in and learn where you fit on the social extroversion scale? These nine quizzes will help you to better understand yourunique personality, so you can make the most of it in social situations.

1. TED.Com: Are You an Extrovert, Introvert, or Ambivert?

The popular and longstanding TED platform has been providing insightful and educational opportunities to find out more about the self for over a decade. And now they’re offering an online personality quiz that can help you to see how outgoing you are socially.

This quick and easy test is only ten questions long and has plenty of visual prompts to keep you entertained along the way. It also shows you the answers everyone else has selected so you can learn about people’s preferences along the way.

2.PsychCentral: Am I an Introvert or Extrovert?

Psych Central simplifies complex psychological concepts into an orderly database of helpful articles, making it easy for browsers to look up a variety of mental health conditions. And they also offer a ton of insightful quizzes that can help you know more about yourself.

You can discover more about extroversion and introversion and access other personality type surveys too. This quiz will help you to discern where you exist along the scale and help you to make decisions that are well suited to your social liking.

3. Sparknotes: Introvert vs. Extrovert Book Quiz

对你的人格类型,独特的视角check out this quiz from Sparknotes. This platform is well-known for providing book summaries for quick reference. But they also include fun activities to grasp how your reading preferences relate to your temperament.

This quiz will ask you to choose a popular 20th-century novel, a book made into a television show, and other beloved classics to determine if you’re more of an introvert or extrovert.

4. Introvert Dear: Introvert/Extrovert Test

Introvert Dear’s introversion vs. extroversion test is more in-depth than other options, with 21 selective questions that can help pinpoint where you lay on this spectrum. Many of the questions are situational to gauge what social situations feel the most comfortable to you.

In addition to providing you with insight into your social leanings, there’s plenty of additional information, including tendencies of each type of personality, so you can see if the results feel right for you.

5. Psychology Today: Extroversion Introversion Test

Psychology today stresses the importance of understanding your personality type in order to fully understand what social situations, career choices, and lifestyle preferences that will work for you.

They’ve made a 25-minute long extroversion introversion test consisting of two types of queries. One set of questions will ask how you see yourself, while the second set of questions will ask what you would do in various situations.

Upon completing the quiz, you’ll get a summary and a visual graph showing your social leanings. And if you want to dig even deeper into understanding your results, you can purchase a complete analysis for $6.95.

6. Type Match App: Introvert or Extrovert Quiz

If you’re a fan of theMyers-Briggspersonality typing system, this introvert or extrovert quiz is a great fit. Within the Myers-Briggs philosophy, introversion doesn’t necessarily indicate a social personality. Rather, it means that a person is internally focused and thinks things through in their head instead of talking things through with others.

This more flexible approach to understanding extroversion and introversion is especially helpful for people who identify as “ambiverts” and want to learn which type of personality they lean more towards despite how social they are.

7. ProProfs: What Level Of Extrovert Or Introvert Are You?

The ProProfs website provides hundreds of entertaining and educational quizzes, ranging from self-improvement to pop culture to fashion. Their introversion vs. extroversion quiz asks ten situational questions with six in-depth answers to choose from for each question. This allows you to really find a response that works for you, resulting in a more accurate outcome.

Another cool part about Proprofs’ quiz is that it tells you what “level” of extrovert or introvert you are. For example, you may be outwardly social but get more energy from quiet moments alone. So we love how this quiz honors the spectrum between these two personality types.

8. Next Big Idea Club: The “Quiet” Quiz

The Next Big Idea Club is a popular site that curates a monthly non-fiction book club. So it’s natural that the site would also include a bunch of helpful resources that help individuals to better understand themselves.

Their quiet quiz is formatted a bit differently than others on the list. There are 20 true/false questions that total up to give you your results. Questions range from “I don’t really enjoy multi-tasking” to “I usually tend to think before I speak,” so make sure you choose which one feels right for you.

9. Psychologies: Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert?

Psychologies is a popular UK platform that features plenty of resources when it comes to physical well-being, emotional wellness, career advice, and relationship support.

They also offer dozens of thoughtful quizzes that are actionable and help readers to make positive changes in their life.

Their introvert vs. extrovert quiz asks 14 in-depth questions that deserve quiet time for reflection. Your results will come with a comprehensive explanation that helps you to better understand your type, and the quiz also gives you the option to check your answers once you finish the quiz.

How to Use Your Results of These Introvert and Extrovert Quizzes

Once you’ve taken one or several of the above quizzes, you’ll have a pretty good idea of where you lay on the spectrum of social outwardness vs. inwardness. Firstly, it’s important to remember that there’s no such thing as a “good” or “bad” result. Furthermore, there’s nothing wrong with being somewhere in the middle.

People who exhibit both introversion and extroversion in their lives are known as “ambiverts,” and these people are a balance of both traits.

Here are a few ways that you can optimize your quiz results:

  • Lean into your strengths:If you’re an introvert, don’t pursue jobs, communities, or a lifestyle that surrounds you with people all of the time. On the other hand, don’t isolate yourself if you’re more on the social side. Stick to environments that give you energy, and you’ll perform optimally and enjoy your life more.
  • Understand your communication style:Communication is crucial in life, whether you’re a person of many words or very few. Discover how your personality type influences your connection with others. The more you know about your communication type, the better you’ll be able to understand both your own needs and the needs of others.
  • Find hobbies that bring you joy:Instead of trying to cram yourself into a box and do things thatotherpeople enjoy, focus on activities that align with your desires. Extroverts may enjoy connecting with a social group, such as a hiking group or cooking club, while introverts may enjoy starting solo creative projects or diving into a series of books in the evenings.
  • Be empathetic to others:It’s important to remember that everyone has a unique way of seeing and dealing with the world. By stepping into another person’s shoes, even for a moment, we can understand how social situations affect them and adjust our approach accordingly.

Final Thoughts

当ther you’re an introvert or an extrovert, know that each personality type has its own strengths and weaknesses. But the only way to start making the most of your traits is by understanding yourself first.

所以上述一个或几个测验和see what comes up. By doing this, you’ll be able to take full advantage of your personality type and develop a more meaningful relationship with yourself and the people around you.

Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert? Take our quiz to understand your personality type and explore 9 more online personality quizzes.