99 Of The Best Ways To Be More Outgoing

Can you think of the last time you initiated conversation at a party or asked an acquaintance to go out for coffee?

If you can’t, it might be time to put more effort into being outgoing.

A recent study found thatbeing outgoingin your youth can lead to a greater sense of happiness as you age.

的results of the study showed that people who were friendly and sociable in their twenties ended up beinghappierwith their lives over the following 40 or 50 years.

But how can you just change from being areserved personto being more gregarious andsocially skilled?

的re are a few steps you can take to get started, which is the hardest part.

If you’re wondering, “How do I stop being quiet” when everyone around you is engaged in lively conversation, help is on the way.

Being outgoing doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but putting yourself out there doesn’t have to be so scary.

99 Tips On How To Be More Outgoing

You may be facing a specific obstacle that is motivating you to want to learn how to be outgoing.

We have broken up our tips into categories so you can focus on what is most important to you.

How to Become More Outgoing and Confident

1. Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Bring yourself out of your comfort zone on purpose to start getting used to it. Try acting like you think someone who is very outgoing would act.

2. Don’t Put So Much Pressure on Yourself

It is critical to keep in mind thatsmall talkdoesn’t have to be anything aside from pleasant. It is just a connection between human beings, so don’t take it too seriously.

3. Make Eye Contact

If you are with someone, try to make as much eye contact as possible. Once you’ve established this connection, give the other person friendly smiles for the duration of your interaction.

This can help you if you are trying to foster a relationship or if you are already in one and you want to maintain a positive connection.

4. Watch Your Body Language

Your nonverbal communication can say a lot about you. Having openbody languageshows that you’re interested in the other person.


When you’relisteningto your partner, show that you are interested in the conversation.

Look at them as they are talking and focus on what they’re saying.

点头,像“是”whi使用短的表达式le smiling are good ways to show that you’re engaged in the conversation.

6. Say “Yes” More Than “No”

If you tend to say “no” to invitations to do something fun and spontaneous, try to say “yes” even if you don’t want to.

7. Notice How You Feel

Once you see that it doesn’t hurt you to be talkative and open, you are more likely to naturally do it.

8. Initiate Plans

Rather than sitting back and waiting for your friends to ask you out to do something, plan some fun dates and take the initiative to ask your friends out.

9. Offer to Help

If you know your partner has a tough day coming up or is unusually busy at work, offer to help take some of their stress off by running an errand for them or making dinner.

10. Show Off Your Interests

Engage your partner or friends in the things that you are particularly interested in. This can be as simple as showing them how to cook your favorite meal.

11. Offer to Host Friends for Dinner

Doing this will help you get to know your friends better, and it will show that you are willing to put yourself out there.

Sometimes being in your own familiar surroundings increases yourconfidenceand allows more of your personality to surface.

12. Let Your Partner Know What You Want

Be vocal about what you want and when you want it.

的more you practice being outspoken, the better. Plus, the more confident you are, the more communicative you will be.

13. Forget Negative Experiences

People seem to give more weight to negative situations than positive ones. If you want to be more outgoing, you have to always look on the bright side and recognize when things go well.

14. Give People a Second Chance

If you go out with a new friend or on a date and it doesn’t go well, give the person asecond chanceinstead of shutting it down completely.

15. Maintain Old Relationships

It is important to create new relationships, but this is always easier if you have the support and backing of your long-time friends.

16. Take Risks

You’ll have to put yourself in situations that are uncomfortable — and be ready to face rejection.

17. Relax

People often think that every word they say has to be significant, smart, or clever. This isn’t true.

18. Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes

Learn from them!

19. Accept Your Flaws

Your flaws make you more human and likable.

20. Read the Body Language of Others

In addition to paying attention to your own body language, read the body language of others and mirror them.

21. Focus on the Other Person

Instead of focusing on how you may be coming across, focus on the connection you are making with your partner or friends.

22. Be Courteous

Even if you are in a relationship, you have to remember to have good manners. Common courtesies areattractive and appealingto everyone.

23. Restate What You Heard

Mirroring what your partner says will clarify what they want to communicate so you completely understand the intent. It also shows your partner that you are actively listening.

women talking, how to be more social

24. Find an Activity

If the conversation has stalled, suggest doing something like going bowling or just taking a walk. As you enjoy the activity, you’ll both find more to say.

25. Weave in Stories

Share interesting stories with your friend or partner from your life to involve them in your conversation. Your stories help build rapport.

How to Be More Social and Outgoing

26. Start Small

Be aware of your shyness and start with small steps such as smiling to strangers or offering to help someone who looks like they could use a hand.

Mastering these small steps will help you move on to larger endeavors.

27. Say “Thank You”

Next time you check out at the coffee shop, make eye contact, smile, and say “thank you.” This gesture will help you get used to interacting with other people a bit more.

28. Pay Attention to What Excites the Other Person

Pick up on cues regarding what the other person wants to talk about and go with it.

If you want to talk about one thing and they are dead set on talking about something else, just play into it and consider it a chance to learn about their topic.

29. Invite Friends Over

Invite people to come over to your house for a game night or dinner party. Be welcoming and inviting so other people will be more likely to feel like you value them.

30. Dress the Part

Dress in a way that makes you feel confident. This will help you feel less awkward.

31. Introduce People to Each Other

Part of becoming more friendly and open is helping other people feel comfortable as well. Spread the love by making an effort to introduce other people to each other.

32. Practice Your Smile

People can spot the difference between afake smile and a real smile. Practice in the mirror.

33. Challenge Your Inner Voice

You may have a voice in your head that is urging you against going for what you want, but these thoughts are based on inner fears, not facts.

34. Set Realistic Goals

Changing yourself takes time. Set reasonable goals for yourself and remind yourself that it is ok if you have a setback every now and then.

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35. If You Don’t Want to Go Out…Go Out

的best times happen when you have to convince yourself to go out. It is easy to go home after work, but the best way to improve yourcommunication skillsis by putting yourself out there.

36. Force Yourself to Change Your Behaviors

It is difficult to change your behaviors, especially if what you’re aiming to do doesn’t come naturally. Force yourself to get out there.

37. Acknowledge People You Often See

You probably see some of the same people on a regular basis but fail to acknowledge them. To become more unreserved, start acknowledging the people you encounter more often.

38. Confront Self-Limiting Beliefs

Face your beliefs that you can’t be outgoing, and let other people get to know you by being open to them.

39. What is Holding You Back?

Think about why you feel uncomfortable around new people.

Did you have a bad experience?

Do you fear rejection?

Pinpointing the reasons will let you take action to overcome them.

40. Remember Your Confidence

Remind yourself that you are confident and have important things to say.

41. Show Genuine Interest

When you meet a new person, cultivate an interest in them be asking interesting questions.

42. Aim to Meet Someone New Every Week

Setting this goal will force you to take the initiative and find newways to meet new people.

43. Use Positive Statements

When talking to people, avoid mentioning negative subjects and focus more onpositiveuplifting topics.

44. Remember That Not Everyone Is Thinking About You

It can be easy to think that everyone is staring at you or judging you, but people are more likely wrapped up in their own business.

45. Give a Firm Handshake

Doing this will show that you have confidence.

46. Be Present

Avoid checking your phone or looking around if you are talking to someone else.

47.取Mental Notes

This way, when you come back and talk to the same person again, they will know that you were listening because you will be able to recall some things they told you.

48. Embrace Awkward Silences

Silent gaps are a normal part of a conversation. Instead of forcing yourself to say something that may come out wrong, wait a few moments and a new topic of conversation will arise naturally.

49. Make Friends with Socially Skilled People

的more time you spend with them, the more you can learn.

How to Be More Outgoing and Talkative

50. Get Comfortable

Don’t put yourself in situations where your quiet demeanor will work against you. Instead, choose a more intimate setting to chat with a small group of people.

51. Ease Your Way In

Ease yourself into your chosen smaller group settings to get used to speaking up and being outgoing.

52. Introduce Yourself

Look for someone who is also struggling with being conversational and introduce yourself.

By talking to someone who is even more reserved than you are, it will boost your confidence and bring out your more sociable side.

53. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Focus on open-ended questions that invite other people to respond with more than just a “yes” or “no.”

It will be easier to start up a conversation with someone new if you ask them to share something about themselves.

54. Relate

Try to relate to whatever the other person says. Maybe you share a similar experience with them or are interested in their career or background.

55. Look for a Common Interest

Conversationsbetween people often revolve around what they have in common.

Probe for things you share with another person, such as a mutual friend. This will open up more topics to discuss.

56. Practice with Coworkers

If you have a job, then you probably already have a built-in group environment.

Find the place where people congregate to chat, such as a break room or a specific person’s office, and join in.

57. Join a Club

If you aren’t confident approaching other people at parties or get-togethers, join a club that revolves around a particular interest.

This will give you a chance to interact in a small-scale setting with people who share a common interest.

58. Give Compliments

Make a point of finding something in the people around you to compliment. At the grocery store, tell the cashier you appreciate her friendly demeanor.

If you’re at a party, tell someone how much you like what they are wearing. Nothing opens the door to friendly conversation more than genuine admiration and praise.

59. Read the News

Stay up on current events so you will always have something relevant to talk about.

60. Just Say Hello

This is the hardest part. Then after that initial hurdle, it becomes much easier.

61. Imagine the Person is Already Your Friend

It will be easier to talk to someone if you pretend the person is already an old friend.


Use your hands and gesture as you are talking to make the conversation more engaging.

63. Use Humor

Laughter helps people warm up to each other.

64. Don’t Bore People

Leave out any unnecessary details of your stories. You will likely lose someone’s interest in these.

65. Help New People Feel Included

Be the person to welcome someone new into your conversation and aim to learn something new about them.

66. Ask for More Details

Doing this can easily keep a conversation going. Say something like, “Tell me more about that.”

67. Be Open for a Debate

Debates make conversation fun and enlightening. Just don’t allow the debate to devolve into an uncomfortable disagreement.

68. Ask for Opinions

This is a great conversation starter. “What did you think about last night’s game?”

69. Don’t Eat Alone

At a gathering, meals and appetizers are perfect conversation starters. Try to find someone who is also looking for company and sit down with them and start interacting.

70. Position Yourself Better

When at a party or group event, stand in the center of the room and be open to conversations. Try not to huddle in the corner, even if you feel uncomfortable.

71. Notice Small Details

Notice something about your conversation partner that catches your eye or interests you, and ask him or her about it.

72. Pick Up on Non-Verbal Cues

If your conversation partner appears open and comfortable, share more openly orask deeper questionsto create a real connection.

73. Avoid Flat Responses

If someone asks you ayes or no question给出更详细的答案,邀请一个扩张nsive conversation.

74. End Statements With a Question

End your statementswith a questionto prompt the other person to share something.

How to be Fun and Outgoing

75. Keep a File

You can’t always depend on your memory to keep track of everything you find funny, but you can make a note of funny thoughts or observations that capture your attention.

Doing this will help you recognize humor and craft stories to tell others.

76. Tell Stories

Exceptionally funny people choose to tell relevant stories with humorous elements. Even if the story doesn’t end up being funny, it’s fine because the story still has a purpose.

77. Acknowledge the Obvious

If you’re clearly nervous or if you have something going on that’s visibly unusual about you, address it to get a laugh — but in a confident way. “I know the invitation said ‘black tie’, but my tux shrank in the wash.”

Vocalize what you think people are thinking. This will make you (and others) feel more comfortable, and it will show that you can make light of yourself.

78. Learn What Makes You Laugh

Laughter is unconscious, meaning it is difficult for people to produce genuine laughter on demand.

However, laughter is extremely contagious, and in a group situation, you can make other people laugh about things you think are funny yourself.

79. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Keep in mind the most embarrassing moments in your life and don’t be afraid to share them. Being open about past foibles can be hilarious.

80. Put Yourself in the Hot Seat

Self-deprecating jokes are quicker to get a laugh than jokes that are at the expense of others. Sharing interesting or funnyfacts about yourselfcan put others at ease.

81. Know Your Audience

Different people find different things funny. For some people, it’s sensationalism, but for others, it is satire.

Make sure to deliver jokes that resonate with various senses of humor.

82. Make Sure to Have Good Timing

Good timing is important because if you wait too long to work out a funny story, the moment will pass by. React quickly and strike while the iron is hot.

83. Know When to Stop

If something falls flat with your audience, don’t try to force it. Just stop and move on. In fact, make light of the fact that your joke bombed.

84. Be Observant

Many comedians have made a name for themselves by using a basic style of comedy, known as “observational” humor.

This is when you make observations about everyday situations and finding the humor in them.

的re are humorous situations right in front of our eyes that go unappreciated without someone to point them out.

85. Learn From Funny People

You can become funnier by listening to otherfunny people. Keep a note of some of the funnier things you hear other people say or do.

Even if all you do is put together your own plan based on one funny aspect of each person, you’ll be improving your sense of humor.

86. Take Humor Risks

Not every attempt at humor will be successful, and if you always wait for something you think will be a sure thing, you will likely fail.

87. Practice

没有完美的笑话或交付的方法。的only way to perfect your comedic timing is to practice. Tell jokes in the mirror to help you refine your delivery.

88. Give Yourself an Edge

Many people prefer to show only their positive side to other people, but that doesn’t foster humorous creativity.

Embrace your wacky and impulsive sides to help you be funny.

89. Find a Common Target

Humor is often criticism of a specific target (but not a person) disguised as entertainment.

的target can be almost anything, but you have to be sure that you are focusing on the right target for your audience.

90. Have a Cheery Laugh

A person who has an infectious laugh comes across as a likable and fun person to be around.

If you want to be funnier, start by making yourself appear to be a fun and likable person.

91. Read

Reading jokes and funny one-liners can give you a lot of inspiration for catchphrases to use yourself.

You don’t have to memorize what you read, just knowing what happens in a joke can help you recreate the joke when you are in a similar situation in your real life.

92. Be Mysterious

As you become funnier, people will expect you to have a funny reaction to everything that happens.

But you don’t have to continue to prove that you’re funny.

Sometimes, even if you simply crack a smile, the people around you will end up laughing, assuming you’re thinking something funny.

93. Know Your World

Be aware of the world around you.

Funny people are often funny because they are already aware of the real answers to questions about current affairs, and they bend the truth to say something funny instead.

94. Invite Others to Participate

If you’re telling a funny story, interrupt yourself to get other people’s input. Allow someone else to finish a sentence.

的best comedy leaves a little bit to the imagination so the receiver can fill in the blanks and become part of the experience.

95. Use an Element of Surprise

Hitting people with the unexpected can boost how funny you are. Try taking something typical and adding something that no one expects to get a great laugh.

96. Limit Your Jokes

的re is a difference between telling stories and jokes. A joke is a fake story that ends in a punchline, which can easily fall flat.

97. Challenge the Norm

Challenge the status quo, but be sure to select targets with universal appeal. People who are truly funny are also very smart.

98. Don’t Hold Back

Funny people aren’t shy, and they have a desire to be heard. They put themselves out there and move on if they don’t succeed.

99. Laugh With Other People

的more you laugh at other people’s jokes and stories, the more likely they will be to laugh at yours.

Final thoughts

Are you ready to work on being more outgoing and less shy?

Even if you are anintrovertor uncomfortable in group settings, you can train yourself to be friendly and engaging.

的first step is to just put yourself out there, and once you do that, choose one or two of these ideas to practice. I’m sure you realize now being more outgoing can really enhance your life.

Over time, you’ll feel increasingly comfortable being cordial, outgoing, and conversational in all situations. And you’ll find that life is more enjoyable with your new-found confidence.