19 Of The Best Hobbies For INFJ Personalities

To do your personality type justice, any list ofINFJ hobbiesshould highlight those that honor both yourcreativegenius and your desire to help others and lift them up, even when you’re feeling low (orespeciallythen).

If you’re reading this, maybe you need something to fan a low-burning flame or to remind you of what you do well and what you love.

You might also belooking for a challenge.

In any case, if you’re looking for moreINFJhobbiesto do alone, we’re glad you’re here.

看看下面列出的19个爱好学习how to get started with something new.

What Do INFJs Do For Fun?

INFJs gravitate towardhobbiesthat relate to their interests while also having a side benefit that serves something bigger than themselves.

That bigger thing might be the good of their community, the needs of people struggling with a particular pain or challenge, or the well-being of their family orfriends

INFJ interests are inextricably bound to the bigger picture, while also reflecting individual leanings and general INFJ preferences, including the following:

  • Low emphasis on competition (no losers)
  • Loner-friendly or small-group-friendly activities
  • Challenges that foster personal growth
  • Benefits to someone or to a group they care about

19 Best INFJ Hobbies

Hobbies for INFJs should bring out the best in them, asall hobbiesshould do for those who take them up.

Look through each of the 19 listed below to find those that relate to a specific leaning you might have or a particulargoalthat’s close to your heart.

1. Writing and Journaling

Cost to get started:Free with GoogleDocs; around $10 and up for aquality notebookor journal; other possible costs include Microsoft Word, Scrivener, or other writing software.

Supplies needed:Notebook orjournal,pens, writing software (free or paid), computer or tablet with a keyboard large enough for easy typing.

Time commitment:15 minutes or more per day (suggested)

Interaction with others:None required.

You can start with journaling, which gives you a place to not only express what you’re thinking and feeling but also to try new things.

Use a physical journal or a Google Doc to practice writing with prompts (fiction or nonfiction) or to simply write about what’s on your mind.

2. Reading Books

Cost to get started:Free with books you already have or can borrow

Supplies needed:Books to read

Time commitment:30 minutes or more per day (suggested)

Interaction with others:None, unless you’re in a book club

Read alone to tackle your TBR (to be read) list or make your own monthly reading list. You could also join a book club that assigns books you’re interested in trying.

As a book club member, you’ll be expected to share your thoughts about what you’ve read. But hearing other reader’s interpretations can make your experience of a book richer.

3. Drawing or Painting

Cost to get started:Around $30 for adrawing kit(pencils, paper, eraser, etc.) or$30and up for a basic set of brushes and paints plus artist’s canvases and a small easel

Supplies needed:Drawing or painting tools (brushes, pencils, pens), erasers, media (canvas, drawing paper, etc.)

Time commitment:30 minutes or more per day (suggested)

Interaction with others:None required

For INFJs who prefer hands-on art and design, drawing and painting are both great hobbies to try. They’re also fairly inexpensive to start, and you can find a variety of free tutorials on YouTube.

4. Digital Art and Design

Cost to get started:Free with Canva, but $10 and up per month for Adobe Creative Cloud design packages

Supplies needed:computer or tablet, design software or website (Canva, Photoshop, etc.)

Time commitment:30 minutes or more a day (suggested)

Interaction with others:None required.

Some creatives are drawn to graphic design. Think book covers, business logos, and marketing materials — using tools like Canva or Adobe Creative Cloud. If you enjoy graphic design, this is one hobby that could turn into a profitable side hustle.

5. Computer Programming or Coding

Cost to get started:Free with an online, open-source text/code editor (Atom.io) and free online coding instruction (Mozilla,w3schools.com, etc.)

Supplies needed:Text/code editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) likeAtom,Komodo Edit, orVisual Studio Code) and online teaching resources.

Time commitment:30 minutes or more a day for practice (suggested)

Interaction with others:None required

Aside from the online tutorials, you can also use apps likeSoloLearnandGrasshopperto learn to code when you’re away from your computer.

Udemy has video tutorials that can also be a great help. When there’s a sale, you can buy a completeweb developmentcourse for under $20.

6. Fiber Crafts

Cost to get started:Varies, depending on the chosen craft. For knitting or crocheting, you’ll spend $5 and up for yarn, plus the cost of knitting needles or crochet hooks in the sizes needed, along with a finishing needle.

Supplies needed:fabric or yarn/crochet thread, knitting needles or crochet hooks, scissors, placeholder clips, finishing needle, etc.

Time commitment:You decide.

Interaction with others:None required.

Knitting and crocheting are probably the most popular fiber crafts, as well as two of the least expensive to start. And small projects like dishcloths, hats, and scarves are easy to learn and make great gifts.

7. Deep Conversations

Cost to get started:Free

Supplies needed:None required

Time commitment:You and your conversation partner decide.

Interaction with others:You’ll be conversing with at least one other person.

INFJs love a deep and meaningful one-on-oneconversation, as well as one that stimulates their mind or challenges them in some way.

Having good talks is essential to an INFJ’s continued growth. It also gives them a chance to share what they’ve learned, so they can benefit others.

8. Dance (solo or with a partner)

Cost to get started:Free with YouTube videos or borrowed dance instruction videos

Supplies needed:Dance-friendly clothing, music, ample space for movement

Time commitment:You decide.

Interaction with others:None, unless you’re dancing with a partner or group.

Learn a new style of dance using YouTube videos or by joining a class (in person or virtual). If you’re doing this at home, make sure you have enough space to move freely.

Depending on the style of dance you choose, you may find you enjoy it more if you dress for it. And make sure you have the right music.

9. Playing a Musical Instrument

Cost to get started:the cost of an instrument (used or new); instruction is free with YouTube videos or borrowed videos and books

Supplies needed:Instrument of choice, instructional materials (videos, books, audio recordings)

Time commitment:30 minutes or more per day for practice (suggested)

Interaction with others:None, unless you’re practicing with others.

If you’re learning at home with YouTube videos using an instrument you already possess, it won’t cost you a thing. But if you want to go beyond what you can learn this way, consider paid instruction with a tutor or a class onUdemyorSkillshare

10. Spending Time in Nature

Cost to get started:Free

Supplies needed:None unless you need a set of binoculars or a better set of footwear

Time commitment:30 minutes or more a day (suggested)

Interaction with others:None, unless you want company.

It costs nothing to get outside and appreciate nature. Take a stroll down a road that doesn’t get much traffic and admire the trees, look at the variety of plants growing on the ground, and see what you can notice that you haven’t before.

“Mindful movement” in nature is a great way to restore yourself andboost your mood

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11. Online Research

Cost to get started:Free (using online search engines or the public library)

Supplies needed:Search engines, source materials (online or printed)

Time commitment:You decide.

Interaction with others:None required

You probably have a variety of interests, but some go deeper than others. With some, you have to know as much as you can learn about it.

Free search engines make it easier for people in this age to look things up and find helpful resources, both online and in print. Your local library can help you get a hold of the latter.

12. Yoga and Meditation

Cost to get started:Around $20 for ayoga mator $38+ for a meditationchair/cushion

Supplies needed:yoga mat, yoga-friendly or comfortable clothing, instruction (video, audio, app, or class)

Time commitment:10 minutes or up to 1-1.5 hours at a time, depending on whether you do this alone or with a group

Interaction with others:None, unless you join a class

More and more people are learning the benefits of yoga and meditation. Good thing it’s easy and inexpensive to get started with either one of these.

Yoga mats and basic meditation cushions are easy to come by, and there’s a type of yoga or meditation for everyone.

13. Volunteering Your Time

Cost to get started:Free

Supplies needed:None unless a particular charity requests something

Time commitment:Depends on the work you’re doing

Interaction with others:Depends on the work, but you’ll likely be interacting with others.

It costs you nothing to get started as a volunteer, whether you decide to work with animals at a shelter or with fellow humans at a community outreach program.

You probably won’t be working alone, but the people you work with already share your interest in helping others.

14. Gardening

Cost to get started:$27+ for a garden toolset, plus $20+ for potting soil/mix and whatever you spend on pots (unless you plant directly into the ground)

Supplies needed:potting soil, pots, tools/tool kit, materials for a raised-bed garden (?)

Time commitment:30 minutes or more a day as needed for planting, cultivating, feeding/watering, and removing weeds.

Interaction with others:None required.

Gardening can cost a little or quite a lot depending on what you already have on hand and how much of a garden you want. Maybe you just want to grow herbs and tomatoes on your patio. Or maybe you’re ready to finally create the raised-bed garden of your dreams.

Start with something you and your budget can manage and work from there.

15. Baking

Cost to get started:$25+ for bakeware, plus whatever you spend on tools (spatulas/scrapers, mixing spoons, whisk, rolling pin, etc.), nonstick work surfaces, and ingredients.

Supplies needed:bakeware (cake pans, muffin/cupcake tins, etc.), baking prep tools, mixer (stand or hand-held), nonstick surface (e.g.,silicon baking mat), measuring cups & spoons.

Time commitment:Budget an hour for a baking project, though many don’t take as long, and some take longer.

Interaction with others:None required.

Who wouldn’t love to have a friend who can bake the world’s best muffins, pies, or cookies? You could be that friend.

The cost of getting started depends on whether you splurge on a stand mixer. Sets of bakeware, baking tools, and mixing bowls help ensure you have everything you need.

16. Attending Cultural Events

Cost to get started:Depends on the cost of admission.

Supplies needed:Guides or calendars for cultural events in the area, tickets to specific events or performances

Time commitment:Varies, depending on the specific event.

Interaction with others:Varies, though INFJs generally prefer events that require little if any socializing

While INFJs prefer cultural events that take place in a quiet setting or with minimal socializing, that still leaves plenty of options for enrichment.

Find a copy of your local community calendar to see what’s close to home. And get to know your community and what events are especially meaningful to each culture.

17. Gourmet Cooking

Cost to get started:$22+ for a 24 pc cooking utensils set, $42+ for a non-stick cookware set or $40 for a 3-pc cast iron skillet set, plus the cost of ingredients.

Supplies needed:cookware, cooking utensils, recipes (free online), mixing bowls and serving dishes, measuring cups and spoons

Time commitment:30 minutes to an hour+ for cooking projects, based on recipes used.

Interaction with others:None required.

Sure, you can already cook some things, but have you ever wanted to try cooking the kind of thing you’d see on a plate in a high-end restaurant?

If you’ve ever watched a cooking show and thought, “Wow, that soundsinteresting。我想试试!“这可能是完美的hobby for you.

18. Gaming (Video Games and RPG)

Cost to get started:$74+ for a SonyPlaystation(with 20 classic Playstation games pre-installed) or $390 for a MicrosoftXBox One S, plus the cost of any games you buy.

Supplies needed:Gaming console with controller, games

Time commitment:You decide, based on the average length of a particular game.

Interaction with others:None unless you’re gaming with a friend

There’s a reason gaming is such a huge industry. Role-playing allows you to step into someone else’s persona, feel how high the stakes are for them, and do what they would do.

If you’re not sure you want to spend the money on a gaming console, ask a gaming friend to introduce you to theirs. Go ahead and dare them to get you hooked.

19. Photography

Cost to get started:$100+ for a digital camera (unless you prefer to use your phone), photo editing apps (PhotoScape is free; Adobe CC’s Photography package is $10/month).

Supplies needed:camera, additional camera accessories, photo editing app (like PhotoScape or Adobe Creative Cloud Photography package), photo printer, memory card/s

Time commitment:You decide.

Interaction with others:None required.

What you photograph doesn’t have to feel momentous — just important enough for you to notice and appreciate. Maybe when others see what you see, they’ll appreciate it, too.

欢迎你使用相机在你移动ph值one, at least to get started. At some point, if you get hooked, you’ll want something with more camera features.

Final Thoughs

Have you found your INFJ hobby?

Now that you’ve looked through all 19 of these INFJ hobbies, which ones stood out for you and make you picture yourself getting started — and enjoying it?

Maybe one of them reminded you of something closely-related. This isn’t an exhaustive list, after all. It’s meant to get you thinking. Even with the “F” in INFJ, you doplentyof that.

Let your intuition guide you as you consider the options that interest you most. Who knows where a particular hobby might lead you and how you’ll grow because of it?

May you enjoy the process.

People with INFJ personalities gravitate toward hobbies that relate to their interests and that serve a greater purpose. Check out our list of hobbies for INFJ personalities.