Are You An Introverted Intuitive? 11 Sure Signs You Are

你曾经有一个直觉,最终被right on point?

Or are you exceptionally talented at spotting trends or putting the pieces of a metaphorical puzzle together?

This may happen to you occasionally — or often — but some people have this happen most of the time because they are gifted with a rare personality type that allows them to think in a unique way.

INFJs and INTJs, two of the sixteenMyers Briggspersonality types, make up the smallest portion of the population — only 3-5% of the world when they are put together.

Both of these personality types are introverts, and they also share the same dominant function — introverted intuitive thinking.

However, because only a small percentage of people possess the skill set of adominant introverted intuitive type, society doesn’t function in a way that reinforces the natural strengths of this personality type.

This may cause people with an intuitive personality to become frustrated and repress their intuition to highlight more externally-rewarding functions.

But what makes an introverted intuition personality type so distinctive?

Let’s look at how the traits of this specific personality type make someone different from the rest of the population.

What Is Introverted Intuition?

Introverted intuition, also referred to as Ni, is a perceiving function that is associated with the ability to recognize how one event leads to another.

The Ni function allows people to sort through conscious and unconscious information, giving the user a vision or mental imagery of the past and future that both hold meaning.

This small population can pick up on intangible clues to see how processes or objects relate to each other.

Now, this is not some sort of magical ability, but rather it’s an ability to put a lot of puzzle pieces together correctly without even realizing that you are doing it.

Ni involves an ability to shift one’s perspective and see things in many different ways to find an underlying meaning.

Isabel Briggs-Myers, co-creator of the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality inventory, said that Ni offers unique traits, such as the ability to have insight into relationships, gain flashes of inspiration, and have a great imagination.

Carl Jung, a psychoanalyst and the founder of analytical psychology, said that Ni is directed toward areas of the unconscious.

Jung believed that people who possess this personality type don’t only consider raw, outer material. They also look deeper into the subjective images of things that make up the contents of one’s unconscious mind.

Introverted Intuition Examples

Here are some of the signs and examples you might recognize if you are an introverted intuitive:

  • People with Ni function oftenhave gut feelingsthat are extremely accurate.
  • Theynotice trendsto form a prediction of what could be and are often able to envision the future. They may not know how they came up with their predictions or why.
  • Theysynthesize and sort sensory informationto get a vision of either what will happen or to figure out something’s underlying meaning.
  • They canlook at the big pictureand put together a plan or idea that is made up of all the bits of sensory information that they take in.
  • They’re able tosee past what is right in front of themand discover what else is there that is not on the surface.
  • They thrive onunderstanding complex problemsand processes.
  • They view unconsciousimages and symbols as relevantas tangible images and data.

You may find an intuitive personality type person daydreaming often or losing themselves in the symbolism of things. They may also often ask “why” something is the way it is but then have difficulty explaining their own thoughts and feelings.

woman leaning on green wall introverted intuition

然而,他们喜欢抽象的对话,and they can find inspiration in the least likely of places.

This population often enters a whole brain, Zen-like state if they are asked to envision the future or if they are focusing on something specific without any distractions.

The introverted intuitive will especially access this state when he or she is working on solving a new problem.

Introverted Intuition INFJ

INFJs support their Ni function with their Fe (feeling function), so they can do something with the visions that they see.

铁帮助INFJs保持动力连接智慧h those around them and inspire other people using their ideas.

INFJs are distinguished because of their complex character and the surprising range and depth of their talents.

They have anintensehumanitarian outlook, and they are typically idealists. Due to their J preference for task completion, they act on their dreams.

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This combination of vision and practicality can lead to an INFJ taking a lot of responsibility in the causes to which they are drawn.

Some common traits of INFJ personalities are:

  • Complex
  • Deep
  • Private
  • Driven by personal growth
  • Live with a sense of purpose
  • Passionate and devoted to what they believe in

Introverted Intuition INTJ

INTJs support their Ni cognitive function with their Ti (thinking function) to help them create a new plan or system. Theirsignature strengthis the ability to have deep perception.

INTJs are often referred to as being masterminds because they can’t help but see how every small detail is connected.

INTJs ability to understand complex patterns and causal relationships has helped many people with this personality type achieve distinction in science, math, medicine, and similar careers.

Some commonalities among people who are INTJ are:

  • Private
  • Independent
  • Self-confident
  • Strive for perfection
  • Strategists
  • Think analytically, conceptually, and objectively
  • Recognize the reasons behind things
  • Strategists

Now that you know a little more about how to spot someone with an introvertedintuitive personality, let’s look at how to know if you might be one.

11 Signs of An Introverted Intuitive

1. When you speak, people listen.

Introvertsare comfortable with silence. They are skilled listeners and will only speak up if they have something valuable to say.

Because of this, when introvertedintuitives speak, people listen. Anyone who communicates with an intuitive introvert on a regular basis realizes that this personality type thinks things through before speaking and that their words are insightful and worth paying attention to.

This means that introverted intuitives can be great leaders. This can benefit the rest of the world because they can serve people who are seeking guidance of some sort.

2. You have great instincts.

Instead of taking things at face value like people with sensing personalities, introverted intuitives are very instinctual and can use that to gain deeper insights.

They often solve problems by jumping between various ideas, recognizing patterns, and by following their instincts.

This ability helps them gain insights that other people wouldn’t, which can be valuable in both personal and professional situations.

3. You are focused on the future.

People often turn to the past when trying to solve current problems. They try to see how the problem has been solved before.

However, introverted intuitives are open to different ideas and like to explore new possibilities. They can use their intuition to create unique solutions to old problems.

man looking at sunset over water introverted intuition

Because they are such great problem solvers, they can often find solutions to challenges and roadblocks that haven’t occurred to anyone else.

4. You are a great innovator.

Introverted intuitives are able to come up with new inventions because they think outside of the box.

They can see a problem happening and fix it, or foresee a problem happening in the future and take preventative action to invent a solution.

They can also invent new technologies and other modern-day tools that help everyone live more efficiently.

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If they are working in a business and creating a process innovation, this person will help improve the business processes and models, which will allow the business to produce a higher amount of output, have effective corporate governance, and sustainable business development.

With process innovation, employee morale improves, especially if it is implemented in a mutually beneficial way to the industry and society.

5. You can avoid mistakes.

Simply by listening to their intuition, this population can often avoid making mistakes. They are constantly aware of their surroundings and of the people around them, and they often notice if something is off.

Intuitives have a subconscious sense of awareness when something is wrong without even realizing how they know.

However, they listen to those feelings and analyze them to find a cause. Because of this, they can avoid making costly or even dangerous mistakes — and help other people in the world do the same.

6. You are not swayed by power.

Because introverted intuitives are largely focused on their own internal worlds, they don’t prioritize society’s obsession with money, power, or fame. They tend to stick to their own values and focus on more meaningful goals.

This benefits the world because they like to spend their time helping people around them rather than just focusing on themselves.

7. You accept different perspectives.

Introverted intuitives are willing to listen to other people’s perspectives. They are then able to recognize how various points of view can be bridged by common ideals.

This helps them relate to other people, even if they have opposing opinions about something.

This acceptance of other people helps serve the world because it spreads a basic level of respect and kindness around that the world desperately needs.

The introverted intuitivepersonality traitsare also effective tools when dealing with contradictory evidence. To others, two contradictory claims are not able to simultaneously coexist. One of them must be declared false.

However, introverted intuitives are able to use their innate creativity to reconcile opposites and transcending mysteries.

8. You are extremely creative.

This personality type has a strong visual element to it, meaning that these people often think in images instead of words. They are dreamers and seers who are often admired for their insights.

The visual components of Ni make these individuals extremely sensitive to beauty, whether it’s aesthetic, metaphorical, linguistic, or any other kind of beauty.

Because of this, the world has been offered artists, philosophers, and prophets that have created spectacular work for others to enjoy. They are often the catalyst for incredible works of creativity.

9. You incorporate many people’s ideas into a bigger picture.

One great leadership quality in introverted intuitives is that they can listen to the ideas of many different people and bring them all together to form the big picture.

This is great for companies who have a lot of people with very good ideas, but they can’t quite put them all to use.

If an introverted intuitive person is in a leadership role in this type of organization, they can strongly benefit the business by coalescing ideas.

10. You are a great mentor.

Introverted intuitives are great mentors because they are able to listen to other people and see the hidden meaning behind what they are saying or their behaviors.

They can reflect back on what other people are telling them in a sensitive way and give valuable further insight. They can offer a holistic perspective to people who are struggling.

11. You have spontaneous insights.

Your creativity and intuitive nature create a fertile ground for your unconscious to produce some profound insights about yourself and others.

你只需要正确的环境给你的nconscious the freedom it requires. That’s why time alone to daydream and ponder without distractions is so essential to you.

This quiet,alone timeallows you to synthesize experiences and input to produce some valuable “aha” moments.

How Do You Develop Introverted Intuition?

Because we live in a culture that venerates extroverted and rational personalities, those of us with introverted and intuitive natures can feel marginalized. We may disconnect from our true natures and even try to become more extroverted and tamp down our intuition.

But as you can see, there are many positives to your Ni traits that benefit you and those around you. You should allow your unique qualities to shine, and if you have subdued them, take some actions to further develop these qualities.

  • Stay curious and keep learning.Doing both is the best way to feed your intuitive nature and keep thosecreative ideasflowing. Ask lots of questions. Read. Listen to podcasts. All of these activities keep your imagination peaked.
  • Make time for daydreaming.Allow yourself plenty of time to process all that you’re learning and experiencing. With all of the input you’re getting, you need plenty of quiet time to synthesize it — especiallyas an introvert.
  • Listen to your intuition.Others may scoff at your “gut feelings,” but you know they haven’t misled you yet. Let your intuitive inner guide support your reasoning and critical thinking processes. The combination is a super-power.
  • Surround yourself with other Ni people.Of course, you’ll have your extroverted friends and co-workers, and there will be plenty to choose from. But you need to have a tribe of other intuitive introverts who get you and support the way you operate in the world.

Introverted Intuition vs. Extraverted Intuition

If you think you might be an intuitive, but you wonder if you’re a bit more extroverted, take a look at the differences between these two functions.

It’s important to note that both intuitive functions prefer focusing on ideas rather than more tangible elements of reality.

  • Extraverted intuitives include ENFPs and ENTPs, and they make up about 9-12% of the population vs. the more rare INFJs andINTJs.
  • Extraverted intuitives focus more on coming up with ideas rather than finding solutions.
  • Extraverted intuitives are more non-linear thinkers, whereas introverted intuitives are more linear.
  • Ni personalities look at various perspectives for one idea. Ei’s look at how different ideas are connected.
  • Ni’s try to predict future outcomes. Ei’s try to see connections in unrelated things.
  • Ei’s experiment with ideas in the outside world, but Ni’s grapple with their own ideas.
  • Ei’s like to brainstorm out loud, and Ni’s need to focus without distractions.

These clues should help you better understand where you fall on the scale between introversion and extraversion. But thisintroverted intuition testwill further clarify your personality type.

Are you an introverted, intuitive personality?

When introversion and intuition work together, it can result in unique imagery, positive solutions to problems, and innovative insights.

It is valuable to learn how to use this personality type to your advantage if you are one of the few who has it.

Hopefully, the insights provided here are valuable for making more use of your introverted intuitive muscle to gain more holistic perspective and inspire creativity.

Please take a moment to pass along this information with others who may be intuitive introverts or know someone who is by sharing this post on your preferred social media platform.

Having two personality types is the rarest in the world, and they have a heightened sense of introverted intuition. Do these personality signs describe you?