Positive Affirmations:130 Life-Changing Thoughts To Practice Daily

Do you ever wish youfelt happier and more positivein general?

Do your thoughts often revolve around things that make you anxious or upset?

Well here’s some good news: You can take control of your thoughts and improve youremotionswhen you practice positive affirmations.

Affirmations are basically a form of auto-suggestion, and when practiced deliberately and repeatedly, they reinforce chemical pathways in the brain, strengthening neural connections.

With regular practice, affirmations alter your brain so that you think differently, feel better, and reach goals more easily.

What Are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations put simply, are positive and self-affirming statements you use to challengenegative or self-sabotaging thoughts. The power of these statements is in their daily repetition, using your voice, and even writing them out (if you can) as you speak the words.

What are the most powerful affirmations? You might have noticed some affirmations change your thinking more effectively than others. Their power lies in these three essential qualities:

  • Powerful affirmations are set in thepresent— not the future.
  • They usepositivewords like “I have” or “I am” — not “I can’t” or “I won’t”
  • They’re based on what is factual ortrue— not on wishes or possibilities.

Why Daily Positive Affirmations Are Powerful

In fact, science supports the power of positive affirmations.

神经科学现在证明我们的思想可以陈ge the structure and function of our brains.

SaysDavid J. Hellerstein, M.D., a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University, “In brief, we have realized that ‘neuroplasticity,’ the ongoing remodeling of brain structure and function, occurs throughout life. It can be affected by life experiences, genes, biological agents, and by behavior, as well as by thought patterns.”

By practicing positive thought patterns (affirmations) repetitively, we actually create neuroplasticity in the area of the brain that processes what we are thinking about.

The key is repetition so you flood your brain with the positive thought.

How Many Times Should I Repeat Positive Affirmations?

While there are no fixed rules on how frequently you should repeat your chosen positive affirmations, psychotherapists likeRonald Alexanderrecommend repeating them three to five times a day.

He also suggests writing them down in a journal or saying them out loud in front of a mirror. Saying them out loud while writing also helps you internalize the message.

The Benefits of Affirmations

Repeating daily affirmations isn’t just a “feel good” exercise for making you more positive and optimistic. Affirmations have some real benefits including:

  • They reinforce yourgoalsand help you achieve them.
  • They motivate you to take positive, forward-moving action in your daily activities.
  • They allow you to focus more on positive thoughts than self-defeating thoughts.
  • They help relieve stress and anxiety.
  • They foster mental clarity and focus.
  • They help build stronger, more intimate relationships.
  • They improve feelings of gratitude, appreciation, and general happiness.
  • They work in tandem with other mindfulness activities like meditation and present moment awareness.

When practicing affirmations, choose one or two to focus on daily for several weeks.

Say the affirmation out loud in a confident voice several times a day and before you go to bed. To add more power to the positive affirmation, write it down as you speak it.

Be sure your affirmations are in the present tense, as though they are a current reality.

Can Positive Affirmations Change Negative Thoughts?

The best affirmations (the ones that share those three essential qualities mentioned earlier) influence your thinking by addressing what’s going on in your head right now.

Affirmations aren’t about fixing the past (“I should have tossed that donut and eaten a salad instead”) or securing the future (“By the time I’m 35, I’ll be rich enough to live in Manhattan.”)

They address the negative thinking that’s holding you back in the present. They challenge that thinking and introduce present-focused, positive truths you can repeat throughout the day to forge new neural pathways and create a new and improved mindset.

And if you can change your thinking, you can change your life.

List of 151 Daily Positive Affirmations:

Happiness Affirmations

1.Happinessis my birthright. I embrace happiness as my setpoint state of being.

2. I feel joy and contentment at this moment right now.

3. I awaken for the day feeling happy and enthusiastic about life.

woman outside under tree positive affirmations

4. I can tap into a wellspring of inner happiness anytime I wish.

5. By allowing myself to be happy, I inspire others to be happy as well.

6. I have fun with all of my endeavors, even the most mundane.

7. I look at the world around me and can’t help but smile and feel joy.

8. I find joy and pleasure in the most simple things in life.

9. I have an active sense of humor and love to share laughter with others.

10. My heart is overflowing with joy.

11. I rest in happiness when I go to sleep, knowing all is well in my world.

Love Relationship Affirmations

12. My partner and I share a deep and powerful love for each other.

13. I respect and admire my partner and see the best in him/her.

14. I love my partner exactly how he/she is and enjoy his/her unique qualities.

15. My partner and I share emotional intimacy daily through talking and touch.

16. I have healthy boundaries with my partner.

17. My partner and I have fun together and find new ways to enjoy our time together.

18. My partner and I communicate openly and resolve conflict peacefully and respectfully.

19. I am able to be fully myself and completely authentic in my love relationship.

20. I communicate my desires and needs clearly and confidently with my partner.

21. I want the best for my partner and easily go out of my way to support him/her.

Positive Affirmations For Success

22. I expect to be successful in all of my endeavors. Success is my natural state.

23. I easily find solutions to challenges and roadblocks and move past them quickly.

24. Mistakes and setbacks are stepping stones to my success because I learn from them.

25. Every day in every way, I am becoming more and more successful.

26. I feel successful in my life right now, even as I work toward future success.

27. I know exactly what I need to do to achieve success.

man thinking, positive affirmations

28. I see fear as the fuel for my success and take bold action in spite of fear.

29. I feel powerful, capable, confident, energetic, and on top of the world.

30. I have an intention for success and know it is a reality awaiting my arrival.

31. I have now reached my goal of _______ and feel the excitement of my achievement.

32. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day I am successful.

Positive Affirmations For Self-Confidence

33. When I breathe, I inhale confidence and exhale timidity.

34. I love meeting strangers and approach them with boldness and enthusiasm.

35. I live in the present and am confident of the future.

36. My personality exudes confidence. I am bold and outgoing.

37. I am self-reliant, creative and persistent in whatever I do.

38. I am energetic and enthusiastic. Confidence is my second nature.

39. I always attract only the best of circumstances and the best positive people in my life.

40. I am a problem solver. I focus on solutions and always find the best solution.

41. I love change and easily adjust myself to new situations.

42. I am well-groomed, healthy and full of confidence. My outer self is matched by my inner well-being.

43. Self-confidence is what I thrive on. Nothing is impossible and life is great.

44. I face difficult situations with courage and conviction. I always find a way out of such situations.

45. I always see only the good in others. I attract only positiveconfident people.

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46 Positive Affirmations For Anxiety and Stress

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Daily Positive Affirmations

46. I approve of myself and love myself deeply and completely.

47. Life is happening in this moment.

48. I trust myself and know my inner wisdom is my best guide.

49. I have integrity. I am totally reliable. I do what I say.

50. I act from a place of personal security.

51. I fully accept myself and know that I am worthy of great things in life.

52. I choose to be proud of myself.

53. I accept and embrace all experiences, even unpleasant ones.

54. I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts.

55. My confidence,self-esteemincrea,内心的智慧sing with each day.

56. My immune system is very strong and can deal with any kind of bacteria, germs, and viruses.

Positive Affirmations For Healing

57. Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health.

58. I observe my emotions without getting attached to them.

59. I nourish my body with healthy food.

60. All of my body systems are functioning perfectly.

61. My body is healing, and I feel better and better every day.

62. I enjoy exercising my body and strengthening my muscles.

63. With every breath out, Irelease stressin my body.

64. I send love and healing to every organ of my body.

hands, positive affirmations

65. I breathe deeply, exercise regularly and feed only good nutritious food to my body.

66. I pay attention and listen to what my body needs for health and vitality.

67. I sleep soundly and peacefully and awaken feeling rested and energetic.

68. I am surrounded by人鼓励and support healthy choices.

Positive I Am Affirmations

69. I am grounded in the experience of the present moment.

70. I am focused and engaged in the task at hand.

71. I am conscious that all is well right now.

72. I am grateful for this moment and find joy in it.

73. I am free of anxiety, and a calm inner peace fills my mind and body.

74. I am fully present in all of my relationships.

75.I am not my thoughts and pay attention to my actions without judging them.

76. I am unique. I feel good about being alive and being me.

77. I find deep inner peace within myself as I am.

78. I am completely pain-free, and my body is full of energy.

79. Every day I am more and more at ease.

80. I am in the present moment and release the past to live fully now

Louise Hay Positive Affirmations

81. I have already begun the healing process.

82. I am an open channel forcreative ideas.

83. It’s only a thought. And a thought can be changed.

84. Every thought we think is creating our future.

85. I am in the process of positive change.

86. I am Divinely guided and protected at all times.

87. I forgive myself and set myself free.

88. I am loved, and I am at peace.

89. Filling my mind with pleasant thoughts is the quickest road to health.

90. Every experience I have is perfect for my growth.

Positive Affirmations for Depression

91. My depression doesn’t define me. I am so much more than that.

92. I know I have within me all I need to improve my health and happiness.

93. I take conscious control of the changes I want to make in my life.

94. I can change my thoughts and make this day a good one.

95. I am responsible for the influences I welcome into my life.

96. I am stronger than any negative thoughts.

97. I allow only healthy and beneficial relationships into my life.

98. I face my challenges, and they bring me better opportunities.

99. I find and enjoy simple pleasures in every mindful moment.

100. How I feel matters, so I draw to myself more of the things that I feel good about.

Morning Positive Affirmations

101. I will be kind to others and to myself today.

102. I feel rested and ready for anything.

103. I am ready to let go of everything that isn’t serving me or those I live with.

104. I am surrounded by love and support, even when I don’t see it.

105. This day begins with hope and is full of blessings to enjoy.

106. Expect nothing, and appreciate everything.

107. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up, show up, and never give up.

108. I persevere. I am relentless. I keep going.

109. I make peace with yesterday’s mistakes and am doing better today.

110. I do something every today that helps me feel calm and restore balance.

Funny Positive Affirmations

111. When something goes wrong, I just say, “Plot twist!” and move on.

112. Life is better when you’re laughing.

113. Cry a river. Build a bridge. Get over it.

114. You have to be odd to be number one.

115. Broken crayons still color.

116. Drink some coffee, put on some gangsta rap, and handle it.

117. Some see a weed; I see a wish.

118. If you were able to believe in Santa Clause for eight years, you can believe in yourself for one day.

119. Amazing things happen when I distance myself from negativity.

120. It’s okay if some people don’t like me. Not everyone has impeccable taste.

Positive Affirmations for Meditation

121. I’m letting go of everything that weighs me down.

122. I am in control of my thoughts, my feelings, and my life.

123. I focus on breathing and grounding myself.

124. I breathe in calm and breathe out tension and worry.

125. My life has value and meaning.

126. I take things one step at a time.

127. I have nothing to prove to anyone. Other people’s opinions of me are their business.

128. I am proud of myself for how far I’ve come.

129. I deserve love, peace, health, and abundance.

130. I am exactly where I need to be in this moment.

How will you use this list of positive affirmations?

I hope you’ll use this list of positive affirmations to keep your thoughts upbeat and centered on confidence and joy.

And there are so many ways you can put them to good use:

  • Choose one affirmation daily to repeat to yourself in the mirror.
  • Write down an affirmation and keep it handy to read throughout the day.
  • Choose one affirmation to be your theme ormantrafor the month.
  • Fill a jar with affirmations and choose one randomly every morning.
  • Have your favorite printed on a t-shirt or coffee mug.
  • Use an app likeThinkUpand add your favorites to the queue.
  • Start your journal or daily planning page with an affirmation.

Decide that reading and repeating affirming words will be part of your daily life for the rest of your life.

Just like taking your daily vitamin or doing your workout, using affirmations can protect your mental and physical health and train your brain to focus on gratitude, success, and positivity.

And who doesn’t want that?

11 thoughts on “Positive Affirmations:130 Life-Changing Thoughts To Practice Daily”

  1. Dear Barrie Madam,

    Hi. I have been in a depression from last 16 years and not enjoying life at all. Depression is so routed in me even i am not able to diagnose and fix my problem area. How to enjoy life? how to set goals? how to keep my spirit high?

    With Regards,


    • Hi Amit,
      You need to go to a doctor to get treatment. That is the first step toward feeling better.

    • Dear Amit

      The most effective anti depressant is nothing but physical exercise. Make a schedule of morning or evening for at least an hour. Exercise to release as much sweat as possible. Believe me with this sweat your depression will wash away.

      Smile as much as possible.

      Sleep for at least 8 hours.

      Then see the miracle
      (can say this so confidently cause I have used all this recently and am cheerfully out of depression.)

    • Hey Amit,

      Affirmations most likely won’t be strong enough for you to recover from your depression. Would agree with the advice to see someone. There are some things you can do. Choose to send the thoughts back. Let’s say your thought is ‘Why bother, I’ll only fail’. Send it back by asking your mind ‘What if I did succeed’. Your mind may send it back but just keep doing this.

      你也可以做一些食物,affe研究ct your happiness. There’s some research around, although I haven’t studied it, that says food can help to lift your spirits.

      With affirmations, you might like to bridge the gap. If you go around saying ‘I am super happy to be alive’ your mind will most likely reject this. Try something like ‘I can choose to be happier’. Also try meditating and doing yoga asanas. Hold them for at least a minute each. This makes me feel seriously relaxed after just 5-10 minutes.

      My email is in my profile. I’d love to know how you get on! Good luck!

  2. Hi Barrie,

    This is a great, all-encompassing list of affirmations that can help people take a step closer to their ideal mindset. I’ve used affirmations on and off. For a while i had a list of them stuck to the wall of the bathroom so everytime I was in there I read them through several times. I like to chunk them down if the gap is too much. Like, if someone trys to affirm that they are happy when they are the opposite, I find it better to say something like ‘I am getting better at…’.

    Thanks again for a great list!

  3. im feeling depressed today im taking meds for my depression but my life is hard i lost my mom she passed away this summer and i miss her but she has moved on to see the heaven and god and jesus i miss her a lot though my depression has gotten worse since her passing and i need positive affirmations to overcome my depression

  4. Good one, Thanks for all the great affirmations. It would have been helpful if there was a PDF download option with all these affirmations. Because people like me will be always uploading whatsapp statuses. hehe..

  5. Hey, this is a pretty great list. I’ve been shopping around for some really good affirmations because I am committed to healing myself from quite severe symptoms of MS which are manifesting presently. I am crusading for my life here, and need good crusader tunes, or affirmations. Maybe I’ll put them to song! Yes, I like that immediately and immensely! A lot of your affirmations have more spirit than most. Quite a bit more a lot of the time! Good for you! GOOD for ME!!! I feel jazzed about using some of your affirmations and I’ve been to about six lists now and haven’t felt that way anywhere else! You’ve done a great job and given me a GREAT gift! Thank you SO much. From the bottom of my heart

  6. You will be surprised how quickly you can lift the depression with daily running. Hit the road or any open space for a daily dose of 20 – 30 mins of running. Your depression will evaporate.

  7. Folks-
    I was misdiagnosed with MS and the resulting wrongful treatment attacked my immune system completely. At one point, I couldn’t blink, was on a feeding-tube, and had no use of arms, legs or bodily functions!
    I now use a walker, ride 12 miles on my stationary recumbent bike, eat VERY HEALTHY, DELICIOUS, and what I call ‘clean’ foods- no white, processed junk. Only whole, nutritious foods that feed my brain and soul!
    I am a fan and firm believer in the power of positive affirmations and use Florence Scovel Shinn’s The Game of Life affirmation cards daily.
    Folks say I’m a miracle! I say whereas in my past I got in trouble (occasionally) for being stubborn and strong-willed, these traits are proving to be assets currently! Amen! SO DON’T GIVE UP! It ain’t over till yer feet are under the dirt!
    P.S. I am blessed with an incredible hubby and daughter and extended family!!

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