What Is Empathy And How Does It Differ From Sympathy?

Have you ever had someone acknowledge and reflect back to you what you’re feeling so perfectly that itmade you tear up?

Has someone ever taken the time to sit with you quietly in your grief and just hold your hand?

Have you ever told someone your story, shared your pain, or acknowledged your shame, and they teared up in response to thepowerful feelings you were expressing?

If so, this is the essence of empathy.

移情是觉得别人费用的能力ling. It is the capacity to identify so intimately with the emotions of another that it’s like being inside the other person’s skin.

But beyond sharing the feelings of another, it is the willingness to imagine how the other person is impacted by their emotions.

It is the conscious choice to focus on the other person’s state of mind before your own. Empathy is often the first step toward taking compassionate action for someone.

There are two types of empathy which can occur separately or together. The first is affective empathy which refers to the feelings we feel when we observe or sense another person’s emotions. For example, if you see someone crying, you will feel sad or teary yourself.

The second type of empathy is cognitive empathy. This is the ability to identity and understand the emotions of someone else.

You are able to see a situation from their perspective and understand their emotions or reactions.

What is empathy and how does it differ from sympathy?

Both empathy and sympathy are grounded in compassion and the shared commonality of feelings and experiences.

Sympathy is a feeling of care and concern for someone and the sincere desire to see that person feel better or happier. Sympathy goes beyond just pity for someone’s plight to show authentic concern for their well-being.

However, sympathy, unlike empathy, does not involve a shared perspective or sharedemotions. Empathy is more focused on personally identifying with or projecting oneself into another’s situation.

  • You might feel sympathy for someone who just lost their job, but if you never lost a job, it’s hard to feel empathy.
  • You might feel sympathy for someone who recently divorced, but it’s hard to empathize because it feels too uncomfortable to put yourself in their shoes.
  • You might feel sympathy for someone who just lost money in the stock market because you did as well, but your sympathy is grounded more in your own feelings of frustration rather than the other person’s.

To be able to empathize, it takes some imagination, effort, and often a similar experience to put yourself in another’s shoes.

Empathy involves some level of willingness to extend yourself into another person’s emotional space and sit with them there, even if it’s uncomfortable. It is a way of saying, “I understand you because I am you, and I amwilling to share your pain.”

For many reasons, empathy is harder to accomplish than sympathy. You not only have to really hear the other person without judgement, but also you must acknowledge to yourself and the other person the similar feelings you share as thelistener.

这种亲密联系和相互共享构建bridges that create trust and understanding.

Related:29 Unique Traits Of The Intuitive Empath

The connection created by empathy is healing and positive for both people, even if nothing is resolved or the pain remains.

The goal of empathy isn’t to race to a solution or answer, although at a later time it may be appropriate to help the other person uncover a solution. The goal is to ease the other’s aloneness and isolation in their plight.

For some, like highly sensitive people and empaths, feeling empathy is natural and automatic. High sensitivity is a natural trait occurring in 15-20% of the population, in both men and women.

One of the most common characteristics of sensitives is the ability to quickly recognize and experience the feelings of others. Many empaths suggest they can feel the feelings of someone close to them even if they aren’t in the same location.

Those who are not highly sensitive (which is the vast majority of people) may need to hone their empathy skills.

Most people have some natural empathy as it does play a role in our evolutionary history and can be traced to the mirror neurons in our brains. However, you can enhance your natural empathic abilities with some practice.

The question is — why would you want to do that? Why is important to refine your ability to show empathy?

The Benefits of Empathy

Empathy is a primary component in emotional intelligence and the foundation of living an honorable and meaningful life. Humans are social creatures, and the key ingredient of allsuccessful relationshipsis understanding the needs and emotions of others. Here are some other compelling reasons to practice empathy:*

  • Empathy fosters feelings of pleasure and satisfaction.
  • Empathy expands your perceptions.
  • Empathy connects and transforms your relationships and removes the blocks to action.
  • Empathy makes you more willing to help others even if it goes against your own self-interests.
  • Empathy reduces prejudice and racism and fosters understanding.
  • Empathy boostsintimacyand satisfaction in your love relationship.
  • Empathy helps in conflict resolution.
  • Empathy reduces bullying and aggression in kids.
  • Empathy promotes heroic and selfless acts.
  • Empathy balances inequality and social disparity.
  • Empathy from managers creates happier, more satisfied employees.
  • Empath from doctors promotes better health and emotional well-being in patients.

Empathy is a practice that will enrich your life and expand your experience of the world around you. By stepping outside of the cocoon of your own existence, problems, and emotions, you are connecting to a deeper, more soul-satisfying level of engagement and awareness.

Related:17 Reasons Why Being An Intuitive Empath Is A Gift

If empathy doesn’t come naturally to you, or if you’ve cut yourself off from empathy because you fear it will be too painful, you can learn to cultivate more empathy in your daily experiences with a little practice and effort.

How to Cultivate Empathy

Simply through awareness of the power of empathy and making a shift in your mindset, you’ll begin to notice yourself becoming more empathic. If you are someone with the slightest interest in personal growth, developing empathy is lesson 101 in your curriculum.

In order to expand as a person, you must be able to embrace the wide variety of life experiences — whether you experience them yourself or put yourself in the shoes of someone else experiencing them. We can’t grow if we stay isolated in the small boxes of our own lives.

Here are some ways you can begin to develop more empathy:

  • When you are with another person, try to focus your attention outwards to understand their behaviors, moods, or expressions. Be fully present and listen intently when they speak rather than being stuck inside your own head or preparing your response.
  • Don’t be too quick to offer solutions or minimize the situation or their pain. Show with your eye contact, expressions and body language that you “get” what is going on with them.
  • 反映回对方你所听到的ing them say. Allow them to feel deeply heard. This can’t be a rote repetition of their words, but a sincere reflection of the feelings behind the words that were spoken.
  • Physically mirror the other person in their body language if you can do it without it looking weird. We do this unconsciously with people we like, so try to do it intentionally to show connection.
  • Actively imagine that you are this person and that their challenge or pain is yours. Allow yourself to feel the feelings of sadness, anger, regret, fear, pain, shame, or guilt that they are feeling. It is only through feeling what others feel that we can truly empathize with them.
  • Extend yourself to talk more with people of different cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, faiths, or political persuasions. Spend time outside of your “tribe” so you can better understand where others are coming from and why they are the people they are.
  • Challenge your assumptions about others and step back from your personal prejudices. It’s hard to be empathetic when you rely on stereotypes that you can’t relate to. Step out of your comfort zone and look for opportunities to challenge your entrenched beliefs and opinions.

Havingsympathyfor another is an act of kindness and compassion. Showingempathyfor another is an act of service.

With empathy, you extend yourself to meet another where they are and stop for a while to sit with them in their suffering.

Both are necessary for your personal evolution, but empathy has the power to transform and elevate us while making the world a better place.

*Source: http://greatergood.berkeley.edu

11 thoughts on “What Is Empathy And How Does It Differ From Sympathy?”

  1. Hi Barrie,

    I absolutely love this post, thank you for sharing it.

    Empathy can feel challenging and sometimes even scary (you might have to feel really uncomfortable emotions!), but only empathy can create an emotional connection between two people (unlike plain sympathy). And an emotional connection is so rejuvenating, it’s definitely worth the extra effort!

    Thanks again. You really nailed it with this in my opinion.

  2. 一件事阻碍人们真正存在empathetic is the ability to put your own needs, wants, and feelings aside when you are in a conversation with another person. I believe you can only be fully and completely empathetic when you aren’t looking to get your own needs met or you own opinions heard during an interaction with someone else. This isn’t easy, it takes a level of self-awareness and the certainty that your needs are already met. We have been conditioned to look for our self-worth in what others think of us so there is a lot of self evaluation going on when we talk to someone; worrying if we are saying the right thing, hoping they like us, trying to prove ourselves in some way, or even trying to look powerful and competent. With all that in the way, empathy is impossible. You have to be humble enough to put the other person’s needs fully above your own. A rare trait indeed!

  3. Terrific article. Having the ability to empathize with others in their time of need is an important skill. We all need someone to understand what we are going through at some point in our lives.

    Thanks for an informative and thorough post.

    Laura Beth

  4. Hi Barrie

    This is a great article, I identify with this greatly.

    I am a sensitive soul by nature and recently read your article on HSP. I ticked nearly every trait, so on that basis it would appear likely that I am one!

    I have long noted, without really understanding why, that I seem to have a natural understanding of others moods, thoughts and feelings. The challenge that I have is that this happens all the time and I find myself constantly ‘feeling’ everyone else’s moods, often neglecting my own, sometimes to the point where I can’t think straight!

    Your words on here, along with others that I have read, have started to open my eyes to this trait (or gift) so thank you! Does anyone else out there get overwhelmed as I seem to?

    • I think you get lost when you feel other’s people feelings. To be sure I don’t think you can help them when you lose yourself. Remember that you’re not God so you will only be able to help a few… Try to help them with what you can. One thing that helps me is to be mindful about my own feelings and being aware of what’s going on in my own head.

  5. Hi Barrie,

    The Article required attentive concentration to understand the different emotions involved .One thing that will make one to feel empathy is attentive listening and that will definitely lead to emotional connections between the parties.

    Thank you for such an informative, touching and broader explanations regarding the human ability.

    We mostly focus to much on our needs

    Kind regards

  6. Hi Barrie
    This is an wonderful post. But I had different opinion about sympathy and empathy.
    I believed that sympathy is when you become one with other person pain ,that is when other person is in pain you also feel pain. If you are also in pain you can not help other person properly. Whereas empathy is when other person is in pain you keep yourself away from pain emotionally so that you are in a healthy state of mind and can take proper decision, how to help the person who is in pain. Can you comment on this please. Thanks

  7. Excellent article – and a reminder to focus on others and their needs, as well as our own.
    I particularly love your sentence ‘Step out of your comfort zone and look for opportunities to challenge your entrenched beliefs and opinions.’ I’m convinced that our tendency to divide the world into those ‘like us’ and those ‘not like us’ underlies so much of the tragedy in the world at present. By challenging that belief and choosing to look for experiences that are the same because we’re all human, the world would be a much better place. Thanks for writing this.

  8. Hi, thanks for sharing a very informative post. Empathy is knowing, feeling and understanding what the other person is going through, it allows us to create a special connection with people. Great Read.

  9. Thanks Barrie for another awesome post. it is so very amazing when you put yourself in another persons’ shoe how your attitude changes. The things that usual kept you apart will no longer be the barrier. If only we would work on being more empathetic then the world would be a much better place. Thanks for reminding us how important it is to be empathetic.

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