36 Of The Best Jobs For People Who Hate People

jobs for people who hate people

“Hold up,” you’re thinking. “I don’t actuallyhatepeople. I just like them better in small doses.”

You don’t have to be antisocial to be better suited to jobs that require little (if any) social interaction. If you’re anintrovert, social interaction drains you of energy more quickly.

And for anyfull-time job,你需要所有的能量。

If that got your attention, read on to learn about the 21 best jobs for people who hate people (figuratively speaking).

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Need to Miss Work on Short Notice? 27 Good Excuses That Bosses Will Understand

woman on phone Good Excuses To Miss Work On Short Notice

Missing work at the last minute can feel as pressured as negotiating a NATO peace treaty.

Whether someone is calling in sick, needing a mental health day, or just “literally can’t” on a given day, there are bulletproof excuses to get out of work and ways to massage the message to the managers.

The words, tone, and channels you use to ask for time off at the last minute are important.

In some cases, you’ve got the power of the law backing you up.

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21 Of The Best Jobs for People With Anxiety

man working on computer, jobs for people with anxiety

Did you struggle this morning getting motivated to go to work?

Do you have a feeling of anxiety and depression throughout your day on your current job?

Is the thought of going back to the office and doing it all again making you feel a sense of panic?

If you feel like you’re not in one of thebest jobsfor anxiety, you’re not alone. And you’re not alone with your anxiety.

More than 300 million people live in the United States, and 40 million of them suffer from an anxiety disorder like social anxiety, according to theAnxiety and Depression Association of America.

That’s a whopping 18.1% of the U.S. population or nearly one out of every five people.

Those whosuffer from anxietyknow even menial daily tasks can feel like insurmountable hurdles.

Sometimes, just getting up and going to work each day feels like a great victory for someone suffering from anxiety.

If you’re wracked with constant nerves,high-anxiety jobs should be out of the question, particularly those that involve a lot of direct customer service.

For instance, working as a server at a restaurant or a police officer in the city probably would be some of the worst jobs for people with anxiety.

But when you pick a career for people with anxiety, you might find dread of heading to the office starts to melt away — or maybe dissipates entirely.

Consider one of these low-stress, well-paying careers for people with anxiety to provide purpose without triggering agitation or panic.

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13 Perfect Jobs For Empaths With High Sensitivity

jobs for empaths

What are the bestjobs for empaths?

It’s one thing, after all, to feel what others around you are feeling; it’s a whole other thing to make the most (or at least the best) of that ability.

Being an empathdoesn’t make you more evolved ormore compassionatethan someone withless empathy.

It can, however, make you more suited to some jobs than others.

We’ve rounded up 13 goodcareers for empathsto help you find work you’ll enjoy.

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INFJ Careers: 6 To Avoid If You’re An INFJ Personality

INFJ Careers

Are you an INFJ personality type?

If so, does your career support your very unique motivations, strengths, and preferences as an INFJ?

People often choose their careers for reasons that have little to do with their personality type.

Sometimes their parents push them in a particular direction.

Many of us choose a career path because of the financial potential.

And some of us just land in a career because it was the first thing that became available after graduation.

That’s what happened to me, and as anINFJ personality type, taking a job in retail public relations when I graduated from college wasn’t a bad move, but it wasn’t the best.

There were parts of the job I loved (writing, creative thinking, brainstorming in small groups), and other parts I hated (public speaking, the competitive environment of the retail world).

While some INFJs get lucky and are able to find a career insomething they love, too many don’t love what they do. Some people actually dread going to work.

有人可能会dislike their career for many reasons, such as low pay, a bad boss, no ability to grow, long hours, lack of benefits, and stress.

Butpersonality typeplays a huge role in job satisfaction.

This is especially true for INFJs who seek more meaning from their careers than other personality types.

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22 Of The Most Powerful Keys To Success Only Smart People Know

successful woman, personal success

Do you feel know the keys to success in your personal and professional life?

Are you achieving what you want to achieve to become the person you want to be?

Successful people have a vision for their lives and a plan tomake that vision a reality.

Others look up to those who are successful and seek to emulate them, hoping that some of the success magic might rub off.

A vision of success allows you to take advantage of opportunities, foster enthusiasm and commitment, and inspire people together to work toward a common goal.

So, what are the traits that successful people have in common that other people don’t know about?

Successful people have found the right balance of charisma,motivation, andself-esteem, along with a little bit of luck and good timing.

While some people seem like born winners, most traits that successful people have can be learned with practice.

But that begins with knowing what success means for you.

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23 Meaningful And Fulfilling Jobs That Help People

women meeting, jobs that help people

You’re looking at careers that involvehelping people.

Because you instinctively know that if yourcareerdoesn’t help you become the person you want to be, the size of the paycheck won’t matter.

Helping people jobs allow you to create alegacythat prioritizes serving others rather than living a lavish lifestyle or providing a fortune for those you leave behind.

You wantmore out of lifethan to be comfortable, but you still want to earn enough to provide for yourself and the people who depend on you.

As you’ll see in this list of socially conscious career options, the twocango together.

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