我f you wonder if you reflect confident body language, stop reading for a moment.
Notice how you are sitting or standing.
Where are your arms?
What is the expression on your face?
我f someone were to walk in the room right now, what preconceptions might they make about you simply based on yourbody language?
我f you don’t think your body has a language of its own, think again. A large percentage of communication and how people perceive you comes from body language. According to agroundbreaking studyby psychologist, Dr. Albert Mehrabian, body language is 55% of communication.
Body language includes posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements. Your body language might reveal your true feelings or intentions or levels ofself-confidence.
Perhaps you feel tired, angry, bored, frustrated, or enthusiastic, but some of these might not be feelings you want to communicate in a given situation.
Do you really want your boss to read your body language that shows you are bored with his speech?
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