How To Gain Confidence and Feel Good In Your Own Skin

How To Gain Confidence

Are there times (maybe more than you’d like to admit) when you feel insecure because of your lack of confidence?

Have you worried about how to gain confidence in your personal or professional life?

Most people struggle with a loss of confidence from time to time.

But sometimes low confidence can hang around like a bad rash.

You just can’t shake the feeling that you’re missing some confidence that everyone else seems to have.

  • Maybe you feel insecure about your appearance or weight.
  • 也许你害怕你不聪明或教育ed as you think you should be.
  • Maybe you think you don’t have the social skills to meet a romantic partner.
  • Maybe you worry that you don’t have what it takes to be successful in your job.
  • Maybe you think life is stacked against you, and you don’t know how to change it.

The truth is we all have weaknesses, areas where we need to improve, and even unchangeable aspects of our personalities or appearance that can make us feel insecure.

But don’t let those insecurities drag your confidence through the mud.

You can accept your drawbacks and setbacks, improve and change what you can, and live confidently enough to find happiness andsuccess in life.

Want to know how? Read on.

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Are You Socially Inept? 25 Of The Best Ways To Know For Sure

sad girl, Socially Inept

What do you call a person with no social skills or who has difficulty making or keeping friends? Socially inept is one description that comes to mind.

When you think of someone who issocially inept, you may not think of yourself.

You probably figure since you have friends, you go out, you know people who like you, and you are good at your job, you must besocially skilled.

Otherwise, wouldn’t you be a loner?

Maybe, but here’s the thing.

People who are inept in social situations are often unaware of the fact that they are this way because it’s uncomfortable for their friends talk to them about it.

This makes sense because no one wants to risk hurting someone’s feelings, especially if it is a friend.

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33 Of The Best Small Talk Topics And Questions

people talking, small talk topics

Do you ever find yourself in that dreaded situation where you’re face-to-face with an acquaintance or stranger, and you’re forced to makesomekind of conversation?

Whether or not you were expecting to be with this person, you’re now stuck in the moment trying to come up with small talk topics and struggling to know exactly what to say.

How was your weekend? What do you think about the weather?

Do you have any plans for the summer?

The prospect of having these short conversations can lead to anxiety, as you try to straddle saying enough while not saying the wrong thing.

Let’s review some small talktopicsyou can bring up in these uncomfortable situations that will seem neither forced nor awkward.

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21 Simple But Effective Communication Techniques

business meeting, communication techniques

Do youstruggle to communicateeffectively with others — either verbally or in writing?

You may need some effective communication techniques at work and in your personal life.

Your words come out easily enough, but the consequences of those words are sometimes far from what you intended.

Communication sounds so easy.

Words come out of your mouth. Someone hears them and reacts with more words and then boom — you’ve had aconversation.

Or perhaps you had a monologue or an incoherent prattle, and you’re just not aware of it and how it impacts the other person.

Maybe one of your word exchanges didn’t go as well as you’d hoped — either because one (or both) of you didn’t understand the other’s message or because something else got in the way.

This confusion is particularly embarrassing or uncomfortable when you’re in a work setting.

  • So, how do you make sure to communicate your meaning more effectively next time?
  • How do you recognize when your communication style is off-putting?
  • What are positive communication techniques you need to learn to make your next conversation or meeting more fruitful and enjoyable?

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99 Of The Best Ways To Be More Outgoing

woman shaking hands, how to be more outgoing

Can you think of the last time you initiated conversation at a party or asked an acquaintance to go out for coffee?

If you can’t, it might be time to put more effort into being outgoing.

最近的一项研究发现thatbeing outgoingin your youth can lead to a greater sense of happiness as you age.

The results of the study showed that people who were friendly and sociable in their twenties ended up beinghappierwith their lives over the following 40 or 50 years.

But how can you just change from being areserved personto being more gregarious andsocially skilled?

There are a few steps you can take to get started, which is the hardest part.

If you’re wondering, “How do I stop being quiet” when everyone around you is engaged in lively conversation, help is on the way.

Being outgoing doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but putting yourself out there doesn’t have to be so scary.

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29 Top Signs Of An Attractive, Confident, Kickass Woman

happy woman

The一个自信的女人的迹象anare hard to miss. You definitely know one when you see her — but do you see those signs in yourself?

When you walk into a room, do youfeel confidentlike you own it?

Or do you tend to hide in the corner trying to fly under the radar or simply blend in with the crowd?

It can be hard to exude confidence as a woman, especially in our competitive, media-driven society that sends so many messages about who we are supposed to be and how we should look.

Fortunately, you can become a more confident woman by changing some of your mindsets and practicing the skills of confidence — skills that can be learned.

One thing that confident women have in common is the self-awareness to recognize their imperfections and even celebrate them.

They know their strengths, where they have room for improvement, and when to step back and let others take the lead.

You may be a confident woman in one area of your life, but signs of confidence in other areas.

So how do you become a self-confident woman in everything you do?

Let’s look at the traits that confident women often share and how you can increase your confidence to embrace just how kickass and amazing you are.

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67 Gratitude Affirmations To Rapidly Shift Your Mood

woman meditating, gratitude affirmations

If you want to start each day feeling happy andgrateful, you need your own personal collection of gratitude affirmations.

Using affirmations for gratitude — in themorningand throughout the day — can transform your mindset for the better and help youattractmore good things into your life.

Sinceregratitude has a way of changing not only yourlifebut the lives of those you influence with your words and actions.

We’ve curated this list of 67 powerful affirmations to make gratitude so easy, it becomes second nature.

Use it to create your own list for daily use.

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The 9 Best Ways To Teach People How To Treat You

friends hugging, you teach people how to treat you

The way people treat you is taking a toll on yourhealth, not to mention yourself-esteem.

You feel devalued — as if the whole universe is telling you that nothing you’ve accomplished in yourlifematters.

How do you tell someone to treat you better if you’re not sure you even deserve it?

Or if youaresure, how do you get other people to see more than yourusefulnessto them?

To begin, you need to understand how you’ve already taught others to treat you — and what you can do to teach them differently.

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