Do You Like Yourself? 9 Traits Of High And Low Self-Esteem

confident woman, characteristics of high self-esteem

Can you tell just by looking at someone that they have the characteristics of high self-esteem?

Or can you recognize self-esteem issues a mile away?

Healthy self-esteem does have a way of making itself known to others, by tell-tale signs or in ways your intuition is more likely to pick up.

Maybe you notice something different in the way a friend carries herself or you feel a certain something when your eyes meet with a confident stranger.

According to related research, those who know how to have high self-esteem are in the minority.

Before we discuss what we can do about that, we need to understand what self-esteem is and why so many of us struggle with it.

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Do You Think Before You Speak? 7 Keys To A No Regrets Conversation

think before you speak

We’ve all been there.

That moment when youspeak too quickly without thinking first.

The words that spill out of your mouth cause you instant regret.

If you had just held your tongue for a moment, you could have prevented the cringe-worthy situation from occurring.

You wouldn’t have to experience the repercussions of offending, wounding, or embarrassing someone else.

Maybe you thought you were being clever or funny with your remark.

Maybe you were angry and in the moment felt justified with your remarks. Maybe you didn’t know how the people around you would interpret your words.

Words have incredible power for good or ill. If spoken without consideration, you can do serious damage to yourself and others.

Do you pause to think before you speak to consider your words?

Often, we just say what is on our minds as soon as the thought enters our heads.

But taking just a few seconds before you speak to assess your thoughts, your mood, and your audience can go a long way in improving your relationships — as well as your own personal growth.

As Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl says, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

It is not only the actual words we speak that count, but also you must consider your tone of voice, inflection, and even your body language.

Together all of these send a clear message to your listener about your intended meaning, even if the words themselves appear benign.

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Feeling Insecure? Here’s A List Of 27 Common Insecurities And How To Overcome Them

woman feeling ugly list of insecurities

Sometimes, people talk about it like it’s a controllable,contagious disease. But insecurity isperfectly normal!

Everyone deals with it in one form or another at various points.

It comes and goes and affects us all differently.

So today, we’re doing a deep dive into the things people are insecure about.

What is thebiggest insecurityfor most of us?

Do men and women focus on different perceived faults?

Are there ways to overcome insecurities?

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21 Of The Best Self-Love Books For 2023

You probably focus a lot of your time and energyshowing love to other people— your spouse, parents, friends, and children.

And perhaps you rely on these same people to feel loved yourself. It is the approval, praise, and support of these important people that make us feel secure and valued.

Sometimes, though, we can rely too much on the approval of others to feel that sense of self-worth. We don’t feel lovable unless someone else affirms that we are.

What if you couldfind a way to fuel your lifewith the love you need without having to rely on other people?

Our ability to be fully authentic, fully actualized individuals hinges on our willingness to love ourselves and to embrace our own worthiness — flaws and all.

Unfortunately, people often struggle with this concept.

While it may sound easy to change your self-talk or pamper yourself on occasion, we are often too quick to put ourselves down or compare ourselves to others.

Aside from improving your self-esteem, developing self-love can help you rebound from adversity more quickly than you would if you have feelings of self-loathing.

You have no control what life hands you, but you have full control over your response.

People who practice self-love have more coping skills and resilience when it comes to life challenges.

One of the best ways to overcome your low self-esteem and understand the true meaning of self-love is by reading inspirational works of experts and thought leaders.

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Has Your Self-Worth Plummeted? Use These 165 Positive Affirmations For Confidence And Self-Esteem

self-confidence positive affirmations

What do you think about when you look in the mirror?

你有愉快吗ts and believe you are capable andworthy of loveand success?

Or do you pick out everything that’s wrong with you and your life?

你思考和反复告诉自己的事情become true for you and can significantly impact yourmental health.

If your negative self-talk brings you down and makes you feel insecure, positiveaffirmations的信心could help.

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13 Of The Best Ways To Avoid Being An Arrogant Jerk

How To Avoid Being Arrogant

Has someone recently complained that you are arrogant?

The news might have hurt becauseyou perceive yourself as a pleasant person.

You probably had a knee-jerk reaction to reject the feedback, but you couldn’t entirely dismiss it.

Upon furtherreflection, you recognized that you could have arrogant tendencies.

You might be wondering how do you change your arrogant attitude?

Don’t worry.

Your new level of self-awareness will make it possible to learn how to be less arrogant.

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Yes, You Are Good Enough: 21 Compelling Reasons To Believe It

Do you have a sense that you’re lacking in some essential way?

You never feel good enough, accomplished enough, attractive enough, smart enough, or whatever you believe that lack is related to .

The search for positive feedback and validation in your life feels like a unicorn hunt.

You’re just not seeing it, and perhaps it even feels like magical thinking.

Setbacks, outright failures, or that sense of going nowhere can make you wonder — are you good enough?

The absence of things that you long for, like aromantic relationship, can drag down your spirit.

You may believe that you’ll never be good enough for anything or anyone.

That is alonelyand depressing place to be.

The truth is that you are good enough, even if you don’t see it.

With some mind shifts and thought discipline, you can learn to embrace and honor your inner value and worth.

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